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Last active August 28, 2018 06:40
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CS Select
* NOTE: This script works better with the following CSS file:
* (cs_select.scss)
options = {
# REQUIRED div html tag class for the generated input
selector: '.classSelector',
# REQUIRED select html tag class resource.
select_tag: '.classSelector'
# OPTIONAL when open one, others are close. default = false
open_one: true | false
# OPTIONAL custom classes for fancy styles purporses
custom_class: {
selector: 'className',
placeholder: 'className',
item: 'className'
# OPTIONAL | CALLBACK trigger when an option is selected
on_change: function(){
var select = new cs_select({
selector: '.cs-wrapper',
select_tag: '._select',
custom_class: {
selector: 'my_custom_class_1',
placeholder: 'my_custom_class_2',
item: 'my_custom_class_3'
on_change: function( obj ){
<div class="field cs-wrapper">
[select class:_select]
- Placeholder text is first option value
- This plugin requires jQuery
- This plugin works better with a SCSS file called _cs_select.css
- This plugin is nice, not a masterpiece but still nice
- Have a nice day
- Generated content has the following structure:
<div class="cs-select">
<span class="cs-placeholder">Colour</span>
<div class="cs-options">
<li class="cs-item" data-value="hi">Hi</li>
<li class="cs-item" data-value="bye">Bye</li>
<select class="item" name="colour" id="colour">
<option value="">Colour</option>
<option value="hi">Hi</option>
<option value="bye">Bye</option>
var cs_select = function( options ){
this.options = options;
this.init = function () {
var _self = this,
_el = _self.options.selector,
_select = _self.options.select_tag;
_self.options.open_one = ( typeof _self.options.open_one === 'undefined' ? false : _self.options.open_one );
this._renderSelect = function() {
var _self = this,
_el = _self.options.selector,
_select = _self.options.select_tag;
$( _select ).each(function(){
_self._generateSelect( $(this) , function ( el ){
el.parent().css('height', $(_el).find('span.cs-placeholder').outerHeight() + 4 );
el.parent().click( function (ev) {
if( $(this).hasClass('cs-active') ){
.css('height', $(_el).find('span.cs-placeholder').outerHeight() + 4 );
} else {
_self.options.open_one === true && _self._closeOptions();
_self._addHeight( $(this) );
el.parent().find('.cs-item').on('click', function (ev) {
_self.selected = {
string: $(this).html(),
value: $(this).data('value')
el.parent().find('.cs-placeholder').html( _self.selected.string );
el.parent().find('select').val( _self.selected.value );
if ("createEvent" in document) {
var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
typeof _self.options.on_change === 'function' && _self.options.on_change( _self );
this._didClickOutsite = function(){
var _self = this;
$(document).mouseup( function (e) {
var _container = $(_self.options.selector);
if (! && _container.has( === 0){
this._closeOptions = function(){
var _self = this;
.css('height' , $(_self.options.selector).find('.cs-select .cs-placeholder').outerHeight() + 4 );
this._addHeight = function ( el ) {
var cs_options = el.find('.cs-options ul').outerHeight(),
cs_placeholder = el.find('.cs-placeholder').outerHeight();
el.css('height', cs_options + cs_placeholder + 4 );
this._generateSelect = function ( el , callback ) {
var _self = this,
placeholder = el.find('option:first').text();
// Wrap cs-select
el.wrapAll('<div class="cs-select"></div>');
if( typeof _self.options.custom_class !== 'undefined' && typeof _self.options.custom_class.selector !== 'undefined' && _self.options.custom_class.selector !== '' ){
// Insert placeholder
el.before('<span class="cs-placeholder">'+ placeholder+'</span>');
if( typeof _self.options.custom_class !== 'undefined' && typeof _self.options.custom_class.placeholder !== 'undefined' && _self.options.custom_class.placeholder !== '' ){
// Insert Options
el.before('<div class="cs-options"><ul></ul></div>');
for( var i = 0 ; i < el.find('option').length ; i++ ){
var tag_text = $(el.find('option')[i]).context.innerText,
tag_val = $(el.find('option')[i]).val();
if( $(el.find('option')[i]).val() !== '' ){
el.parent().find('.cs-options ul').append('<li class="cs-item" data-value="'+tag_val+'">'+ tag_text +'</li>');
tag_text = null
tag_val = null;
if( typeof _self.options.custom_class !== 'undefined' && typeof _self.options.custom_class.item !== 'undefined' && _self.options.custom_class.item !== '' ){
el.parent().find('.cs-options ul li').addClass(_self.options.custom_class.item);
callback( el );
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