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Last active March 26, 2021 13:59
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Passing properties to route components in React Router 4 (using TypeScript)

Wrapper components for passing properties to components in

<RouteWithProps> -- renders a component, passing properties to the target component

<AuthRoute> -- only renders the route if the auth parameter is true

<AuthRouteWithProps> -- renders a component, passing properties to the target component, only is the auth parameter is true

import * as React from 'react'
import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'
// Properties passed to RouteWithProps
type RouteProps = {
component: any // rendered component
componentProps?: any // properties passed to the component
[propName: string]: any // route properties
// Properties passed to AuthRoute
type AuthRouteProps = {
component: any // rendered component
auth: boolean // tells if the component should be rendered
[propName: string]: any // route properties
* Pass properties to rendered component
* @param param0 RouteProps
const RouteWithProps = ({
component: Component,
componentProps = {},
}: RouteProps) => (
<Route {...routeProps} render={(props) => <Component {...props} {...componentProps} />} />
* Only render component route if authentication is successful
* @param param0
const AuthRoute = ({ component: Component, auth, }: AuthRouteProps) => (
<Route {} render={(props) => (auth ? <Component {...props} /> : null)} />
* Render component and pass properties if authentication is successful
* @param param0
const AuthRouteWithProps = ({
component: Component,
}: RouteProps & AuthRouteProps) =>
auth ? (
<RouteWithProps component={Component} componentProps={componentProps} {...routeProps} />
) : null
export { RouteWithProps, AuthRoute, AuthRouteWithProps }
// import { AuthRoute, AuthRouteWithProps, RouteWithProps } from './route-helper'
componentProps={{ param: 'bar' }}
/* Renders:
<Route exact={true} path="/foo">
<MyComponent param="bar">
/* If myAuthFunction() returns true, renders:
<Route exact={true} path={/foo}>
componentProps={{ param: 'bar' }}
/* If myAuthFunction() returns true, renders:
<RouteWithProps exact={true} path="/foo"
<Route exact={true} path="/foo">
<MyComponent param="bar">
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