This is a compilation of various open-source Unity plugins, codebases, or utility scripts that may aid in expediting the development process.
"ProbePolisher is a Unity Editor plugin for editing light probes. It works both on Unity Basic (free) and Unity Pro."
"This is an addon for Unity 3D to create 2D skeletal sprite animations. With the addon its possible to add bone hierarchies directly in the Unity Editor. Sprites can the parented to the bones. The bones can be animated like any other GameObject in the animator window. Inverse Kinematics is also available and animatable. The bones can also be used to animate any GameObject other than sprites like meshes or particle systems."
"This is a [Unity 4.3 compatible] fork of the dmanning23's BulletMLLib."
"This is a combination of LuaInterface 2.0.3 (Using with KopiLua 0.1. The idea is to provide a pure C# Lua suite for maximum portability in environments like Unity and XNA."
"Coherent noise library for Unity, a port of LibNoise"
"InControl is an input manager for Unity3D that standardizes input mappings across various platforms for common controllers."
"Strange is a super-lightweight and highly extensible Inversion-of-Control (IoC) framework, written specifically for C# and Unity. We've validated Strange on web, standalone, and iOS, and Android."
"TouchKit aims to make touch handling in Unity more sane. Touches in TouchKit are actual objects as opposed to Structs like Unity uses by default. The advantage to this is that touch tracking becomes orders of magnitude more simple."
"This repo is a host for any little Unity scripts I write that are simple and easy for others to leverage. Each folder has its own README to explain the usage in more depth than here. All scripts are being written with the latest Unity 4.3 and may or may not work in earlier versions."
A custom character controller with more better collision resolution for player-controller rigid bodies.
"The Google Play Games plugin for Unity® is an open-source project whose goal is to provide a plugin that allows game developers to integrate with the Google Play Games API from a game written in Unity®. However, this project is not in any way endorsed or supervised by Unity Technologies."
"The Google Play Games plugin for Unity® is an open-source project whose goal is to provide a plugin that allows game developers to integrate with the Google Play Games API from a game written in Unity®. However, this project is not in any way endorsed or supervised by Unity Technologies."
"This is a plugin for building level editors for Unity games. It lends a few design choices from the Unity editor itself, but has some more tricks up its sleeve."
To be added.
"A collection of open-source Unity3D property drawers ... Property drawers are a new feature in Unity 4 to help you make custom inspectors without writing editor code."
- Useful Github Repos for Unity - Unity Community Forums