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Kubernetes fish completions
# kubernetes - is an open source system for managing containerized
# applications across multiple hosts, providing basic mechanisms for
# deployment, maintenance, and scaling of applications.
# See:
function __kubectl_no_command
set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
if not set -q cmd[2]
return 0
return 1
function __kubectl_using_command
set cmd (commandline -poc)
if test (count $cmd) -gt (count $argv)
set -e cmd[1]
string match -q -- "$argv*" "$cmd"
return $status
return 1
function __kubectl_using_option
set cmd (commandline -poc)
set query "("(string join -- "|" $argv)")"
if test (count $cmd) -gt 1
if string match -qr -- $query $cmd[-1]
return 0
return 1
function __kubectl_using_option_value -a option -a value
set cmd (commandline -poc)
if test (count $cmd) -gt 1
string match -qr -- $option"[= ]"$value "$cmd"
return $status
return 1
function __kubectl_using_go_template_format
__kubectl_using_option_value output go-template
or __kubectl_using_option_value output go-template-file
or __kubectl_using_option_value o go-template
or __kubectl_using_option_value o go-template-file
function __kubectl_using_resource_type
for rt in (__kubectl_resource_types)
if __fish_seen_subcommand_from $rt
return 0
return 1
function __kubectl_no_pod
set cmd (commandline -pc)
for i in (__kubectl_pods --no-prefix pods)
if string match -q "*$i*" -- $cmd
return 1
return 0
function __kubectl_resource_types
echo clusters
echo componentstatuses
echo configmaps
echo daemonsets
echo deployments
echo endpoints
echo events
echo horizontalpodautoscalers
echo ingresses
echo jobs
echo limitranges
echo namespaces
echo networkpolicies
echo nodes
echo persistentvolumeclaims
echo persistentvolumes
echo pods
echo podsecuritypolicies
echo podtemplates
echo replicasets
echo replicationcontrollers
echo resourcequotas
echo secrets
echo serviceaccounts
echo services
echo statefulsets
echo storageclasses
echo thirdpartyresources
function __kubectl_resource_type_description -a type
switch $type
case clusters cluster
echo "Cluster"
case componentstatuses componentstatus cs
echo "Status"
case configmaps configmap cm
echo "Config Map"
case daemonsets daemonset ds
echo "Daemon Set"
case deployments deployment deploy
echo "Deployment"
case endpoints endpoint ep
echo "Endpoint"
case events event ev
echo "Event"
case horizontalpodautoscalers horizontalpodautoscaler hpa
echo "Autoscaler"
case ingresses ingress ing
echo "Ingress"
case jobs job
echo "Job"
case limitranges limitrange limits
echo "Range"
case namespaces namespace ns
echo "Namespace"
case networkpolicies networkpolicy
echo "Policy"
case nodes node no
echo "Node"
case persistentvolumeclaims persistentvolumeclaim pvc
echo "Volume Claim"
case persistentvolumes persistentvolume pv
echo "Volume"
case pods pod po
echo "Pod"
case podsecuritypolicies podsecuritypolicy psp
echo "Policy"
case podtemplates podtemplate
echo "Template"
case replicasets replicaset rs
echo "Replica Set"
case replicationcontrollers replicationcontroller rc
echo "RC"
case resourcequotas resourcequota quota
echo "Quota"
case secrets secret
echo "Secret"
case serviceaccounts serviceaccount sa
echo "Account"
case services service svc
echo "Service"
case statefulsets statefulset
echo "Stateful Set"
case storageclasses storageclass
echo "Storage Class"
case thirdpartyresources thirdpartyresource
echo "Resource"
function __kubectl_resources
set -l prefix 1
for i in $argv
switch $i
case '--no-prefix'
set -e prefix
set idx (contains -i -- --no-prefix $argv)
set -e argv[$idx]
set cmd (commandline -pc)
set namespace (string replace -r '^kubectl .*(-n |--namespace[= ]?)([^ ]*) .*$' '$2' -- $cmd)
for resource in $argv
if set -lq prefix
kubectl get $resource -n "$namespace" -o name ^/dev/null
kubectl get $resource -n "$namespace" -o name ^/dev/null | string replace -r '.*/' ''
function __kubectl_containers
set namespace (string replace -r '^kubectl .*(-n |--namespace[= ]?)([^ ]*) .*$' '$2' -- $argv)
set pod
for i in (__kubectl_resources --no-prefix pods)
if string match -q "*$i*" -- $argv
set pod $i
if test -z "$pod"
kubectl get -n "$namespace" pods "$pod" -o 'jsonpath={.spec.containers[*].name}' | string split ' '
function __kubectl_pods_completion
set cmd (commandline -pc)
set namespace (string replace -r '^kubectl .*(-n |--namespace[= ]?)([^ ]*) .*$' '$2' -- $cmd)
kubectl get pods -n "$namespace" ^/dev/null | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1"\tPod "$2" "$3}'
function __kubectl_generate_get_resource_subcommand_completions
for subcmd in (__kubectl_resource_types)
set arguments "(__kubectl_resources $subcmd | string replace -r '^.*/' '')"
set description (__kubectl_resource_type_description $subcmd)
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from $subcmd" -a $arguments -d $description
function __kubectl_get_prefixed_resource_completions
set cmd (commandline -po)
if string match -qr '[a-zA-Z]+/.*$' -- $cmd[-1]
set type (string replace -r '([a-zA-Z]+)/.*$' '$1' -- $cmd[-1])
set description (__kubectl_resource_type_description $type)
printf "%s\t$description\n" (__kubectl_resources $type)
function __kubectl_output_formats
echo json
echo yaml
echo wide
echo name
echo custom-columns=
echo custom-columns-file=
echo go-template=
echo go-template-file=
echo jsonpath=
echo jsonpath-file=
function __kubectl_subcommands -a cmd
switch $cmd
case create
echo configmap\t"Create a configmap from a local file, directory or literal value"
echo deployment\t"Create a deployment with the specified name"
echo namespace\t"Create a namespace with the specified name"
echo quota\t"Create a quota with the specified name"
echo secret\t"Create a secret using specified subcommand"
echo service\t"Create a service using specified subcommand"
echo serviceaccount\t"Create a service account with the specified name"
case set
echo image\t"Update image of a pod template"
echo resources\t"Update resource requests/limits on objects with pod templates"
# Global command-line options:
complete -c kubectl -l "alsologtostderr" -d "Log to standard error as well as files"
complete -c kubectl -l "as" -d "Username to impersonate for the operation"
complete -c kubectl -l "certificate-authority" -d "Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority"
complete -c kubectl -l "client-certificate" -d "Path to a client certificate file for TLS"
complete -c kubectl -l "client-key" -d "Path to a client key file for TLS"
complete -c kubectl -l "cluster" -d "The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use"
complete -c kubectl -l "context" -d "The name of the kubeconfig context to use"
complete -c kubectl -l "insecure-skip-tls-verify" -d "Certificate will not be checked for validity"
complete -c kubectl -l "kubeconfig" -d "Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests"
complete -c kubectl -l "log-backtrace-at" -d "Emit a stack trace when logging hits line file:N"
complete -c kubectl -l "log-dir" -d "Write log files in this directory"
complete -c kubectl -l "log-flush-frequency" -d "Maximum number of seconds between log flushes"
complete -c kubectl -l "logtostderr" -d "Log to standard error instead of files [default true]"
complete -c kubectl -l "match-server-version" -d "Require server version to match client version"
complete -c kubectl -s n -l "namespace" -d "The namespace scope for this CLI request"
complete -c kubectl -l "password" -d "Password for basic authentication to the API server"
complete -c kubectl -l "request-timeout" -d "Timeout for a single server request"
complete -c kubectl -s s -l "server" -d "The address and port of the Kubernetes API server"
complete -c kubectl -l "stderrthreshold" -d "Logs at or above this threshold go to stderr"
complete -c kubectl -l "token" -d "Bearer token for authentication to the API server"
complete -c kubectl -l "user" -d "The name of the kubeconfig user to use"
complete -c kubectl -l "username" -d "Username for basic authentication to the API server"
complete -c kubectl -s v -l "v" -d "Log level for V logs"
complete -c kubectl -l "vmodule" -d "List of settings for file-filtered logging"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_option -n --namespace" -a "(__kubectl_resources --no-prefix namespaces)" -d "Namespace"
# Basic Commands (Beginner):
## create
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a create -d "Create a resource by filename or stdin"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -a "(__kubectl_subcommands create)"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "dry-run" -d "Only print the object that would be sent"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "edit" -d "Edit the API resource before creating"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __kubectl_using_option_value edit true" -l "windows-line-endings" -d "Use Windows line-endings"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -s f -l "filename" -d "Filename, directory, or URL to files"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __kubectl_using_option -f --filename" -s R -l "recursive" -d "Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "include-extended-apis" -d "Include definitions of new APIs [default true]"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "no-headers" -d "Don't print headers"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -s o -l "output" -d "Output format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __kubectl_using_option -o --output" -a "(__kubectl_output_formats)" -d "Format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __kubectl_using_go_template_format" -l "template" -d "Template string or path to template file to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "output-version" -d "Format object with the given group version"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "record" -d "Record current kubectl command in the resource annotation"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "save-config" -d "The config of current object will be saved in its annotation"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "schema-cache-dir" -d "Load/store cached API schemas in this directory"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -s a -l "show-all" -d "When printing, show all resources"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "show-labels" -d "When printing, show all labels as the last column"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "sort-by" -d "Sort list types using this field specification"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create" -l "validate" -d "Use a schema to validate the input before sending it [default true]"
### create configmap
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from configmap" -l "from-file" -d "File or directory to find config files, with optional key prefix"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from configmap" -l "from-literal" -d "Specify a key and literal value to insert in configmap"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from configmap" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
### create deployment
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from deployment" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from deployment" -l "image" -d "Image name to run"
### create namespace
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from namespace" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
### create quota
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from quota" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from quota" -l "hard" -d "A comma-delimited set of resource=quantity pairs that define a hard limit"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from quota" -l "scopes" -d "A comma-delimited set of quota scopes that must all match each object tracked by the quota"
### create secret
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret" -a "docker-registry" -d "Create a secret for use with a Docker registry"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret" -a "generic" -d "Create a secret from a local file, directory or literal value"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret" -a "tls" -d "Create a TLS secret"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from docker-registry" -l "docker-email" -d "Email for Docker registry"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from docker-registry" -l "docker-password" -d "Password for Docker registry authentication"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from docker-registry" -l "docker-server" -d "Server location for Docker registry"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from docker-registry" -l "docker-username" -d "Username for Docker registry authentication"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from generic" -l "from-file" -d "File or directory to find config files, with optional key prefix"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from generic" -l "from-literal" -d "Specify a key and literal value to insert in configmap"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from generic" -l "type" -d "The type of secret to create"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from tls" -l "cert" -d "Path to PEM encoded public key certificate"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from secret; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from tls" -l "key" -d "Path to private key associated with given certificate"
### create service
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from service" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from service" -l "tcp" -d "Port pairs can be specified as '<port>:<targetPort>'"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from service" -a "clusterip loadbalancer nodeport" -d "Service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from service; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from clusterip" -l "clusterip" -d "Assign your own ClusterIP or set to 'None' for a 'headless' service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from service; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from nodeport" -l "node-port" -d "Port used to expose the service on each node in a cluster"
### create serviceaccount
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command create; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from serviceaccount" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
## expose
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a expose -d "Expose a resource as a new Kubernetes Service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -a "pod service replicationcontroller deployment replicaset" -d "Resource Type"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "cluster-ip" -d "ClusterIP to be assigned to the service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "container-port" -l "target-port" -d "Name or number for the port on the container that the service should direct traffic to"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "create-external-load-balancer" -d "Create an external load balancer for this service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "dry-run" -d "Only print the object that would be sent"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "external-ip" -d "Additional external IP address to accept for the service"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -s f -l "filename" -d "Filename, directory, or URL to files"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __kubectl_using_option -f --filename" -s R -l "recursive" -d "Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -s l -l "labels" -d "Labels to apply to the service created by this call"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "load-balancer-ip" -d "IP to assign to the Load Balancer"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "name" -d "The name for the newly created object"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "no-headers" -d "Don't print headers"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "output" -d "Output format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __kubectl_using_option -o --output" -a "(__kubectl_output_formats)" -d "Format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __kubectl_using_go_template_format" -l "template" -d "Template string or path to template file to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "output-version" -d "Format object with the given group version"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "overrides" -d "An inline JSON override for the generated object"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "port" -d "The port that the service should serve on"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "protocol" -d "The network protocol for the service to be created"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __kubectl_using_option --protocol" -a "TCP UDP" -d "Protocol"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "record" -d "Record current kubectl command in the resource annotation"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "save-config" -d "The config of current object will be saved in its annotation"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "selector" -d "A label selector to use for this service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "session-affinity" -d "Set the session affinity for the service to this"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __kubectl_using_option --session-affinity" -a "None ClientIP" -d "Affinity"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -s a -l "show-all" -d "Show all resources"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "show-labels" -d "Show all labels as the last column"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "sort-by" -d "Sort list types using this field specification"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose" -l "type" -d "Type for this service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __kubectl_using_option --type" -a "ClusterIP NodePort LoadBalancer" -d "Type"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from pod" -a "(__kubectl_pods_completion)"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from service" -a "(__kubectl_resources --no-prefix services)" -d "Service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from replicationcontroller" -a "(__kubectl_resources --no-prefix replicationcontrollers)" -d "RC"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from deployment" -a "(__kubectl_resources --no-prefix deployments)" -d "Deployment"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command expose; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from replicaset" -a "(__kubectl_resources --no-prefix replicasets)" -d "Replica Set"
## run
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a run -d "Run a particular image on the cluster"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "attach" -d "Wait for the Pod to start running"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l command -d "Use extra arguments as the command field in the container"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "dry-run" -d "Only print the object that would be sent"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "env" -d "Environment variables to set in the container"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "expose" -d "A public, external service is created for the container(s) which are run"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run; and __kubectl_using_option --expose" -l "service-generator" -d "The name of the generator to use for creating a service"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run; and __kubectl_using_option --expose" -l "service-overrides" -d "An inline JSON override for the generated service object"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "generator" -d "The name of the API generator to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "hostport" -d "The host port mapping for the container port"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "image" -d "The image for the container to run"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "image-pull-policy" -d "The image pull policy for the container"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "include-extended-apis" -d "Include definitions of new APIs [default true]"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -s l -l "labels" -d "Labels to apply to the pod(s)"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "leave-stdin-open" -d "Leave stdin open after the first attach completes"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "limits" -d "The resource requirement limits for this container"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "no-headers" -d "Don't print headers"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -s o -l "output" -d "Output format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run; and __kubectl_using_option -o --output" -a "(__kubectl_output_formats)" -d "Format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run; and __kubectl_using_go_template_format" -l "template" -d "Template string or path to template file to use"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "output-version" -d "Format object with the given group version"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "overrides" -d "An inline JSON override for the generated object"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "port" -d "The port that this container exposes"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "quiet" -d "Suppress prompt messages"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "record" -d "Record current kubectl command in the resource annotation"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -s r -l "replicas" -d "Number of replicas to create for this container"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "requests" -d "The resource requirement requests for this container"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "restart" -d "The restart policy for this Pod"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run; and __kubectl_using_option --restart" -a "Always OnFailure Never" -d "Policy"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "rm" -d "Delete resources created in this command for attached containers"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "save-config" -d "The config of current object will be saved in its annotation"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "schedule" -d "A schedule in the Cron format the job should be run with"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -s a -l "show-all" -d "Show all resources"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "show-labels" -d "Show all labels as the last column"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -l "sort-by" -d "Sort list types using this field specification"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -s i -l "stdin" -d "Keep stdin open on the container(s) in the pod"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command run" -s t -l "tty" -d "Allocated a TTY for each container in the pod"
## set
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a set -d "Set specific features on objects"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command set" -a "(__kubectl_subcommands set)"
### set image
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -a "pod replicationcontroller deployment daemonset job replicaset" -d "Resource Type"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -a "(__kubectl_resources pod replicationcontroller deployment daemonset job replicaset)" -d "Resource"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -l "all" -d "Select all resources in the namespace of the specified resource types"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -s f -l "filename" -d "Filename, directory, or URL to files"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image; and __kubectl_using_option -f --filename" -s R -l "recursive" -d "Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -l "local" -d "Set image will NOT contact api-server but run locally"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -l "no-headers" -d "Don't print headers"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -s o -l "output" -d "Output format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image; and __kubectl_using_option -o --output" -a "(__kubectl_output_formats)" -d "Format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image; and __kubectl_using_go_template_format" -l "template" -d "Template string or path to template file to use"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -l "output-version" -d "Format object with the given group version"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -l "record" -d "Record current kubectl command in the resource annotation"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -s l -l "selector" -d "Selector (label query) to filter on"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -s a -l "show-all" -d "Show all resources"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -l "show-labels" -d "Show all labels as the last column"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from image" -l "sort-by" -d "Sort list types using this field specification"
### set resources
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -a "replicationcontroller deployment daemonset job replicaset" -d "Resource Type"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -l "all" -d "Select all resources in the namespace of the specified resource types"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -s c -l "containers" -d "The names of containers in the selected pod templates to change"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -l "dry-run" -d "Only print the object that would be sent"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -s f -l "filename" -d "Filename, directory, or URL to files"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources; and __kubectl_using_option -f --filename" -s R -l "recursive" -d "Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -l "limits" -d "The resource requirement requests for this container"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -l "local" -d "Set resources will NOT contact api-server but run locally"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -l "no-headers" -d "Don't print headers"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -s o -l "output" -d "Output format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources; and __kubectl_using_option -o --output" -a "(__kubectl_output_formats)" -d "Format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources; and __kubectl_using_go_template_format" -l "template" -d "Template string or path to template file to use"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -l "output-version" -d "Format object with the given group version"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -l "record" -d "Record current kubectl command in the resource annotation"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command set; and __fish_seen_subcommand_from resources" -l "requests" -d "The resource requirement requests for this container"
# Basic Commands (Intermediate):
## get
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a get -d "Display one or many resources"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "all-namespaces" -d "List the requested object(s) across all namespaces"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "export" -d "Strip cluster-specific info"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -s f -l "filename" -d "Filename, directory, or URL to files"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get; and __kubectl_using_option -f --filename" -s R -l "recursive" -d "Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "include-extended-apis" -d "Include definitions of new APIs [default true]"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -s L -l "label-columns" -d "List of labels to be presented as columns"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "no-headers" -d "Don't print headers"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -s o -l "output" -d "Output format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get; and __kubectl_using_option -o --output" -a "(__kubectl_output_formats)" -d "Format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get; and __kubectl_using_go_template_format" -l "template" -d "Template string or path to template file to use"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "output-version" -d "Format object with the given group version"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "raw" -d "Raw URI to request from the server"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -s l -l "selector" -d "Selector (label query) to filter on"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -s a -l "show-all" -d "Show all resources"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "show-kind" -d "List the resource type for the requested object(s)"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "show-labels" -d "Show all labels as the last column"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "sort-by" -d "Sort list types using this field specification"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -s w -l "watch" -d "Watch for changes after listing/getting"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command get" -l "watch-only" -d "Watch for changes to the requested object(s)"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get; and not __kubectl_using_resource_type" -a "(__kubectl_resource_types)" -d "Resource Type"
# Generate completions for all resource sub-commands
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command get; and not __kubectl_using_resource_type" -a "(__kubectl_get_prefixed_resource_completions)"
## explain
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a explain -d "Documentation of resources"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command explain" -l "include-extended-apis" -d "Include definitions of new APIs [default true]"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command explain" -l "recursive" -d "Print the fields of fields"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command explain; and not __kubectl_using_resource_type" -a "(__kubectl_resource_types)" -d "Resource Type"
## edit
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a edit -d "Edit a resource on the server"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -s f -l "filename" -d "Filename, directory, or URL to files"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit; and __kubectl_using_option -f --filename" -s R -l "recursive" -d "Process the directory used in -f, --filename recursively"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -l "include-extended-apis" -d "Include definitions of new APIs [default true]"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -s o -l "output" -d "Output format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit; __kubectl_using_option -o --output" -a "yaml json" -d "Format"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -l "output-version" -d "Format object with the given group version"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -l "record" -d "Record current kubectl command in the resource annotation"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -l "save-config" -d "The config of current object will be saved in its annotation"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -l "schema-cache-dir" -d "Load/store cached API schemas in this directory"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -l "validate" -d "Use a schema to validate the input before sending"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_using_command edit" -l "windows-line-endings" -d "Use Windows line-endings"
## delete
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a delete -d "Delete resources"
# Deploy Commands:
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a rollout -d "Manage a deployment rollout"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a rolling-update -d "Perform a rolling update of the given ReplicationController"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a scale -d "Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a autoscale -d "Auto-scale a Deployment, ReplicaSet, or ReplicationController"
# Cluster Management Commands:
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a certificate -d "Modify certificate resources."
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a cluster-info -d "Display cluster info"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a top -d "Display Resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a cordon -d "Mark node as unschedulable"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a uncordon -d "Mark node as schedulable"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a drain -d "Drain node in preparation for maintenance"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a taint -d "Update the taints on one or more nodes"
# Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands:
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a describe -d "Show details of a specific resource or group of resources"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a logs -d "Print the logs for a container in a pod"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a attach -d "Attach to a running container"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a exec -d "Execute a command in a container"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a port-forward -d "Forward one or more local ports to a pod"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a proxy -d "Run a proxy to the Kubernetes API server"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a cp -d "Copy files and directories to and from containers."
# Advanced Commands:
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a apply -d "Apply a configuration to a resource by filename or stdin"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a patch -d "Update field(s) of a resource using strategic merge patch"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a replace -d "Replace a resource by filename or stdin"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a convert -d "Convert config files between different API versions"
# Settings Commands:
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a label -d "Update the labels on a resource"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a annotate -d "Update the annotations on a resource"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a completion -d "Output shell completion code for the given SHELL"
# Other Commands:
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a api-versions -d "Print the supported API versions on the server"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a config -d "Modify kubeconfig files"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a help -d "Help about any command"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a version -d "Print the client and server version information"
complete -c kubectl -f -n "__kubectl_no_command" -a options -d "Print the shared options"
# Attach
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command attach" -a "(__kubectl_pods_completion)"
# Exec
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command exec" -a "(__kubectl_pods_completion)"
# Describe
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command describe" -a "(__kubectl_resource_types)" -d "Resource Type"
complete -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command describe" -a "(__kubectl_pods_completion)"
# Logs
complete -f -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command logs; and __kubectl_no_pod" -a "(__kubectl_pods_completion)"
complete -f -c kubectl -n "__kubectl_using_command logs" -a "(__kubectl_containers (commandline -c))" -d "Container"
function __minikube_no_command
set -l cmd (commandline -poc)
set -e cmd[1]
if test (count $cmd) -eq 0
return 0
return 1
function __minikube_using_command
set cmd (commandline -poc)
if test (count $cmd) -gt 1
if test $argv[1] = $cmd[2]
return 0
return 1
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a addons -d "Modify minikube's kubernetes addons"
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a completion -d "Outputs minikube shell completion for the given shell (bash)"
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a config -d "Modify minikube config"
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a dashboard -d "Opens/displays the kubernetes dashboard URL for your local cluster"
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a delete -d "Deletes a local kubernetes cluster."
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a docker-env -d "sets up docker env variables; similar to '\$(docker-machine env)'"
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a get-k8s-versions -d "Gets the list of available kubernetes versions available for minikube."
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a ip -d "Retrieve the IP address of the running cluster."
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a logs -d "Gets the logs of the running localkube instance, used for debugging minikube, not user code."
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a service -d "Gets the kubernetes URL(s) for the specified service in your local cluster"
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a ssh -d "Log into or run a command on a machine with SSH; similar to 'docker-machine ssh'"
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a start -d "Starts a local kubernetes cluster."
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a status -d "Gets the status of a local kubernetes cluster."
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a stop -d "Stops a running local kubernetes cluster."
complete -c minikube -f -n "__minikube_no_command" -a version -d "Print the version of minikube."
complete -c minikube -l "alsologtostderr" -d "log to standard error as well as files"
complete -c minikube -l "log_backtrace_at" -d "when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)"
complete -c minikube -l "log_dir" -d "If non-empty, write log files in this directory (default \"\")"
complete -c minikube -l "logtostderr" -d "log to standard error instead of files"
complete -c minikube -l "show-libmachine-logs" -d "Deprecated: To enable libmachine logs, set --v=3 or higher"
complete -c minikube -l "stderrthreshold" -d "logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)"
complete -c minikube -s "v" -d "log level for V logs"
complete -c minikube -l "v" -d "log level for V logs"
complete -c minikube -l "vmodule" -d "comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command addons" -l "format" -d "Go template format string for the addon list output. The format for Go templates can be found here:"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command addons" -l "format" -d "Format to output addons URL in. This format will be applied to each url individually and they will be printed one at a time. (default \"http://{{.IP}}:{{.Port}}\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command addons" -l "https" -d "Open the addons URL with https instead of http"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command addons" -l "url" -d "Display the kubernetes addons URL in the CLI instead of opening it in the default browser"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command config" -l "format" -d "Go template format string for the config view output. The format for Go templates can be found here:"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command dashboard" -l "url" -d "Display the kubernetes dashboard in the CLI instead of opening it in the default browser"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command docker-env" -l "no-proxy" -d "Add machine IP to NO_PROXY environment variable"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command docker-env" -l "shell" -d "Force environment to be configured for a specified shell: [fish, cmd, powershell, tcsh, bash, zsh], default is auto-detect"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command docker-env" -s "u" -d "Unset variables instead of setting them"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command docker-env" -l "unset" -d "Unset variables instead of setting them"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command service" -l "format" -d "Format to output service URL in. This format will be applied to each url individually and they will be printed one at a time. (default \"http://{{.IP}}:{{.Port}}\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command service" -l "https" -d "Open the service URL with https instead of http"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command service" -s "n" -d "The service namespace (default \"default\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command service" -l "namespace" -d "The service namespace (default \"default\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command service" -l "url" -d "Display the kubernetes service URL in the CLI instead of opening it in the default browser"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command service" -s "n" -d "The services namespace"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command service" -l "namespace" -d "The services namespace"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command service" -l "format" -d "Format to output service URL in. This format will be applied to each url individually and they will be printed one at a time. (default \"http://{{.IP}}:{{.Port}}\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "container-runtime" -d "The container runtime to be used"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "cpus" -d "Number of CPUs allocated to the minikube VM (default 2)"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "disk-size" -d "Disk size allocated to the minikube VM (format: <number>[<unit>], where unit = b, k, m or g) (default \"20g\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "docker-env" -d "Environment variables to pass to the Docker daemon. (format: key=value)"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "extra-config" -d "A set of key=value pairs that describe configuration that may be passed to different components."
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "feature-gates" -d "A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experimental features."
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "host-only-cidr" -d "The CIDR to be used for the minikube VM (only supported with Virtualbox driver) (default \"\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "hyperv-virtual-switch" -d "The hyperv virtual switch name. Defaults to first found. (only supported with HyperV driver)"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "insecure-registry" -d "Insecure Docker registries to pass to the Docker daemon"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "iso-url" -d "Location of the minikube iso (default \"\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "keep-context" -d "This will keep the existing kubectl context and will create a minikube context."
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "kubernetes-version" -d "The kubernetes version that the minikube VM will use (ex: v1.2.3) "
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "kvm-network" -d "The KVM network name. (only supported with KVM driver) (default \"default\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "memory" -d "Amount of RAM allocated to the minikube VM (default 2048)"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "network-plugin" -d "The name of the network plugin"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "registry-mirror" -d "Registry mirrors to pass to the Docker daemon"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command start" -l "vm-driver" -d "VM driver is one of: [virtualbox kvm] (default \"virtualbox\")"
complete -c minikube -n "__minikube_using_command status" -l "format" -d "Go template format string for the status output. The format for Go templates can be found here:"
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danhper commented May 30, 2017

Thank you very much for this, it is very useful.
I wanted to install this with a package manager, so I added it to a repository here:

I linked to this gist in the README, but let me know if you would like me to transfer the repo ownership.

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a8uhnf commented Sep 29, 2018

Awesome stuff @terlar. thanks a lot.

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terlar commented Jan 31, 2021

Yes, I would recommend using that one now, the best way is of course to generate the completions. I haven’t verified if this is using all of the nifty tricks that this had with context bound completions, but I hope so :)

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