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Last active June 18, 2017 21:05
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Azure IT Camp Snippets
# Lab 1: Building the Foundation
# Section: Connect to Azure with Powershell
Add-AzureAccount # This prompts you for your Azure Subscription Account Credentials, and logs you in.
Get-AzureSubscription | FT SubscriptionName # Get the list of Subscriptions your has access to.
Get-AzureLocation | FT DisplayName # Show the datacenter region location names. (You will use the one you chose for your network location.)
# Set Your Variables for the Lab - Setting the Variables here will ensure the script will work for your environment. Replace "ABC" with your initials or something unique for your deployment.
# These variables must be edited:
$subscrName = "Free Trial" # Replace with the friendly name of your subscription, if not using the free trial
$storageAccountName = "xxxstore" # Storage name must be all lowercase. Replace xxx with your initials or some unique ID
$domainCloudService = "XXXdomainservice" # Must be globally unique (used in a URL). Replace XXX with your initials or some unique ID
$dcAvalSet = "XXX-DCSet" # Replace XXX with your initials or some unique ID
$firstDC = "XXX-DC01" # Replace XXX with your initials or some unique ID
$secondDC = "XXX-DC02" # Replace XXX with your initials or some unique ID
# These variables must match what you configured for your network in Lab #1
$VnetName = "XXX-Vnet" # <-- Edit to match your virtual network name
$locationName = "West US" # <-- Edit to match your network location choice
$subnet = "Core-Subnet" # <-- Edit if your network configuration first subnet name is different than the lab manual suggested
# These variables can be left as-is. If you edit them, be sure to make note of the values for later.
$serverImages = Get-AzureVMImage | Where {$_.ImageFamily -eq "Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter" } | sort-object -descending -Property PublishedDate
$image = $serverImages[0].ImageName
$instancesize = "Small"
$un = "SysAdmin" # Remember the Username and Password
$pwd = "Passw0rd!" # You'll use these creditials to connect to and/or login to your Domain Controllers
# Select the subscription to use for the lab (important if you have more than one subscription in your account)
Select-AzureSubscription -subscriptionName $subscrName
# Lab 1: Building the Foundation
# Section: Create a new storage account using PowerShell
New-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -Location $locationName
Set-AzureSubscription -subscriptionName $subscrName -CurrentStorageAccount $storageAccountName
# Lab 1: Building the Foundation
# Section: Create a new service with PowerShell
New-AzureService -ServiceName $domainCloudService -Location $locationName
# Lab 2: Building Workloads
# Section: Deploy domain controllers in Microsoft Azure
# Task: Create First VM/DC in the domain
$newVM = New-AzureVMConfig -Name $firstDC -InstanceSize $instancesize -Image $image `
| Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Windows -Password $pwd -AdminUsername $un `
| Set-AzureSubnet -SubnetNames $subnet
New-AzureVM -VMs $newVM -ServiceName $domainCloudService -VNetName $VnetName
# Move to Availability set (Wait until your DC is "Running" and not still "Provisioning" before executing this command.
Get-AzureVm -ServiceName $domainCloudService -Name $firstDC | Set-AzureAvailabilitySet -AvailabilitySetName $dcAvalSet | Update-AzureVM
# Lab 2: Building Workloads
# Section: Preparing to Remotely Connect to Azure Virtual Machines
# Install Certificate for remote connection to first Domain Controller
# Add these lines at line 70 within the InstallWinRMCertzureVM.ps1 that you downloaded from
$subscriptionName = $subscrName
$ServiceName = $domainCloudService
$Name = $firstDC
# Lab 2: Building Workloads
# Section: Create users in your Active Directory
# Connect Remotely to first DC
$uri = Get-AzureWinRMUri -ServiceName $domainCloudService -Name $firstDC
$cred = Get-Credential
Enter-PSSession -ConnectionUri $uri -Credential $cred
# After remote connection to domain controller is made:
Add-WindowsFeature -name ad-domain-services -IncludeManagementTools
Install-ADDSForest -DomainName "" -ForestMode 6 -DomainMode 6
# NOTE: The DC restarts after installing the Forest, so you'll need to re-enter the PowerShell remote session
# when it's back up and running
Enter-PSSession -ConnectionUri $uri -Credential $cred
# Back into the remote PS session, now you can create OUs and Users:
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "FINANCE" -Path "DC=contosoazure, DC=Com"
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "IT" -Path "DC=contosoazure, DC=Com"
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "SALES" -Path "DC=contosoazure, DC=Com"
$newPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "Provide New Password" -AsSecureString) # Password for the new users
New-ADUser -Name "Matt Deen" -Path "OU=FINANCE,dc=contosoazure,dc=com" -AccountPassword $newPassword -Department "Finance" -SamAccountName "MattDeen" -Surname "Deen" -GivenName "Matt" -DisplayName "Matt Deen"
New-ADUser -Name "Bob Smith" -Path "OU=SALES,dc=contosoazure,dc=com" -SamAccountName "BobSmith" -GivenName "Bob" -Surname "Smith" -DisplayName "Bob Smith" -Department "Sales" -AccountPassword $newPassword
New-ADUser -Name "Pat Holden" -SamAccountName "Pat Holden" -GivenName "Pat" -Surname "Holden" -DisplayName "Pat Holden" -Department "Finance" -AccountPassword $newPassword
New-ADUser -Name "Dan Chun" -SamAccountName "Dan Chun" -GivenName "Dan" -Surname "Chun" -DisplayName "Dan Chun" -Department "Finance" -AccountPassword $newPassword
New-ADUser -Name "Karen Vogue" -Path "OU=sales,dc=contosoazure,dc=com" -SamAccountName "KarenVogue" -GivenName "Karen" -Surname "Vogue" -DisplayName "Karen Vogue" -Department "Sales" -AccountPassword $newPassword
# This enables a user account. You can repeat this command to enable more uses if desired.
Enable-ADAccount -Identity KarenVogue
# Lab 2: Building Workloads
# Section: Deploy the 2nd Domain Controller for your Forest
# Make sure to exit from the remote session on DC01 and return to controlling Azure directly by typing:
# Then continue on to deploy the 2nd DC, this time you will automatically deploy the machine to the correct Availability Set
$newVM = New-AzureVMConfig -Name $secondDC -InstanceSize $instancesize -Image $image -AvailabilitySetName $dcAvalSet `
| Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Windows -Password $pwd -AdminUsername $un `
| Set-AzureSubnet -SubnetNames $subnet
New-AzureVM -VMs $newVM -ServiceName $domainCloudService
# Move 2nd DC to Avail set
# ...already done! (Note the -AvailabilitySetName parameter in the New-AzureVMConfig cmdlet.)
# Install Certificate for remote connection to second Domain Controller
# Add these lines at line 70 within the InstallWinRMCertzureVM.ps1 that you downloaded from
$subscriptionName = $subscrName
$ServiceName = $domainCloudService
$Name = $secondDC
# Connect Remotely to second DC
$uri = Get-AzureWinRMUri -ServiceName $domainCloudService -Name $secondDC
$cred = Get-Credential
Enter-PSSession -ConnectionUri $uri -Credential $cred
# Add ADDS and promote to DC:
Add-WindowsFeature -name ad-domain-services -IncludeManagementTools
# Note: When prompted for credentials, make sure to include the domain name for the administrator.
# Example: CONTOSOAZURE\SysAdmin or [email protected]
Install-ADDSDomainController -Credential (Get-Credential) -DatabasePath 'C:\Windows\NTDS' -DomainName '' -InstallDns:$true -LogPath 'C:\Windows\NTDS' -NoGlobalCatalog:$false -SiteName 'Default-First-Site-Name' -SysvolPath 'C:\Windows\SYSVOL' -NoRebootOnCompletion:$true -Force:$true -Verbose
# NOTE: The DC restarts after making it a domain controller, so you'll need to re-enter the PowerShell remote session
# when it's back up and running
Enter-PSSession -ConnectionUri $uri -Credential $cred
# Optional: Switch the 2nd Domain Controller to Server Core by removing the User Interface.
Remove-WindowsFeature -name User-Interfaces-Infra
# Be patient. It takes a while. Once the machine is back up and running, Connect to it (Remote Desktop) to verify that
# it is just the core OS.
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Hello Jennifer, I am running through the IT Camp Hands-on Lab manual and refreshing my skills again on Azure....I may have to build a vnet for real at a job.... - Thelma Benison

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