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Created January 16, 2018 13:01
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import json
import unittest
from functools import partial
from operator import itemgetter
from math import sin, cos, sqrt, asin, radians
from cStringIO import StringIO
def get_records(fl):
for line in fl:
record = json.loads(line)
record['coordinates'] = (
yield record
def search_records(records, coordinates, within_kms):
:param records: iterable providing the records of customers
:param coordinates: tuple providing latitude and longitude
:param within_kms: float for within distance in kms
distance_from_coords = partial(distance_between, coordinates)
for record in records:
if distance_from_coords(record['coordinates']) <= within_kms:
yield record
def distance_between(coords1, coords2):
:param coords1: tuple providing latitude and longitude
:param coords2: tuple providing latitude and longitude
:returns: float
coords1_lat, coords1_long = to_radians(coords1)
coords2_lat, coords2_long = to_radians(coords2)
lat_delta = coords2_lat - coords1_lat
long_delta = coords2_long - coords1_long
a = sin(
lat_delta/2)**2 + cos(coords1_lat) * cos(
coords2_lat) * sin(long_delta/2)**2
c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))
# approximate radius of earth in km
radius = 6373.0
return radius * c
def to_radians(coordinates):
:param coordinates: tuple providing latitude and longitude
:returns: list of coordinates in radians
return map(radians, coordinates)
def main():
dublin_office_coords = (53.339428, -6.257664)
within_kms = 100.0
with open('gistfile1.txt', 'r') as f:
records = get_records(f)
sorted_records = sorted(
search_records(records, dublin_office_coords, within_kms),
# Note on sorted algorithm, this sorting is done
# in memory. If we need to optimize on this solution or if the
# input dataset is huge in the given file, we can use bisect
# module to sort the collection in place when we read the
# content from the file. Better yet use this abstraction:
for record in sorted_records:
print record['user_id'], record['name']
class TestSearchRecords(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
sample_lines = [
'{"latitude": "52.986375", "user_id": 12, "name": "Christina McArdle", "longitude": "-6.043701"}',
'{"latitude": "51.8856167", "user_id": 2, "name": "Ian McArdle", "longitude": "-10.4240951"}',
'{"latitude": "52.966", "user_id": 15, "name": "Michael Ahearn", "longitude": "-6.463"}'
self.sample_data = StringIO('\n'.join(sample_lines))
def test_search_records(self):
(53.339428, -6.257664),
def test_search_non_existance(self):
(53.339428, -6.257664),
if __name__ == "__main__":
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