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Created May 6, 2013 18:16
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import random, turtle
def maze(w=10, h=10):
# This is the random spanning tree implementation
seen = set()
# Add some walls to confine the maze
for i in xrange(-1, w+1):
seen.add((i, -1))
seen.add((i, h+1))
for i in xrange(-1, h+1):
seen.add((-1, i))
seen.add((w+1, i))
# Keep a stack for backtracking out path when we get stuck
current = (0, 0)
stack = [current]
directions = (0,1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)
def get_free(pos):
for dx, dy in directions:
if (pos[0] + dx, pos[1] + dy) not in seen:
yield pos[0] + dx, pos[1] + dy
# Edges will hold the connection between nodes.
edges = set()
while stack:
free = list(get_free(current))
if not free:
current = stack.pop()
# Make a new connection to a square we haven't visited.
new = random.choice(free)
edges.add((current, new))
current = new
return edges
def draw_maze(edges):
screen = turtle.Screen()
t = turtle.Turtle()
# Cheat a bit by using turtle to draw absolute coordinates.
for (ax, ay), (bx, by) in edges:
t.goto(ax * 10, ay * 10)
t.goto(bx * 10, by * 10)
if __name__ == '__main__':
edges = maze()
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