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Last active September 26, 2016 03:13
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  • Creates an Avro-like Schema
  • Desn't require labeling field location as in Thrift / Protocol Buffers
  • Compiler to generate output boilerplate code in multiple languages
  • Runtime library for supported languages which boilerplate code will use (targeting C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Kotlin, Scala)
  • Supports storing data in Array of Struct (Row) or Struct of Array format (Column) per record type
  • Allows Specifying RPC calls
  • Annotations for optional implementation details
  • Inheritance


  • Efficiently Allocate lightweight objects to access underlying data
  • Ideally immutable only interface with efficient updates
  • Connecting to an RPC takes: IP/Port, RPC Schema. Calls over the wire contain interface, method, and data. Disconnected clients immediately throw, reconnection should happen via callbacks. Only the minimum necessary amount of Schema information is exchanged. The connection handshake first sends the name and GUID/Hash of the schema, and only sends the schema itself if the server has a different one.
  • Pipelining of RPC calls (data or exceptions propagate)
  • Underlying data changes, such as when occur from schema mismatches, only occur at write time. The same data objects can exist with many difference schemas. This helps in the common case where data does not need to be translated, as well as the case of creating zerocopy proxy rpcs, which can simply forward calls in a very lightweight way.
  • Serialization over HTTP should also be supported

Generate a JSON Schema output from the IDL:

  • Namespaces are linked as SHA1 hashes
  • Query the service to see if the hashes are present for those namespaces
  • For any hashes not present, send the schema. The server saves some number of schemas

Would ideally look something like this:

@name(".cs", "Person")
record user {
    @name(".cs", "FirstName")
    first_name: string
    @name(".cs", "LastName")
    last_name: string
    @name(".cs", "DateOfBirth")
    date_of_birth: int64

enum gender {

record extended_user extends user {
    gender: gender

type union_type = void | gender | extended_user;

// All functions return futures/promises/tasks. Omitting the type means the function returns nothing and acts as a fire and forget
// Endpoints with multiple arguments implicitely create records
server user_store {
  get(name: string) => extended_user
  // Implicitely creates record user_store.set { name: string, user: extended_user }
  set(name: string, user: extended_user) => bool
  delete(name: string)

server processor {
  special(arg: union_type) => union_type
  another(arg: void | string) => string
import { user, extended_user, gender } from './datatypes'
let alice = await userStore.get("Alice").send();
let setBob = await userStore.set("Bob", alice).send();
let charlie = extended_user.from({
  first_name: 'Charlie',
  last_name: 'Bucket',
  gender: gender.MALE,

charlie.first_name = 'Charles'; // calls setter function to access underlying data
let last_name = charlie.last_name; // calls getter function to access underlying data

Requests can be pipelined, resulting in a single round trip

let setBob = await userStore
  .get("Alice") // user_store::PromiseBuilder<extended_user>
  .set("Bob")   // user_store::PromiseBuilder<extended_user>.set(string) => user_store::PromiseBuilder<boolean>
                // user_store::PromiseBuilder<string>.set(extended_user) => user_store::PromiseBuilder<boolean>
  .send(); // PromiseBuilder<T>.send() => Promise<T>

Pipelining is only available on a particular RPC server connection, it can't span multiple connections


Some languages without operator overloading on array access require using functions instead:

import { List } from 'serializer';
import { user } from './datatypes';

let arr = List.of(user.from({
  first_name: 'Alice',
  last_name: 'Rabbit',
}, {
  first_name: 'Bob',
  last_name: 'Barker',
}, {
  first_name: 'Charlie',
  last_name: 'Bucket',

let el3 = arr.get(3);

arr.set(3, user.from({
  first_name: 'Daryl',
  last_name: 'Hannah',

// Alternatively
el3.first_name = 'Daryl'
el3.last_name = 'Hannah'
el3.date_of_birth =
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function(userid) {
    fragment on User(id: ${userid} {
let getUser = api.buildSchema(
    (user) => return { name: });
function(userid) {
    let user = getUser(userid);
    return [user, getFriends(user)];

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