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Last active February 5, 2025 21:06
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Improved appDir support for HashiCorp next bundle analysis
#!/usr/bin/env node
/* eslint-disable no-console */
* Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
// [2023-09-04] Edited to work with the appdir by @raphaelbadia:
// [2024-06-15] Further improvements by @terrymun for:
// - TypeScript support: you can run it using ts-node / tsx
// - Modern await/async patterns and try/catch blocks
// - Modern ES6 features like Set()
// - Stricter typing for all methods
// - Pretty print of final dictionary using console.table
// Dependencies that you might need: //
// - mkdirp //
// - npm install -D mkdirp //
// - pnpm install -D mkdirp //
// - yarn add -D mkdirp //
import { constants, access, readFile, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
import path from 'node:path';
import gzSize from 'gzip-size';
import { mkdirp } from 'mkdirp';
// NOTE: Refer to documentation for config:
interface NextBundleAnalysisConfig {
budget?: number;
budgetPercentIncreaseRed?: number;
buildOutputDirectory?: string;
minimumChangeThreshold?: number;
showDetails?: boolean;
interface AppBuildManifest {
pages: Record<string, string[]>;
type AppPathRoutesManifest = Record<string, string>;
interface BuildManifest {
ampDevFiles: string[];
ampFirstPages: string[];
devFiles: string[];
lowPriorityFiles: string[];
pages: Record<string, string[]>;
polyfillFiles: string[];
rootMainFiles: string[];
interface ScriptSize {
raw: number;
gzip: number;
// NOTE: As bundles can be shared between pages, we cache the results of file size calculation per script
const memoryCache = new Map<string, ScriptSize>();
(async () => {
try {
* @method
* @param {string[]} scriptPaths An array of strings representing script paths
* @returns {ScriptSize} A dictionary containig the summed raw and gzip sizes of all scripts
const getScriptSizes = async (scriptPaths: string[]) => {
const scriptSizes = await Promise.all( => getScriptSize(scriptPath)));
const res = scriptSizes.reduce(
(acc, scriptSize) => {
acc.raw += scriptSize.raw;
acc.gzip += scriptSize.gzip;
return acc;
{ raw: 0, gzip: 0 },
return res;
* @method
* @param {string} scriptPath Path to a script
* @returns {Promise<ScriptSize>} A dictionary containig the raw and gzip sizes of the script
const getScriptSize = async (scriptPath: string): Promise<ScriptSize> => {
const encoding = 'utf8';
const p = path.join(nextMetaRoot, scriptPath);
const foundScript = memoryCache.get(p);
if (foundScript) {
return foundScript;
const textContent = await readFile(p, encoding);
const raw = Buffer.byteLength(textContent, encoding);
const gzip = await gzSize(textContent);
const cacheEntry = { raw, gzip };
memoryCache.set(p, cacheEntry);
return cacheEntry;
* Reads options from `package.json` asynchronously
* @method
* @param {string} [pathPrefix=process.cwd()] pathPrefix The path to the directory where package.json is expected to be found
* @returns An object containing the package name and the destructured config for the plugin
const getOptions = async (pathPrefix = process.cwd()) => {
const pkg = JSON.parse(await readFile(path.join(pathPrefix, 'package.json'), 'utf8')) as {
name: string;
nextBundleAnalysis?: NextBundleAnalysisConfig;
return { ...pkg.nextBundleAnalysis, name: };
* Gets the output build directory, defaults to `.next`
* @method
* @param {object} options the options parsed from package.json.nextBundleAnalysis using `getOptions`
* @returns {string}
const getBuildOutputDirectory = (options: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getOptions>>): string => {
return options.buildOutputDirectory || '.next';
// NOTE: Pull options from `package.json`
const options = await getOptions();
const buildOutputDirectory = getBuildOutputDirectory(options);
// NOTE: Check to ensure the build output directory exists
const nextMetaRoot = path.join(process.cwd(), buildOutputDirectory);
try {
await access(nextMetaRoot, constants.R_OK);
} catch (_e) {
throw new Error(
`No build output found at "${nextMetaRoot}" - you may not have your working directory set correctly, or not have run "next build".`,
const [buildManifest, appBuildManifest, appPathRoutesManifest] = (
await Promise.all([
readFile(path.join(nextMetaRoot, 'build-manifest.json'), 'utf8'),
readFile(path.join(nextMetaRoot, 'app-build-manifest.json'), 'utf8'),
readFile(path.join(nextMetaRoot, 'app-path-routes-manifest.json'), 'utf8'),
).map((data) => JSON.parse(data)) as [BuildManifest, AppBuildManifest, AppPathRoutesManifest];
const globalAppDirBundle = buildManifest.rootMainFiles;
const globalAppDirBundleSizes = await getScriptSizes(globalAppDirBundle);
// NOTE: Use entries from `appPathRoutesManifest` so that we can get mapping between file system paths and Next.js routes
const allAppRouteSizes: Record<string, { raw: number; gzip: number }> = {};
for (const [fileSystemPath, route] of Object.entries(appPathRoutesManifest)) {
// NOTE: We are only interested in routes point to layout or page fles
if (!fileSystemPath.endsWith('/page') && !fileSystemPath.endsWith('/layout')) {
const scriptSizes = await getScriptSizes(
// NOTE: Filter out non-JS files as to match with the metrics reported by next build
(filePaths) => !globalAppDirBundle.includes(filePaths) && filePaths.endsWith('.js'),
allAppRouteSizes[route] = scriptSizes;
// NOTE: Assemble raw data and sort app routes alphabetically
const rawData = {
...Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(allAppRouteSizes).sort((a, b) => a[0].localeCompare(b[0]))),
__global: globalAppDirBundleSizes,
// NOTE: Logs outputs in a table to GitHub actions runner for debugging purposes
await mkdirp(path.join(nextMetaRoot, 'analyze/'));
await writeFile(path.join(nextMetaRoot, 'analyze/__bundle_analysis.json'), JSON.stringify(rawData));
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
} else {
console.error(`Encountered an unknown error: ${e}`);
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