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Created May 21, 2023 04:18
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class Solution {
vector<vector<int>> modifiedGraphEdges(int n, vector<vector<int>>& edges, int source, int destination, int target) {
vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> graph(n);
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size(); i++) {
graph[edges[i][0]].push_back({ edges[i][1], i });
graph[edges[i][1]].push_back({ edges[i][0], i });
vector<int> route;
long long max = dijkstra(graph, edges, source, destination, 2000000000, route);
if (max < target) {
return {};
bool first = true;
for (;;) {
long long min = dijkstra(graph, edges, source, destination, 1, route);
if (min > target) {
return {};
if (min == target) {
for (auto v : route) {
if (edges[v][2] == -1) {
edges[v][2] = 1;
return edges;
int last = -1;
for (auto v : route) {
if (edges[v][2] == -1) {
last = v;
if (first) {
first = false;
set<int> s(route.begin(), route.end());
for (int i = 0; i < edges.size() ;i++){
auto& v = edges[i];
if (v[2] == -1 && s.find(i) == s.end()) {
v[2] = 2000000000;
edges[last][2] = target - min + 1;
long long dijkstra(vector<vector<pair<int, int>>>& graph, vector<vector<int>>& edges, int source, int destination, int def, vector<int>& route) {
int n = graph.size();
vector<long long> depth(n, -1);
vector<int> prev(n);
vector<int> edge(n, -1), visited(n);
priority_queue<pair<long long, int>> pq;
depth[source] = 0;
prev[source] = -1;
pq.push({ 0, source });
while (pq.size() > 0) {
auto el =;
if (visited[el.second]) {
if (el.second == destination) {
int v = destination;
while (v != source) {
v = prev[v];
return depth[el.second];
visited[el.second] = 1;
auto cur = depth[el.second];
for (auto e : graph[el.second]) {
auto ch = e.first;
auto id = e.second;
auto v = edges[id][2];
if (v == -1) {
v = def;
if (depth[ch] >= 0 && depth[ch] <= cur + v) {
depth[ch] = cur + v;
prev[ch] = el.second;
edge[ch] = id;
pq.push({ -depth[ch], ch });
return 2000000000;
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