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Spinning and connecting all the plates

Jacqui Read tekiegirl

Spinning and connecting all the plates
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tekiegirl / EntityFrameworkHack
Created October 28, 2013 17:16
Getting Entity Framework to recognise the return type of a Stored Procedure that returns a #temp table
IF 1 = 2
cast(null as int) as UserId
,cast(null as nvarchar(250)) as Username
,cast(null as int) as RoleCount
,cast(null as datetime) as UserRevoked
,cast(null as bit) as Locked
,cast(null as bit) as ForcePassChange
,cast(null as varchar(200)) as ClientName
tekiegirl / GetSessionIdCookieName
Created October 28, 2013 17:26
Progromatically get SessionId Cookie name used in an application
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
internal string GetSessionIdCookieName()
SessionStateSection sessionStateSection = (SessionStateSection)ConfigurationManager
return sessionStateSection != null ? sessionStateSection.CookieName : null;
tekiegirl / CheckValid
Created October 28, 2013 17:32
Get the executing assembly of a web app referencing a class library
private static bool CheckValid(string controller, string action)
if (!controller.Contains("Controller"))
controller = controller + "Controller";
// Get assembly
Assembly a = GetWebEntryAssembly();
if (a != null)
tekiegirl / ContributorCommunity.adoc
Last active December 24, 2021 13:57
Initial tests for the Contributor Community graph

Contributor Community Graph

Developers using Neo4j are currently working alone when they should be working together, but they don’t know who is working on the same technologies. This graph aims to solve this by linking developers with similar interests, projects and events.

Setup of known data

Ranked rule-based subgraph matching

In order to rank possible matches by relevence I wish to return a score, with different matches addingg a different value to the score, and a list of the items that matched (a list of strings). More matches the higher the rank should be.

Setup of known data

tekiegirl / merge.adoc
Last active December 30, 2015 06:19
Does MERGE work the same for relationships as CREATE UNIQUE did?
tekiegirl / uniqueId.adoc
Last active March 24, 2021 20:54
Using the graph to control unique id generation.

Using the graph to control unique id generation


This gist was prompted by Nigel Small’s tweet of a query to generate a unique id for a node (and is posted here with his agreement). It inspired me to think about how it could be used in a full example, unrestricted by Twitter’s 140 characters. I have also looked at how we could generate different sets of unique ids for different labels.

Auto-incrementing #Neo4j counter MERGE (x:Counter {name:'foo'}) ON CREATE SET x.count = 0 ON MATCH SET x.count = x.count + 1 RETURN x.count

— Nigel Small (@technige) December 16, 2013
tekiegirl / navigation.adoc
Last active June 3, 2019 11:15
A neo4j graph gist showing how satellite navigation mapping can be modelled in a graph.

Roads, Nodes and Automobiles

or 'How a sat-nav could use a graph database'

// Seed code from Configuration.cs
protected override void Seed(DAL.Models.Context context)
// This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.
// Default Customers - create
var customers = new[]{
new Customer { Name = "cust_a" },
new Customer { Name = "cust_b" },


Initial Data Setup