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Created November 24, 2008 20:00
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/** Fast String - Voice Technology
* Simple char[] substitute with faster appender.
* Fernando Gregianin Testa <[email protected]>
* v0.1 - Usando no provider v2. 2007-02-22
#ifndef FSTRING_
#define FSTRING_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define DEFAULT_FSTRING_capacity 256
#define mymin(x,y) x<y?x:y
/** Fast string, use as a replacement to char* in your program.
* It performs faster than stl string and libc, when appending.
* It does not have the automagically growing feature, unless you explicitly calls append_growing()
* and this issue is by desing!
class fstring
//! pointer to the internal buffer
char * _buffer;
//! integer to store the total buffer capacity
int _capacity;
//! integer to store the current end position, the "null character"
int _endpos;
//! the blocksize to grow the buffer, when needed.
int _blocksize;
//! Grows the internal buffer one blocksize.
void grow()
char*newbuffer = (char*) malloc(_capacity+_blocksize);
for(int i=0;i<_capacity;i++)
newbuffer[i] = _buffer[i];
_buffer = newbuffer;
_capacity += _blocksize;
/* copy from other string
void copy(char*src,int size)
int tc = mymin(size, _capacity);
for(int i=0;i<tc;i++)
_buffer[i] = src[i];
/** Copy up to null char, or _capacity reached.
void copy(char*src)
for(_endpos=0 ; _endpos<_capacity && *s!=0 ; _endpos++, s++)
dest[_endpos] = *s;
/** Returns the lenght of a char, i.e., finds the null char on it.
static int mystrlen(const char * what)
int len=0;
while (0!=what[len]) len++;
return len;
/** Constructs the string with a default capacity
fstring() {
_capacity = DEFAULT_FSTRING_capacity;
_blocksize = DEFAULT_FSTRING_capacity/2;
_buffer = (char*) malloc(_capacity);
_buffer[0] = 0;
_endpos = 0;
/** Constructs the string with the specified capacity
fstring(int size) {
if (size<32) size = 32;
_capacity = size;
_blocksize = size/2;
_buffer = (char*) malloc(_capacity);
*_buffer = 0;
_endpos = 0;
/** constructs a fstring with a initial buffer.
fstring(const char *buffer) {
int size = mystrlen(buffer)+1;
_blocksize= DEFAULT_FSTRING_capacity/2;
_capacity = size + _blocksize;
_buffer = (char*) malloc(_capacity);
// append(buffer);
for(_endpos=0;_endpos<_capacity && buffer[_endpos]!=0;_endpos++)
/** Copy constructor, creates a clone of provided fstring.
fstring(fstring& x) {
/** The destructor frees the buffer, since it is our responsibility.
~fstring() {
if (_buffer) free(_buffer);
/** Returns the internal buffer
char* c_str() {
return _buffer;
/** Appends data at the end of buffer
fstring& append(const char*what)
_buffer[_endpos] = *w;
if (0 == *w || _endpos == _capacity) break;
w++; _endpos++;
return *this;
/** Appends data to the buffer and grows the buffer if needed
fstring& append_growing(const char*what)
_buffer[_endpos] = *w;
if (0 == *w ) break;
if (_endpos == _capacity-1 ) grow();
w++; _endpos++;
return *this;
/** reset the buffer
fstring& clear() {
return *this;
fstring& operator=(fstring& x) {
return clone(x);
fstring& operator=(char*what)
return append(what);
fstring& operator=(const char*what)
return append(what);
fstring& operator+=(fstring& what) { return (*this += what.c_str()); }
fstring& operator+=(const char*what) { return append(what); }
operator const char *() { return _buffer; }
fstring& operator+=(const char what)
if (_endpos == _capacity) return *this;
_buffer[_endpos] = what;
int lenght() { return _endpos; }
int size() { return _endpos; }
bool isfull() { return _endpos == _capacity; }
/** Returns the remaining space in buffer */
int remaining() { return _capacity-_endpos; }
fstring& format(const char * fmt,...)
va_list ap;
va_start ( ap, fmt );
vsprintf(_buffer, fmt, ap);
return *this;
fstring& clone(fstring&x)
_capacity = x._capacity;
_blocksize = x._blocksize;
_endpos = x._endpos;
_buffer = (char*)malloc(_capacity);
for(int i=0;i<_capacity;i++)
_buffer[i] = x._buffer[i];
return *this;
const char operator[](int c)
if(c > _endpos) return 0;
return _buffer[c];
/** Returns the internal string capacity */
int capacity()
{ return _capacity; }
/** This is a sort of "correct the size" function.
* Users shouldn't use it. */
void update_endpos()
for(int i=0;i<_capacity;i++)
if (0 == _buffer[i])
{ _endpos = i; break; }
#endif /*FSTRING_*/
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