(Sorted by # of people who voted for each one)
- Say "Thank You" / Acknowledgement (8)
- Have website (but website can be a distraction) (8)
- "Setup social spaces" (8)
- Good First Issue (7)
- Status / Recognize status. A way to show/document that someone is a maintainer vs a collaborator (7)
- Have a fast build (6)
- Community Management train people to be good at this! (6)
- Documentation for the architecture (6)
- Contributing.md - all in guide for contributing (5)
- Onboarding (5)
- Have good test coverage (4)
- Rewarding contributions across platforms (StackOverflow, GitHub issues, designs) (4)
- Write down the values of the project (4)
- so people can decide for themselves if they want to get involved
- Code of Conduct (4)
- Create open office hours (3)
- sending stickers/swag to people. send a postcard (2)
- Issue Template (2)
- Offboarding (Be prepared for losing people) (2)
- PR Template (1)
- plugin called all-contributors which acknowledges every contributor on the README via GitHub avatar (0)
- Have website (but website can be a distraction) (8)
- Documentation for the architecture (6)
- Contributing.md - all in guide for contributing (5)
- Write down the values of the project (4)
- so people can decide for themselves if they want to get involved
- Say "Thank You" / Acknowledgement (8)
- "Setup social spaces" (8)
- Good First Issue (7)
- Status / Recognize status. A way to show/document that someone is a maintainer vs a collaborator (7)
- Community Management—persuade people to do the important but boring work :) (6) - Train people to manage the communities - how to do this though?
- Code of Conduct (4)
- Create open office hours (3)
- Have a fast build (6)
- Have good test coverage (4)