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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} | |
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} | |
module Main (main) where | |
import Control.Applicative | |
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TVar, atomically, newTVarIO, readTVar, readTVarIO, writeTVar) | |
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO) | |
import Control.Lens | |
import Control.Monad as Monad | |
import Control.Monad.State.Strict as State | |
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) | |
import Data.ByteString.Char8 () | |
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Bl | |
import Data.Foldable (Foldable) | |
import Data.List as List | |
import Data.Map (Map) | |
import qualified Data.Map as Map | |
import Data.Monoid | |
import qualified Data.Text as T | |
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T | |
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T | |
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Tl | |
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as Tl | |
import Data.Traversable (Traversable, traverse) | |
import Network.HTTP.Types | |
import Network.Wai as Wai | |
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp | |
import Data.Aeson (Result(..), fromJSON, json') | |
import Data.Conduit | |
import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec | |
import qualified Z3.Base as Z3B | |
import Z3.Base (Result(..)) | |
import Z3.Lang as Z3 | |
import Z3.Lang.Monad as Z3 | |
import System.FilePath | |
import System.IO | |
import Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar | |
import Debug.Trace (trace) | |
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP (readP_to_S) | |
import Distribution.Compiler | |
import Distribution.Package | |
import Distribution.PackageDescription | |
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse | |
import Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint (showGenericPackageDescription) | |
import Distribution.Text as Dt | |
import Distribution.Version | |
import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ((<>), ($$)) | |
newtype CurryConfVar = CurryConfVar ConfVar deriving Eq | |
instance Ord CurryConfVar where | |
l `compare` r | l == r = EQ | |
CurryConfVar l `compare` CurryConfVar r = case (l, r) of | |
(OS x, OS y) -> compare x y | |
(OS _, _) -> LT | |
(Arch x, Arch y) -> compare x y | |
(Arch _, _) -> LT | |
(Flag x, Flag y) -> compare x y | |
(Flag _, _) -> LT | |
(Impl x _, Impl y _) -> compare x y | |
(Impl _ _, _) -> LT | |
-- useful orphans.. | |
-- deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Condition a) | |
deriving instance Functor Condition | |
deriving instance Foldable Condition | |
deriving instance Traversable Condition | |
splitDependMap :: Map PackageIdentifier a -> Map PackageName (Map Version a) | |
splitDependMap = Map.fromListWith Map.union . fmap step . Map.toList where | |
step (k, v) = (pkgName k, Map.singleton (pkgVersion k) v) | |
type CurryMap a = Map PackageName (Map Version a) | |
curryMapLookup :: PackageIdentifier -> CurryMap a -> Maybe a | |
curryMapLookup package packages = do | |
versions <- Map.lookup (pkgName package) packages | |
Map.lookup (pkgVersion package) versions | |
curryMapInsert :: PackageIdentifier -> a -> CurryMap a -> CurryMap a | |
curryMapInsert k = Map.insertWith mappend (pkgName k) . Map.singleton (pkgVersion k) | |
-- | Convert a Cabal condition tree into a Z3 expression | |
condL :: Condition (Expr Bool) -> Expr Bool | |
condL (Var c) = c | |
condL (Lit c) = if c then Z3.true else Z3.false | |
condL (CNot c) = Z3.not_ (condL c) | |
condL (COr x y) = condL x Z3.||* condL y | |
condL (CAnd x y) = condL x Z3.&&* condL y | |
renderOneLine :: Text a => a -> String | |
renderOneLine = renderStyle style{mode=OneLineMode} . disp | |
data CurrySolverState = CurrySolverState | |
{ currySolverGenDesc :: !(CurryMap GenericPackageDescription) | |
, currySolverVars :: !(Map CurryConfVar (Z3.Expr Bool)) | |
, currySolverPkgs :: !(Map PackageIdentifier (Z3.Expr Bool)) | |
} | |
newtype CurrySolverT m a = CurrySolverT {runCurrySolverT :: StateT CurrySolverState m a} | |
deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans, MonadState CurrySolverState) | |
evalCurrySolverT | |
:: CurrySolverState | |
-> Z3State | |
-> CurrySolverT Z3 a | |
-> IO (a, CurrySolverState, Z3State) | |
evalCurrySolverT st z3s app = do | |
((a, st'), z3s') <- runZ3 (Z3B.withContext (runStateT (runCurrySolverT app) st)) z3s | |
return (a, st', z3s') | |
builtinPackages :: [PackageName] | |
builtinPackages = map PackageName $ | |
[ "rts" | |
, "ffi" | |
, "ghc" | |
, "ghc-binary" | |
, "ghc-prim" | |
, "integer" | |
, "integer-gmp" | |
, "integer-simple" | |
] ++ | |
[ "concurrent" | |
, "applicative" | |
] | |
getDependency :: Dependency -> CurrySolverT Z3 (Expr Bool) | |
getDependency (Dependency pkgName verRange) | |
| pkgName `elem` builtinPackages = return Z3.true | |
| otherwise = do | |
pkgs <- gets currySolverGenDesc | |
case Map.lookup pkgName pkgs of | |
Just vers -> do | |
let (ixs, oxs) = List.partition (`withinRange` verRange) (Map.keys vers) | |
somePackage xs = fmap Z3.or_ . forM xs $ getPackage . PackageIdentifier pkgName | |
-- select at least one package in version range. this will be limited to | |
-- one distinct version by an implies assertion in the same scope | |
ixs' <- somePackage ixs | |
-- avoid all packages out of range | |
oxs' <- Z3.not_ <$> somePackage oxs | |
-- and the combined rule | |
lift . Z3.let_ $ ixs' &&* oxs' | |
Nothing -> do | |
liftIO . putStrLn $ "missing: " ++ show pkgName | |
return Z3.true -- hmmm? | |
renderConfVar :: ConfVar -> String | |
renderConfVar (OS x) = "os##" ++ renderOneLine x | |
renderConfVar (Arch x) = "arch##" ++ renderOneLine x | |
renderConfVar (Flag (FlagName x)) = "flag##" ++ x | |
renderConfVar (Impl x _) = "impl##" ++ renderOneLine x -- ++ y | |
getConfVar :: MonadIO m => PackageName -> ConfVar -> CurrySolverT Z3 (Expr Bool) | |
getConfVar pkg k = do | |
let k' = CurryConfVar k | |
prefix | Flag _ <- k = renderOneLine pkg ++ "/" | |
| otherwise = "##global/" | |
st@CurrySolverState{currySolverVars} <- get | |
case Map.lookup k' currySolverVars of | |
Just v -> return v | |
Nothing -> do | |
v <- lift . Z3.namedVar $ prefix ++ renderConfVar k | |
put st{currySolverVars = Map.insert k' v currySolverVars} | |
return v | |
getCondTree :: PackageName -> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a -> CurrySolverT Z3 (Expr Bool) | |
getCondTree pkg CondNode{condTreeConstraints, condTreeComponents} = do | |
deps <- Z3.and_ <$> mapM getDependency condTreeConstraints | |
components <- forM condTreeComponents $ \ (cond, child, _mchild) -> do | |
condVar <- condL <$> traverse (getConfVar pkg) cond | |
childVar <- getCondTree pkg child | |
return $ condVar Z3.&&* childVar | |
return $! if List.null components | |
then deps | |
else deps Z3.&&* Z3.or_ components | |
getPackage :: PackageIdentifier -> CurrySolverT Z3 (Expr Bool) | |
getPackage pkgId | |
-- packages installed with GHC don't have .cabal files in hackage | |
-- eventually these should have their cabal files added in so this | |
-- special case could be removed | |
| pkgName pkgId `elem` builtinPackages = return Z3.true | |
| otherwise = do | |
mcachedVar <- Map.lookup pkgId <$> gets currySolverPkgs | |
mgdesc <- curryMapLookup pkgId <$> gets currySolverGenDesc | |
case (mcachedVar, mgdesc) of | |
(Just cachedVar, _) -> return cachedVar | |
(Nothing, Nothing) -> trace "wtf2" $ return Z3.false | |
(_, Just gdesc) | |
| Just condNode <- condLibrary gdesc -> do | |
self <- lift . Z3.namedVar $ renderOneLine pkgId | |
-- getCondTree may make recursive calls into getPackage. I'm not sure if Cabal internally supports | |
-- bidirectional dependencies (parent <=> child) so it may be better to insert a Z3.false constant instead. | |
State.modify $ \ s@CurrySolverState{currySolverPkgs = pkgs} -> s{currySolverPkgs = Map.insert pkgId self pkgs} | |
deps <- getCondTree (pkgName pkgId) condNode | |
self' <- lift . Z3.let_ $ self &&* deps | |
-- other packages should infer our dependencies, make them known | |
State.modify $ \ s@CurrySolverState{currySolverPkgs = pkgs} -> s{currySolverPkgs = Map.insert pkgId self' pkgs} | |
return $! self' | |
-- pretend we can always build executables (like cpphs) for now | |
| otherwise -> return Z3.true | |
getDistinctVersion :: Dependency -> CurrySolverT Z3 (Expr Bool) | |
getDistinctVersion (Dependency pkgName _) = do | |
pkgs <- splitDependMap <$> gets currySolverPkgs | |
case Map.lookup pkgName pkgs of | |
-- the (or (distinct x y) true) assertion is useful for global assertions | |
-- to validate that one of two cases will occur: | |
-- 1) only a single version of the package is selected, regardless of constraints | |
-- 2) no version of the package is selected | |
Just k -> lift . Z3.let_ $! Z3.distinct (Map.elems k) ||* Z3.true | |
Nothing -> trace ("assertDistinctVersion couldn't find: " ++ show pkgName) $ return Z3.false | |
getLatestVersion :: PackageName -> CurrySolverT Z3 (Z3.Result PackageIdentifier) | |
getLatestVersion pkgName = do | |
pkgs <- gets currySolverGenDesc | |
case Map.lookup pkgName pkgs of | |
Nothing -> trace "whut" $ return Unsat | |
Just ve -> | |
let step [] = return Unsat | |
step (pkgVer:ys) = do | |
let pkgId = PackageIdentifier pkgName pkgVer | |
pkgVar <- getPackage pkgId | |
res <- lift . Z3B.withContext $ do | |
assert pkgVar | |
{- | |
liftIO . putStrLn =<< showContext | |
x <- showModel | |
case x of | |
Sat x' -> liftIO $ putStrLn x' | |
Unsat -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Unsat" | |
Undef -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Undef" | |
-} | |
check | |
case res of | |
Sat _ -> return $! Sat pkgId | |
_ -> step ys | |
in step . List.reverse $ Map.keys ve | |
-- getLatestVersion :: Map x -> CurrySolverT Z3 (Z3.Result PackageIdentifier) | |
getLatestVersion' :: PackageName -> Map Version a -> CurrySolverT Z3 (Z3.Result PackageIdentifier) | |
getLatestVersion' pkgName = | |
let step [] = return Unsat | |
step (pkgVer:ys) = do | |
let pkgId = PackageIdentifier pkgName pkgVer | |
pkgVar <- getPackage pkgId | |
res <- lift . Z3B.withContext $ do | |
assert pkgVar | |
{- | |
liftIO . putStrLn =<< showContext | |
x <- showModel | |
case x of | |
Sat x' -> liftIO $ putStrLn x' | |
Unsat -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Unsat" | |
Undef -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Undef" | |
-} | |
check | |
case res of | |
Sat _ -> return $! Sat pkgId | |
_ -> step ys | |
in step . List.reverse . Map.keys | |
parseDependencies :: [T.Text] -> [Dependency] | |
parseDependencies = concatMap step where | |
step x = [dep | (dep, "") <- readP_to_S Dt.parse (T.unpack x)] | |
curryApp :: TVar CurrySolverState -> TVar Z3State -> Wai.Application | |
curryApp stref z3ref req | |
| "GET" <- requestMethod req, ["package", pkgName] <- pathInfo req = do | |
pkgs <- currySolverGenDesc <$> liftIO (readTVarIO stref) | |
let desc = do | |
ve <- Map.lookup (PackageName (T.unpack pkgName)) pkgs | |
(g, _) <- Map.maxView ve | |
return . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ showGenericPackageDescription g | |
case desc of | |
Just val -> return $ responseLBS status200 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] (Bl.fromChunks [val]) | |
Nothing -> return $ responseLBS status404 [] "Package not found" | |
| "PUT" <- requestMethod req, ["search", "package", pkgName] <- pathInfo req = do | |
constraints <- requestBody req $$ sinkParser json' | |
case fromJSON constraints of | |
Error str -> fail str | |
Success deps -> do | |
let deps' = parseDependencies deps | |
liftIO $ print deps' | |
(st, z3s) <- liftIO . atomically $ (,) <$> readTVar stref <*> readTVar z3ref | |
(res, st', z3s') <- evalCurrySolverT st z3s $ do | |
ghcFlag <- getConfVar (PackageName "##global") (Impl GHC anyVersion) | |
distVars <- Z3.and_ <$> mapM getDistinctVersion deps' | |
depsVars <- Z3.and_ <$> mapM getDependency deps' | |
pkgs <- gets currySolverGenDesc | |
Z3B.withContext $ do | |
-- lift $ assert ghcFlag | |
-- lift $ assert distVars | |
-- assert depsVars | |
getLatestVersion $ PackageName (T.unpack pkgName) | |
liftIO . atomically $ do | |
writeTVar z3ref z3s' | |
writeTVar stref st' | |
case res of | |
Sat pkgId -> do | |
let asUrl = T.encodeUtf8 . mappend "https://hackage.haskell.org/package/archive/" . T.pack . renderOneLine | |
headers = [("Location", asUrl pkgId)] | |
return $ responseLBS status303 headers Bl.empty | |
Unsat -> | |
let headers = [("Reason", "Unsat")] | |
in return $ responseLBS status404 headers Bl.empty | |
Undef -> | |
let headers = [("Reason", "Undef")] | |
in return $ responseLBS status404 headers Bl.empty | |
| "PUT" <- requestMethod req, ["search", "module", moduleName] <- pathInfo req = do | |
error "search/module/..." | |
-- | ("package":xs) <- pathInfo req = return . responseLBS status200 [] $ "ok\n" <> Bl.fromChunks (fmap T.encodeUtf8 xs) | |
| otherwise = fail "foo" | |
foldEntriesM :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) => (a -> Entry -> m a) -> a -> Entries e -> m a | |
foldEntriesM f = step where | |
step !s (Next e es) = f s e >>= flip step es | |
step s Tar.Done = return s | |
step _ (Fail e) = liftIO $ throwIO e | |
main :: IO () | |
main = do | |
entries <- Tar.read <$> Bl.readFile "/Source/curry/00-index.tar" | |
-- entries <- Tar.read <$> Bl.readFile "/Source/curry/test.tar" | |
let step !agg e | |
| ".cabal" <- takeExtension (entryPath e) | |
, NormalFile lbs _fs <- entryContent e | |
, ParseOk _ gpd <- parsePackageDescription (Tl.unpack (Tl.decodeUtf8With T.ignore lbs)) = do | |
putChar '.' | |
hFlush stdout | |
return $ Map.insert (packageId gpd) gpd agg | |
| otherwise = do | |
putChar 'x' | |
hFlush stdout | |
return agg | |
gpdMap <- foldEntriesM step Map.empty entries | |
let gpdCurryMap = splitDependMap gpdMap | |
packages = Map.keys gpdMap | |
initPackages = do | |
return () | |
-- forM_ packages getPackage | |
-- forM_ (Map.keys gpdCurryMap) assertDistinctVersion | |
z3s <- initZ3State Z3.stdArgs | |
(st, z3s') <- runZ3 (execStateT (runCurrySolverT initPackages) | |
CurrySolverState | |
{ currySolverGenDesc = gpdCurryMap | |
, currySolverVars = Map.empty | |
, currySolverPkgs = Map.empty | |
}) z3s | |
forM_ (Map.keys (currySolverVars st)) $ \ (CurryConfVar v) -> print v | |
z3ref <- newTVarIO z3s' | |
stref <- newTVarIO st | |
-- Warp.run 7575 $ curryApp st{currySolverGenDesc = Map.empty} z3ref | |
Warp.run 7575 $ curryApp stref z3ref |
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