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Last active June 17, 2024 09:38
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About POSIX commands list

POSIX commands

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Using frequent


  • grep :: search a file for a pattern
  • sed :: stream editor
  • cat :: concatenate and print files
  • printf :: write formatted output
  • tr :: translate characters
  • xargs :: construct argument lists and invoke utility


  • test :: evaluate expression
  • cd :: change the working directory
  • ls :: list directory contents
  • mkdir :: make directories
  • rm :: remove directory entries
  • vi :: screen-oriented (visual) display editor
  • diff :: compare two files


  • jobs :: display status of jobs in the current session
  • kill :: terminate or signal processes
  • fg :: run jobs in the foreground
  • chmod :: change the file modes

Using well

  • alias :: define or display aliases
  • unalias :: remove alias definitions
  • awk :: pattern scanning and processing language
  • echo :: write arguments to standard output
  • cut :: cut out selected fields of each line of a file
  • sort :: sort, merge, or sequence check text files
  • head :: copy the first part of files
  • tail :: copy the last part of a file
  • more :: display files on a page-by-page basis
  • pwd :: return working directory name
  • df :: report free disk space
  • du :: estimate file space usage
  • find :: find files
  • cp :: copy files
  • mv :: move files
  • rmdir :: remove directories
  • dirname :: return the directory portion of a pathname
  • basename :: return non-directory portion of a pathname

Using few

  • tee :: duplicate standard input
  • uniq :: report or filter out repeated lines in a file
  • bc :: arbitrary-precision arithmetic language
  • c99 :: compile standard C programs
  • cksum :: write file checksums and sizes
  • expr :: evaluate arguments as an expression
  • read :: read a line from standard input
  • sh :: shell, the standard command language interpreter
  • sleep :: suspend execution for an interval
  • time :: time a simple command
  • true :: return true value
  • false :: return false value
  • wc :: word, line, and byte or character count
  • csplit :: split files based on context
  • dd :: convert and copy a file
  • patch :: apply changes to files
  • expand :: convert tabs to spaces
  • file :: determine file type
  • iconv :: codeset conversion
  • ln :: link files
  • mkfifo :: make FIFO special files
  • nl :: line numbering filter
  • od :: dump files in various formats
  • pax :: portable archive interchange
  • touch :: change file access and modification times
  • compress :: compress data
  • uncompress :: expand compressed data
  • zcat :: expand and concatenate data
  • at :: execute commands at a later time
  • date :: write the date and time
  • bg :: run jobs in the background
  • fuser :: list process IDs of all processes that have one or more files open
  • chgrp :: change the file group ownership
  • chown :: change the file ownership
  • crontab :: schedule periodic background work
  • id :: return user identity
  • ps :: report process status
  • uname :: return system name
  • type :: write a description of command type
  • nohup :: invoke a utility immune to hangups
  • wait :: await process completion
  • who :: display who is on the system
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