Out of the box, Homebrew does a default installation on Sphinx:
$ brew install sphinx
However, if you're using MySQL, the thinking-sphinx gem won't work because it needs to use MySQL libraries.
If you managed to screw up the first time, uninstall sphinx first:
$ brew remove sphinx
and do an interactive reinstallation:
$ brew install --interactive sphinx
This will take you to the installation folder, so you can do additional commands yourself. Add MySQL dependencies by doing:
$ ./configure --with-mysql
$ make
$ make install
Seems like
brew install sphinx --with-mysql
have the following error:Error: invalid option: --with-mysql
brew version:
Homebrew 2.2.14
Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 9fd5f; last commit 2020-05-02)
Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 0aca0; last commit 2020-05-02)