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Thibault Coppex tcoppex

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  • France
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tcoppex / quest3_vulkan_extensions.txt
Last active January 21, 2025 19:50
Meta Quest 3 Vulkan extensions
Device Name : Adreno (TM) 740
Driver Version : 512.797.0
API Version : 1.1.284
tcoppex /
Created March 23, 2024 12:01
Create a single file mix from a youtube playlist.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <id_de_la_playlist>"
exit 1
temp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
tcoppex / CMake.sublime-build
Created October 29, 2021 13:49
CMake "Build & Run" command for sublime-text on GNU/Linux.
"shell_cmd": "mkdir -p BUILD && cd BUILD && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build . -- -j 7 && `file $folder/bin/* | grep interpreter | sed 's/:.*//'`",
"keyfile": "CMakeLists.txt",
"working_dir": "$folder",
tcoppex /
Last active April 9, 2021 11:12
pandora’s vox: on community in cyberspace by humdog (1994)

pandora’s vox: on community in cyberspace

by humdog (1994)

when i went into cyberspace i went into it thinking that it was a place like any other place and that it would be a human interaction like any other human interaction. i was wrong when i thought that. it was a terrible mistake.

the very first understanding that i had that it was not a place like any place and that the interaction would be different was when people began to talk to me as though i were a man. when they wrote about me in the third person, they would say “he.” it interested me to have

"selector": "source.cpp",
"working_dir": "$folder",
"shell_cmd": "make -j7 Release && make RunRelease;"
tcoppex /
Created November 20, 2020 16:13
Neri Oxman's krebs cycle of creativity


255 250 250 snow
248 248 255 ghost white
248 248 255 GhostWhite
245 245 245 white smoke
245 245 245 WhiteSmoke
220 220 220 gainsboro
255 250 240 floral white
255 250 240 FloralWhite
253 245 230 old lace
253 245 230 OldLace
tcoppex / c_nostd.txt
Last active March 1, 2025 15:23
Writing C software without the standard library [Linux Edition] - Franc[e]sco's Gopherspace
Writing C software without the standard library
Linux Edition
There are many tutorials on the web that explain how to build a
simple hello world in C without the libc on AMD64, but most of them
stop there.
I will provide a more complete explanation that will allow you to
build yourself a little framework to write more complex programs.
tcoppex / DHALF.TXT
Created July 4, 2020 10:57
[1991] Everything you ever wanted to know (for the time being) about digital halftoning, or dithering.
June 20, 1991
Original name: DITHER.TXT
Original date: January 2, 1989
tcoppex / ruler_80_vs.reg
Last active April 14, 2021 12:59
Add a colored ruler on column 80 on Visual Studio
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Text Editor]
"Guides"="RGB(128,192,128) 80"