Tumblr is taking down tons of content, especially anything they consider NSFW. Archive Team is working to preserve what is to be deleted. You can help by running this.
If you only have one IP, then you should really only run one instance of the archiver. If you want to run more, then you will need to get some servers from some provider.
- digitalocean (my referral link) has $5/mo servers (tested and working on ubuntu 18.04)
- OVH has cheap unmetered VPS (tested and working on ubuntu 18.04), get them in BHS to avoid any sort of GDPR weirdness
- Have docker (https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/)
- Run the container
docker run -itde 'NICK=yournickname' terribleplan/tumblr-archive:latest
If you think you want more/less concurrency, then you can throw in an environment variable to override the default of 2 -e 'CONCURRENT=4'
If you want to persist your data outside the docer image (planning on restarts?) then add a volume -v /opt/tumblr-grab-data:/app/tumblr-grab/data
- Determine the running container id
docker ps
- Attach to the container
docker attach <id>
- (gracefully) kill your container (control-c) once, and wait for it to stop itself
- Pull the new version
docker pull terribleplan/tumblr-archive:latest
- Run it again, as above
- Create
- Make sure
is executablechmod run.sh +x
- Build the container
docker build -t tumblr-archive:latest .
- Run your built container
docker run -itde 'NICK=yournickname' tumblr-archive:latest
- Get id of running container
docker ps
- Tail the logs
docker logs -f <id>