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Teddy Kishi teddykishi

I may be slow to respond.
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denizssch / XpSerials.txt
Created July 21, 2019 00:13
Windows XP ALL Serial Keys :) (For testing purpose [Ex: VM or PenTest])
Windows XP PRO Corporate serial number S/N: Key: MQPWW-PGVKX-YPMKG-8DH3G-KC8PW
windows xp home edition serial number S/N: 034634-262024-171505-828316-729010-413531-800424-400442
Windows XP 64 serial number S/N: B2RBK-7KPT9-4JP6X-QQFWM-PJD6G
Windows XP serial number S/N: K6C2K-KY62K-DQR84-RD4QV-QB74Q
Windows XP Professional 64-bit Corporate Edition 5.2.3790.1830 serial number S/N: VCFQD-V9FX9-46WVH-K3CD4-4J3JM
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 serial number S/N: YY8F2-3CKVQ-RKTRG-6JMDR-9DTG6
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 1 sp1 serial number S/N: F46YY - 2R8VQ - R8GMY - 926VK - 6BQ73
Windows XP Pro serial number S/N: KBWR7-76BD8-J7MDQ-KKG&C-V9Q2J
seebz / iCal.php
Last active September 6, 2024 02:33
iCal PHP Parser
class iCal
* @var string
public $title;
kevin-smets /
Last active March 13, 2025 07:34
iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh + Solarized color scheme + Source Code Pro Powerline + Font Awesome + [Powerlevel10k] - (macOS)





JedWatson /
Last active January 2, 2024 17:59
Proposal: adding reverse-relationship population to Mongoose (as implemented in KeystoneJS)

I've developed a useful feature in KeystoneJS that lets you populate a relationship from either side, while only storing the data on one side, and am looking for feedback on whether it is something that could / should be brought back into mongoose itself. (It might be possible to add as a separate package but I suspect there'd be too much rewriting of mongoose internals for that to be a good idea).

I've added this as an issue in mongoose for consideration: #1888 but am leaving this gist in place because the examples are easier to read.

I've used Posts and Categories as a basic, contrived example to demonstrate what I'm talking about here; in reality you'd rarely load all the posts for a category but there are other real world cases where it's less unreasonable you'd want to do this, and Posts + Categories is an easy way to demo it.

The problem

The built-in population feature is really useful; not just for

andreiursan / component_carcass.js
Last active December 18, 2015 18:29
This Gist is part of the talk "Manipulating Object Behavior at Runtime". that I had at
* WARNING: This code uses ECMAScript 6 features.
* today June 20, 2013, this works in Chrome only
* if you enable Javascript Experiments in your
* chrome flags settings.
* This is not a full implementation of the presented/idea
* Component Carcass
vitalyrotari / gestures.js
Last active April 21, 2023 16:35
Vanilla JS Touch Gestures | Original Size: 6.71KB (2.08KB gzipped) | Compiled Size: 2.69KB (1.2KB gzipped)
* Vanilla JS - Touch Gestures
* @version 0.1
* @inspired QuoJS -
* Supported Gestures: singleTap, doubleTap, hold,
* swipe, swiping, swipeLeft, swipeRight, swipeUp, swipeDown,
* rotate, rotating, rotateLeft, rotateRight, pinch, pinching,
* pinchIn, pinchOut,
* drag, dragLeft, dragRight, dragUp, dragDown
ralphcrisostomo / array_dupplicate_counter.js
Created July 19, 2012 07:43
Javascript: Count duplicates in an array
You have a javascript array that likely has some duplicate values and you would like a count of those values.
Try this schnippet out.
lancejpollard /
Created March 5, 2012 13:54
Complete List of HTML Meta Tags

Copied from

Basic HTML Meta Tags

<meta name="keywords" content="your, tags"/>
<meta name="description" content="150 words"/>
<meta name="subject" content="your website's subject">
<meta name="copyright"content="company name">
<meta name="language" content="ES">
BronsonQuick / loop_through_post_attachments.php
Created March 4, 2012 06:56
A WordPress loop to display post/page attachments
<?php /*
* This is just a simple loop to display 7 attachments attached to a post or page in WordPress
* You can change 'medium' and 'thumbnail' to add sizes you have definied in your theme by the add_image_size function
* in WordPress
<div id="thumbs" class="pic_list">
<ul class="thumbs">
<?php /* Time to create a new loop that pulls out the first 7 image attachments for this post */
$args = array( 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'numberposts' => 7, 'post_status' => null, 'post_parent' => $post->ID );