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Last active August 28, 2024 01:55
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Google Form Script to Update Dropdown from Sheet
* Main function to run to update our forms.
function main(formID) {
var dropdown = findDropdown_(formID || '1l3Txklywu6AF6jfkzMRPccdzpsOkhHLoOhNol9OwVV4', 'Agreement Group')
* Get the latest agreement groups available to select from.
function getAgreementGroups_() {
const sheetID = '1_yP2uvYs-eqaVx2VpWUK2-GNKLUWXAsYXF8ziEvKqNE';
// Fetch data from a Google Sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(sheetID).getSheetByName('Groups');
var values = sheet.getRange('A2:A').getValues(); // Assumes data is in column A and has a header (A2-->A***)
var labels = sheet.getRange('B2:B').getValues();
// Convert 2D array to 1D array and remove empty values
var choices = values.flat().filter(String);
return choices;
* Given a form find a dropdown that is given the specific title.
function findDropdown_(formID, title) {
var form = FormApp.openById(formID);
var formDropdowns = form.getItems(FormApp.ItemType.LIST);
var matches = formDropdowns.filter((v) => {
return v.getTitle() == title;
if (matches.length <= 0) {
throw 'Could not find match';
var input = matches[0];
return input.asListItem();
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