I turn 30 in October. Here are some things I've always wanted to do but haven't done, or have fallen out of the habit of doing. I plan to do these things before 🍰 🎉
- Begin a daily meditation practice
- Read 30 books
- Read a book in another language. In college, I studied up to various levels of reading competency in Spanish, German, Ancient Greek and French. I've let that knowledge go.
- Establish a daily and weekly routine, waking up at a certain time, with time for chores and a somewhat-set “bedtime"
- Volunteer
- Go on a hike
- Try Yoga: I don’t have to like it, but I want to try it
- Be a better listener
- Practice patience
- Visit my mom
- Visit my dad
- Visit my siblings
- Remember birthdays — call or send cards
- Finally buy plants for my apartment; keep them alive and safe from my cats
- Finish decorating my apartment -- no unintentionally empty walls
- Go through my stuff! No neglected boxes from college or clothes I don't wear.
- Visit Europe
- Visit Canada or Mexico
- Visit another continent: Asia, Africa, Australia or South America
- Make a realistic budget that includes an emergency fund
- Speak at conference (hopefully)
- Mentor if the opportunity arises
- February No alcohol
- March Give to charity. Give money to every homeless person who asks
- April Follow budget
- May Cook all meals at home unless it's a special occasion or I'm traveling
- June Follow a daily and weekly routine. Wake up at a certain time, spend time on chores and a somewhat-set "bedtime"
- July Be water-wise: short showers, mindful water use during dishes & laundry
- August Be positive: Don't say anything negative
- September No social media: only direct interactions with friends and family
- October Celebrate 30! 🍰 🎉