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Created November 19, 2015 04:46
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def main(one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight):
#b[o]ol + li[s]t = "os"
#need this so to import os
os = True.__class__.__name__[one] + [].__class__.__name__[two]
#[wr]apper_descriptor + tuple[ite]rator = "write"
#need this to do os.write
write = ().__class__.__eq__.__class__.__name__[:two] + ().__iter__().__class__.__name__[five:eight]
#line number table which ends up as "" since it's anonymous
#need an empty string for deobfuscateString
emptyString = (lambda: _).func_code.co_lnotab
def obfuscateString(word):
codes = [ord(c) for c in word]
# string obfuscation
# ============================
# L−1
# ∑ c[n] * (256^n)
# n=0
# L = string length
# c[n] = ASCII code for nth character in string
num = sum(codes[i] * (256 ** i) for i in xrange(len(codes)))
return num
def deobfuscateString(num):
if num:
return chr(num % 256) + deobfuscateString(num // 256)
return emptyString #""
helloWorldNum = obfuscateString("Hello World!\n")
print "os: '{0}' (type: {1})".format(os, os.__class__.__name__)
print "write: '{0}' (type: {1})".format(write, write.__class__.__name__)
print "emptyString: '{0}' (type: {1})".format(emptyString, emptyString.__class__.__name__)
print "helloWorldNum: {0}".format(helloWorldNum)
#that number is far too plain, let's convert it into some bit shifted mumbo jumbo, shall we?
from math import ceil, log
def convertToBitShifted(num, depth=0):
result = ""
while num:
base = shift = 0
diff = num
span = int(ceil(log(abs(num), 1.5))) + (16 >> depth)
for test_base in xrange(span):
for test_shift in xrange(span):
test_diff = abs(num) - (test_base << test_shift)
if abs(test_diff) < abs(diff):
diff = test_diff
base = test_base
shift = test_shift
if result:
result += " + " if num > 0 else " - "
elif num < 0:
base = -base
if shift == 0:
result += encodeBitShifted(base, depth)
result += "(%s << %s)" % (encodeBitShifted(base, depth),
encodeBitShifted(shift, depth))
num = diff if num > 0 else -diff
return result
def encodeBitShifted(num, depth):
numL = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight"]
if num <= 8:
#so that eval will use our 1-8 variables in main()
return numL[num - 1]
return "(" + convertToBitShifted(num, depth + 1) + ")"
newHelloWorldNum = convertToBitShifted(helloWorldNum)
print "newHelloWorldNum: {0}".format(newHelloWorldNum)
print "eval(newHelloWorldNum): {0}".format(eval(newHelloWorldNum))
#and finally
print "\ndun...\n\nduNN.....\n\nDUNNNNN!!!!\n\nFinal Output jesus christ what have we done:"
getattr(__import__(os), write)(one, deobfuscateString(eval(newHelloWorldNum)))
def getNumList(L):
if L:
#really there's zero local variables because _ is not defined anywhere so it's assumed as a global
zero = (lambda: _).func_code.co_nlocals
#likewise, _ is now defined so it's really got one local variable
one = (lambda _: _).func_code.co_nlocals
#this gets number of arguments for each function in a list of functions recursively
return [L[zero].func_code.co_argcount] + getNumList(L[one:])
return []
if __name__ == "__main__":
#for our 1-8 list for number arguments
funcs = (
lambda one: one,
lambda one, two: one,
lambda one, two, three: one,
lambda one, two, three, four: one,
lambda one, two, three, four, five: one,
lambda one, two, three, four, five, six: one,
lambda one, two, three, four, five, six, seven: one,
lambda one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight: one
oneThroughEight = getNumList(funcs) #[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
print "oneThroughEight: {0}".format(oneThroughEight)
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