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Last active August 29, 2015 14:28
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Blueprint for dumper of Python variables
The code is placed in to public domain by
anatoly techtonik <[email protected]>
Produce readable representation of variable content,
including custom properties for complex objects.
Needed features:
[ ] easy import
[ ] sane defaults
[ ] print to screen (stdout)
[ ] don't show internal __ fields
[ ] indent nested structures
[ ] detect loops
[ ] output to different stream with .write method
[ ] output to string
[ ] colorize if possible
"There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."
1. print obj.__dict__
Advantages: returns key and value, which allows to inspect value directly.
Fail: Not all objects have __dict__ attribute, for example set.
2. print vars(obj)
Same fail as above. "TypeError: vars() argument must have __dict__ attribute".
3. print dir(obj)
Seems to always work (unless user botched __dir__ method in their class).
Returns only names, so need to make a separate lookup call [ ] to fetch
values and their types. The lookup call may trigger additional logic.
4. inspect.getmembers()
import inspect
import sys
def dumpvar(obj, _indent=0, _writeto=sys.stdout):
_writeto.write(' '*_indent + type(obj).__name__ + '\n')
for name, value in inspect.getmembers(obj):
# [x] filter standard __ symbols
# [ ] filter non-overriden __ symbols
if not name.startswith('__'):
_writeto.write(' '*(_indent+2) + name + '\n')
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