$ ag --color --color-match 00 -Rio '@todo.*|@fixme.*' src
To save same output as STDOUT (when redirecting to file ag sends different output):
$ script --return -c "ag --color --color-match 00 -Rio '@todo.*|@fixme.*' src" TODO
To split ag's output into columns:
$ script --return -c "ag --color --color-match 00 -Rio '@todo.*|@fixme.*' src" | column -t -s @ > TODO
$ grep --color=always -rni -E "@todo|@fixme" src/**/*.{js,vue} > TODO
To split grep's output into columns:
$ grep --color=always -rnio -E "@todo.*|@fixme.*" src/**/*.{js,vue} | column -t -s @ > TODO
In order to use
syntax make sure bash has extglob set to 'on':
shopt -s extglob
$ watch --color -n 1 -d cat TODO