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Created February 23, 2024 18:18
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MinHeap Class - JavaScript
class MinHeap {
constructor() {
this.heap = [ null ];
this.size = 0;
popMin() {
if (this.size === 0) {
return null
const min = this.heap[1];
this.heap[1] = this.heap[this.size];
return min;
add(value) {
bubbleUp() {
let current = this.size;
let swapCount = 0;
while (current > 1 && this.heap[getParent(current)] > this.heap[current]) {
this.swap(current, getParent(current));
current = getParent(current);
if (this.size == 10000) {
console.log(`Heap of ${this.size} elements restored with ${swapCount} swaps`);
heapify() {
let current = 1;
let leftChild = getLeft(current);
let rightChild = getRight(current);
let swapCount = 0;
while (this.canSwap(current, leftChild, rightChild)) {
// Only compare left & right if they both exist
if (this.exists(leftChild) && this.exists(rightChild)) {
// Make sure to swap with the smaller of the two children
if (this.heap[leftChild] < this.heap[rightChild]) {
this.swap(current, leftChild);
current = leftChild;
} else {
this.swap(current, rightChild);
current = rightChild;
} else {
// If only one child exist, always swap with the left
this.swap(current, leftChild);
current = leftChild;
leftChild = getLeft(current);
rightChild = getRight(current);
if (this.size == 9999) {
console.log(`Heap of ${this.size} elements restored with ${swapCount} swaps`);
exists(index) {
return index <= this.size;
canSwap(current, leftChild, rightChild) {
// Check that one of the possible swap conditions exists
return (
this.exists(leftChild) && this.heap[current] > this.heap[leftChild]
|| this.exists(rightChild) && this.heap[current] > this.heap[rightChild]
swap(a, b) {
[this.heap[a], this.heap[b]] = [this.heap[b], this.heap[a]];
const getParent = current => Math.floor((current / 2));
const getLeft = current => current * 2;
const getRight = current => current * 2 + 1;
module.exports = MinHeap;
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