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Spinning and connecting all the plates

Jacqui Read tekiegirl

Spinning and connecting all the plates
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Import Distinct Data With Relationships

Import Distinct Data from a CSV file, and create relationships

Here is an example of importing distinct data from a CSV file, and creating relationships using that data.

Graph Population

This method is more efficient than just using MERGE. It never tries to match any duplicates from the csv file as they are filtered out beforehand. It still uses MERGE to ensure that duplicate nodes are not created, but in this situation this would only be required if the csv file was loaded more than once.

Import Distinct Data

Import Distinct Data from a CSV file

Here are two methods for importing only distinct data from a CSV file, without having to pre-process the CSV for duplicates. Method 2 is more efficient than Method 1.

Graph Population Method 1

private void ClearDb(IGraphClient client)
tekiegirl / DropColumnIfExists.sql
Created April 5, 2016 10:14
Drop a column, using SQL, if it exists
IF exists( select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='myTable' and COLUMN_NAME='columnToDrop')
ALTER TABLE myTable drop COLUMN columnToDrop
tekiegirl / existing.sql
Created March 24, 2016 14:36
Adding a relationship constraint to an existing or new column in MS SQL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MyTable]
REFERENCES [dbo].[OtherTable] (Ident)


Initial Data Setup

// Seed code from Configuration.cs
protected override void Seed(DAL.Models.Context context)
// This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.
// Default Customers - create
var customers = new[]{
new Customer { Name = "cust_a" },
new Customer { Name = "cust_b" },
tekiegirl / navigation.adoc
Last active June 3, 2019 11:15
A neo4j graph gist showing how satellite navigation mapping can be modelled in a graph.

Roads, Nodes and Automobiles

or 'How a sat-nav could use a graph database'

tekiegirl / uniqueId.adoc
Last active March 24, 2021 20:54
Using the graph to control unique id generation.

Using the graph to control unique id generation


This gist was prompted by Nigel Small’s tweet of a query to generate a unique id for a node (and is posted here with his agreement). It inspired me to think about how it could be used in a full example, unrestricted by Twitter’s 140 characters. I have also looked at how we could generate different sets of unique ids for different labels.

Auto-incrementing #Neo4j counter MERGE (x:Counter {name:'foo'}) ON CREATE SET x.count = 0 ON MATCH SET x.count = x.count + 1 RETURN x.count

— Nigel Small (@technige) December 16, 2013
tekiegirl / merge.adoc
Last active December 30, 2015 06:19
Does MERGE work the same for relationships as CREATE UNIQUE did?