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Last active January 15, 2022 21:57
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Template engine that knows how to render {{ tag }}
# minijinja is in public domain
class MiniJinja(object):
""" Template engine that knows how to render {{ tag }} """
def __init__(self, templates='.'):
"""templates - template path"""
import re
import sys
self.PY3K = sys.version_info[0] == 3
self.path = templates + '/'
self.tag = re.compile('{{ *(?P<tag>\w+) *}}')
def render(self, template, vardict=None, **kwargs):
"""returns unicode str"""
data = vardict or {}
def lookup(match):
return data['tag')]
tpl = open(self.path + template).read()
if not self.PY3K:
return unicode(self.tag.sub(lookup, tpl))
return self.tag.sub(lookup, tpl)
if __name__ == '__main__':
jinjer = MiniJinja('templates')
d = dict(body='Hello, World!')
jinjer.render('index.tpl', d)
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