注意:このドキュメンテーションは生成AIによる自動生成です。 MacBookPro 13-inch, M1, 2020でのみ動作を確認しています。
は、Julia用のOllama APIラッパーモジュールです。このモジュールは、Ollama APIとの通信を簡素化し、テキスト生成や会話型AIの機能を提供します。
#include <iomanip> // for std::setprecision | |
#include <ios> // for std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield | |
#include <iostream> // for std::cout, std::endl | |
#include <utility> // for std::make_pair, std::pair | |
#define __AVX2_AVAILABLE__ | |
#include "SIMDInstructionSet.h" | |
#include "Xoshiro256Plus.h" | |
namespace { | |
inline double mcpi(); |
#include <iomanip> // for std::setprecision | |
#include <ios> // for std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield | |
#include <iostream> // for std::cout, std::endl | |
#include <random> // for std::mt19937, std::uniform_real_distribution | |
namespace { | |
inline double mcpi(); | |
} | |
int main() |
"""Stream output of `asyncio.create_subprocess_exec()`""" | |
import asyncio | |
import sys | |
async def run(program: str, args: list[str]): | |
"""Capture output (stdout and stderr) while running external command.""" | |
proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( | |
program, *args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE | |
) |
using Random | |
using ProgressMeter | |
function myproducer(ch::Channel, seed) | |
Random.seed!(seed) | |
while true | |
r = rand() | |
if r > 0.5 | |
put!(ch, r) | |
else |
S = "\t☆ | |
/\ | |
/★∴ \ | |
(人_人_人) | |
/∴∵★∵★∵ \ | |
(_人_人_人_) | |
/☆∴∵∴∵★ ∴ \ | |
(_人★人☆人_ ) | |
 ̄凵 ̄ " |
%% Julia definition (c) 2020 Daichi Furukawa | |
%% | |
\lstdefinelanguage{Julia}{% | |
morekeywords={abstract, ans, baremodule, begin, break, const, continue, do,% | |
elseif, else, end, export, finally, for, function, global, if, import,% | |
let, local, macro, module, mutable, primitive, quote, return, struct, try,% | |
type, using, var, where, while},% | |
% Types | |
morekeywords=[2]{Any, Array, Bool, BigInt, BigFloat, Char, DataType, Enum,% | |
Expr, Float16, Float32, Float64, Function, Inf, Inf16, Inf32, Int8, Int16,% |
using Dash, DashHtmlComponents, DashCoreComponents, HTTP, CSV, Dates, Printf | |
r = HTTP.request("GET", "https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AMZN/history?p=AMZN"); | |
crumb = match(r"(?:CrumbStore\"\:\{\"crumb\":\")(.*?)(?:\")", String(r.body)).captures; | |
session_cookie = match(r"(?:B=)(.*?)(?:;)", HTTP.header(r, "Set-Cookie")).captures; | |
app = dash(); | |
app.layout = html_div(style=Dict("width"=>"500")) do | |
dcc_dropdown( |
using AbstractPlotting | |
using AbstractPlotting.MakieLayout | |
using GLMakie; GLMakie.activate!() | |
GLMakie.GLFW.WindowHint(GLMakie.GLFW.FLOATING, 1) | |
using LinearAlgebra | |
## | |
scene = Scene(center = false, raw = true, resolution = (800, 800)) |
をpull$ docker pull paperist/alpine-texlive-ja
に以下を追記 "latex-workshop.latex.tools": [
"name": "ptex2pdf",
"command": "docker",