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Chris M tebriel

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tebriel /
Created May 4, 2023 13:14
Script to convert .vc1 files using ffmpeg
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
FILENAME=${1?"Must specify filename"}
OUTPUT=${2?"Must specify output file"}
TYPE=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=codec_name -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "${FILENAME}")
if [ "${TYPE}" == "vc1" ]; then
tebriel /
Last active December 25, 2018 15:54
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
FILENAME=${1?"Must specify filename as first arg"}
if od -A x -t x1 -v "$FILENAME" | grep -Eqe " 0[1-8bcef]| 1[0-9a-f]"; then
echo "$FILENAME: data"
| | +-------------------+
| | +---^+ HAWT |
| | | | |
| | | +-------------------+
| +----+
> docker run logstash:latest plugin install logstash-filter-extractnumbers
Validating logstash-filter-extractnumbers
Installing logstash-filter-extractnumbers
Installation successful
tebriel /
Created April 12, 2015 03:18
Code Golf Diamond
#!/usr/bin/env python3
output = ["%s%s" % (" "*(9-i), "".join(str(num) for num in list(range(1, i+1)) + list(range(1, i+1))[-2::-1])) for i in range(1, 10)]
print("\n".join(output + output[-2::-1]))
function workremote -d "Set up the necessary remote tunnels"
echo Setting up SOCKS Proxy
sudo networksetup -setproxybypassdomains Wi-Fi 169.254/16 *.com *.org *.co
sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy Wi-Fi 5000 off
sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate Wi-Fi on
echo Tunneling to Work
ssh -L 5222:hipchat.internal:5222 -L 5223:hipchat.internal:5223 remote_host -N -D 5000 &
read -p 'set_color green; echo read; set_color normal; echo "enter to quit> "'
echo Closing Tunnel
kill -9 %ssh\ -L\ 5222:hipchat.internal:5222\ -L\ 5223:hipchat.internal:5223\ remote_host\ -N\ -D\ 5000\ \&
tebriel /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Fix Year Timestamps in Logstash


Ingesting last year's syslog loglines will use this year's year since syslog format doesn't have a year in it (SYSLOGTIMESTAMP %{MONTH} +%{MONTHDAY} %{TIME}). I'm reading in the syslog lines from the file input and am still playing around with ES config, so I'm constantly DELETEing indexes, so I need to keep re-importing. This isn't a production-style solution.

Extra Info

I'm currently processing the timestamp pulled out with the syslog pattern using the date filter

 date {
POST /pindrop/_search HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Host: logstash.local:9200
Connection: close
User-Agent: Paw/2.1.1 (Macintosh; OS X/10.10.2) GCDHTTPRequest
Content-Length: 209
size: 0,
"aggregations" : {
input {
stdin {}
filter {
grok {
match => ["message", "^%{DATA}$"]
if [data][info][score][value] {
import urllib.request
import json
import sys
import os
URL = ''
# COUNT_FILE = os.environ['HOME'] + '/tmp/es_count.tmp'
# COUNT_OUTPUT = os.environ['HOME'] + '/tmp/es_output.tmp'
COUNT_FILE = '/Users/cmoultrie/tmp/es_count.tmp'