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Fixing or making bugs :)

Marshall Anschutz technicool

Fixing or making bugs :)
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technicool / Rate
Last active October 27, 2021 18:21
Rate limiting only using a single scalar value per user/actor

You can use this by importing the function into the console (or your app)

> x = rateLimit(a, {rps: 1, grace: 2}); a = x[1]; x
[ true, 1635358774575 ]
> x = rateLimit(a, {rps: 1, grace: 2}); a = x[1]; x
[ false, 1635358774575 ]
> x = rateLimit(a, {rps: 1, grace: 2}); a = x[1]; x
[ false, 1635358774575 ]
> x = rateLimit(a, {rps: 1, grace: 2}); a = x[1]; x
technicool / index.js
Created February 28, 2020 16:42
StackPath script to show request headers, including GEO information
let reqCount = 0;
// sample script
addEventListener("fetch", event => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
reqCount += 1;
const headers = new Headers();
//Set the proper content-type so the browser understands what we're sending back
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: Dromedary CodePipeline provisioning
Type: String
Description: S3 bucket to use for artifacts. Just bucket Name; not URL. IAM user
should have access to the bucket.
Default: codepipeline-us-east-1-XXXXXXXXXXX
technicool /
Created November 1, 2016 16:52
Create a CSV with all Github issues from a repository
echo "Enter your username for Github: "
read username
echo "Which repository (Enter org and project) [google/googlemock]: "
read repo
echo "id, state, title, body, user" > issues.csv
curl --silent -u $username$repo/issues | \
"status": 0,
"id": "356faecf2e67a5a516b740b6",
"app_key": "356faecf2e67a5a516b740b6.ie5ggaE4FtrA_6xr5sJlFOD7r7_AA_aW4uvP3yxABA"
technicool /
Last active August 2, 2016 14:35
How to create an API key on SamsungVR,com
curl \
--data "<yourpassword>" \
-c samsungvr.cookiejar &&
curl \
--data "{\"app_name\":\"YourAppName\"}" \
-b samsungvr.cookiejar
technicool /
Created April 5, 2016 17:39
NPM Issues on April 4'th

First, run a new isolated container:

docker run --rm -it ubuntu bash

Now, setup npm and try to install package:

apt-get update && apt-get install -y npm
npm install grunt

You might see some funky garbage in your terminal window. Sometimes, it will hang, so expect to kill your session out of band.

technicool /
Created March 14, 2016 17:47
For Pizza Hut's problem on PI day 2016
## For Pizza Hut's problem on PI day:
## I’m thinking of a ten-digit integer whose digits are all distinct. It happens that the
## number formed by the first n of them is divisible by n for each n from 1 to 10.
## What is my number?
def dnumber(digits, howmany):
technicool /
Created January 8, 2016 23:38
Intuit Stack Trace
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Thread.start(
at org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.ServerPlatformBase.launchContainerRunnable(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.CommandPropagator.asynchronousPropagateCommand(
at org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.RemoteCommandManager.propagateCommand(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.mergeChangesIntoParent(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.commitRootUnitOfWork(
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl.commit(