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Nurturing plants and code.

Ted Pennings tedpennings

Nurturing plants and code.
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bvaughn /
Last active January 4, 2025 10:07
How to use profiling in production mode for react-dom

React recently introduced an experimental profiler API. This page gives instructions on how to use this API in a production release of your app.

Table of Contents

Profiling in production

React DOM automatically supports profiling in development mode for v16.5+, but since profiling adds some small additional overhead it is opt-in for production mode. This gist explains how to opt-in.

dylanmckay / facebook-contact-info-summary.rb
Last active December 3, 2024 21:48
A Ruby script for collecting phone record statistics from a Facebook user data dump
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# NOTE: Requires Ruby 2.1 or greater.
# This script can be used to parse and dump the information from
# the 'html/contact_info.htm' file in a Facebook user data ZIP download.
# It prints all cell phone call + SMS message + MMS records, plus a summary of each.
# It also dumps all of the records into CSV files inside a 'CSV' folder, that is created

Simple Security Guidelines

Using an iDevice? (Best option)

  • Use an iPod or an iPad without a SIM card
  • Use an iPhone
  • Do not jailbreak
  • Always upgrade to new iOS versions
  • Use Brave browser

Need Secure chat?

0xabad1dea /
Last active May 4, 2022 21:59
Sorry, RSA, I'm just not buying it

Sorry, RSA, I'm just not buying it

I want to be extremely clear about three things. First, this is my personal opinion – insert full standard disclaimer. Second, this is not a condemnation of everyone at RSA, present and past. I assume most of them are pretty okay, and that the problem is confined to a few specific points in the company. However, “unknown problem people making major decisions at RSA” is a bit unwieldy, so I will just say RSA. Third, I'm not calling for a total boycott on RSA. I work almost literally across the street from them and I don’t want to get beat up by roving gangs of cryptographers at the local Chipotle.

RSA's denial published last night is utter codswallop that denies pretty much everything in the world except the actual allegations put forth by Reuters and hinted at for months by [other sources](http://li

tute /
Last active August 31, 2021 14:54
Notes/Patterns for Refactoring Code

Intention Revealing Methods

Intention revealing method is simple and yet I see it frequently slip through programmers' code. Developers don't like lengthy methods, or find it inconvenient to read through chubby if-else branches, and if they are nice enough they'll leave comments like those.

If we change spaces by underscores in the comments, delete the comment characters, and define the resulting methods in the same file (as private helpers for example), we get code that explains itself, instead of through verbose long methods, or human code comments which get stale.

Intention revealing methods is the most basic, no brain-teaser, easiest rule that I know. Combine it with Sandi Metz's rule of a maximum of 5 lines per method and you'll get simple code that explains itself, that is a pleasure to read, improving communication and productivity of the team (even when it's only yourself).

Sample Code

streeter /
Last active March 2, 2022 17:57
Homebrew Package Update Notifications on Mountain Lion
# Notify of Homebrew updates via Notification Center on Mac OS X
# Author: Chris Streeter
# Requires: terminal-notifier. Install with:
# gem install terminal-notifier
joshwand / gist:1145669
Created August 15, 2011 03:41
Blocking the new version of the NYTimes paywall

The NYTimes has updated their paywall-- it's slightly more sophisticated. The content is no longer hidden behind a big transparent div, but instead is now actually removed from the page entirely. It's still simple to defeat, though. Using adblock plus (or your preferred adblocking device), block the following URLs:


And you're done.

klynch / Mac OS X Disable Hot Corners
Created February 15, 2011 14:23
Disable those pesky hot corners when you don't want them and easily reenable them when you do!
-- By Richard Kulesus, 2009. Released without license!
-- Use this for whatever!
-- I seriously despise code authors who copyright tiny bits of obvious code
-- like it's some great treasure. This is small and simple, and if it saves
-- the next guy some time and trouble coding applescript I'll feel good!
-- Quickly change all the hot-corners to do what you want.
-- Particularly useful for presentations and full-screen games.
-- Customize the activity of each hot-corner with "all windows/application windows/dashboard/disable screen saver/none/show desktop/show spaces/sleep display/start screen saver"
-- The MODIFIERS are the keys which can be used to supplement hot-corner activation.
remy / gist:350433
Created March 31, 2010 14:58
Storage polyfill
if (typeof window.localStorage == 'undefined' || typeof window.sessionStorage == 'undefined') (function () {
var Storage = function (type) {
function createCookie(name, value, days) {
var date, expires;
if (days) {
date = new Date();
expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();