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Created October 26, 2021 17:49
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Set nonce generator when you mess-up (ckeckm8) A11 iphone10,4
Hello you tf is reading this
My English is bad as mush as my mind so don't expect much
I messup upgrade to ios 15 (auto-matical update over night)
I fk hate when i forgot to turnoff autoupdate and install ota block
So what to do
I do and search how to set nonce generator on ios 15 without jail
What do you expect from me?? lol i just a teenage find a solution online
i saw a lot of tool like checkm8-nonce-setter: :
checkm8-nonce-setter didn't work for me because i have 10,4
In another hand half work
what happened ???
ramiel able to make my device pwn but it isn't enough
when ramiel set apnonce i saw in log that it create a ibss ibec patch that make device boot before apple logo
the rest of it code is working but nonce still randomize ?????
wthf is happening ???
I saw in and ramiel that they are using irecovery to send some commands to device in common
witch are
irecovery -c "setenv $generator"
irecovery -c "saveenv"
irecovery -c "setenv auto-boot false"
irecovery -c "saveenv"
irecovery -c "reset"
So i search in reddit about create patch ibec ibss and found this 2 post
i use down guide to test first but fail becacue old command and arg is a little bit weird
so i try top post to do so and .....
I able to crate ibss and ibes , send to device and do irecovery stuff and .......
apnonce still randomized again ????
after that i try kairos ibec.raw ibec.pwn -b "0x1111111111111111" -n (things common in 2 guide kairos and iBoot64patcher)
then it work ????
so i will write every command i use doun here
tsschecker -d <model identifier> -l -e <ECID> -s
img4tool -e -s *.shsh2 -m IM4M
img4 -i iBSS.*.RELEASE.im4p -b
img4 -i iBEC.*.RELEASE.im4p -b
./ipwndfu -p
./ipwndfu --decrypt-gid=<kbag> <kbag> from top line that output from 3,4
img4 -i iBSS.*.RELEASE.im4p -o ibss.raw -k <dkbag> <dkbag> from thing came after you use 6from3
img4 -i iBEC.*.RELEASE.im4p -o ibec.raw -k <dkbag> <dkbag> from thing came after you use 6from4
kairos ibss.raw ibss.pwn
kairos ibec.raw ibec.pwn -b "0x1111111111111111" -n (you can use your own gen here)
img4 -i ibss.pwn -o ibss -M IM4M -A -T ibss
img4 -i ibec.pwn -o ibec -M IM4M -A -T ibec
irecovery -c "setenv 0x1111111111111111" (must same as your gen that you put in ibec)
irecovery -c "saveenv"
irecovery -c "setenv auto-boot false"
irecovery -c "saveenv"
irecovery -c "reset"
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