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Created October 31, 2018 06:37
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Basic one-way linked list implementation example in Swift 4
* definition
indirect enum LinkedList<T> : Sequence {
case end
case node(value: T, next: LinkedList<T>)
init() {
self = .end
init(value: T) {
self = .node(value: value, next: .end)
mutating func push(_ item: T) {
self = .node(value: item, next: self)
mutating func pop() -> T? {
switch self {
case .end:
return nil
case .node(let value, let next):
self = next
return value
func makeIterator() -> LinkedList<T>.Iterator {
return Iterator(self)
struct Iterator : IteratorProtocol {
typealias Element = T
private var list: LinkedList<Element>
init(_ list: LinkedList<Element>) {
self.list = list
mutating func next() -> LinkedList<T>.Iterator.Element? {
switch self.list {
case .end:
return nil
case .node(let value, let nextList):
self.list = nextList
return value
* usages
var linked = LinkedList<String>(value: "first")
for v in linked {
print(v) // second, first
if let value = linked.pop() {
print(value) // second
for v in linked {
print(v) // first
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