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Created September 30, 2015 08:39
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class DrinkingGame
const TAIL = 'tail';
const DRUNKEST = 'zoltan';
public function __construct(array $names, Coin $coin = null) {
$this->names = array_fill_keys($names, 0);
$this->coin = $coin;
public function getDrinkList($tosses)
for ($i = 0; $i < $tosses; $i++) {
$coinflips = $this->coin->toss();
if (self::TAIL === $coinflips[0] && self::TAIL === $coinflips[1]) {
foreach ($this->names as $name => $count) {
} else if ($coinflips[0] !== $coinflips[1]) {
return $this->names;
require_once "DrinkingGame.php";
class DrinkingGameTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
private $coin;
public function setUp()
$this->coin = $this->getMock('Coin', ['toss']);
public function testNoTossesAndNoPeopleGetEmptyList() {
$drinkingGame = $this->getDrinkingGame([]);
$drinkList = $drinkingGame->getDrinkList(0);
$this->assertEquals([], $drinkList);
public function testWithPeopleButNoTossesGetsPeopleListWithZeroDrinks()
$drinkingGame = $this->getDrinkingGame(['lassi']);
$drinkList = $drinkingGame->getDrinkList(0);
$this->assertEquals(['lassi' => 0], $drinkList);
public function testTwoTailsEveryoneDrinksOne()
$drinkingGame = $this->getDrinkingGame(['lassi', 'eralp']);
$drinkList = $drinkingGame->getDrinkList(1);
$this->assertEquals(['lassi' => 1, 'eralp' => 1], $drinkList);
public function testTwoDifferentZoltanDrinksOne()
$drinkingGame = $this->getDrinkingGame(['zoltan', 'eralp']);
$drinkList = $drinkingGame->getDrinkList(1);
$this->assertEquals(['zoltan' => 1, 'eralp' => 0], $drinkList);
public function testHeadsAndHeadsNoOneDrinks()
$drinkingGame = $this->getDrinkingGame(['zoltan', 'eralp']);
$drinkList = $drinkingGame->getDrinkList(1);
$this->assertEquals(['zoltan' => 0, 'eralp' => 0], $drinkList);
public function testTwoTailsTwiceEveryoneDrinksTwice()
$drinkingGame = $this->getDrinkingGame(['lassi', 'eralp']);
$drinkList = $drinkingGame->getDrinkList(2);
$this->assertEquals(['lassi' => 2, 'eralp' => 2], $drinkList);
public function testO()
$this->givenCoinflipOrder([['tail', 'tail'], ['tail', 'heads']]);
$drinkingGame = $this->getDrinkingGame(['zoltan', 'eralp']);
$drinkList = $drinkingGame->getDrinkList(2);
$this->assertEquals(['zoltan' => 2, 'eralp' => 1], $drinkList);
private function getDrinkingGame(array $names)
return new DrinkingGame($names, $this->coin);
private function givenCoinflipOrder(array $coinflips)
->will(new \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Stub_ConsecutiveCalls($coinflips));
private function givenCoinsAlwaysTailAndHeads()
->will($this->returnValue(['tail', 'heads']));
private function givenCoinsAlwaysTailAndTail()
->will($this->returnValue(['tail', 'tail']));
private function givenCoinsAlwaysHeadsAndHeads()
->will($this->returnValue(['heads', 'heads']));
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