The io.fabric8 docker-maven-plugin
can start and stop docker containers to support junit integration tests.
These tests run during the integration test phase.
For instance, create a container build on minio/minio
to simulate interactions with a cloud service.
Tag this image as dspace/minio-it
FROM minio/minio
RUN mkdir -p /buckets/test-bucket
EXPOSE 9000 9001
CMD [ "minio", "server", "/buckets", "--address", ":9000", "--console-address", ":9001" ]
Maven will assign a high port number to the container. That value will be set as a property minio-it.port
Make the port number accessible to integration tests as an environment variable.
Use localhost:${minio-it.port} for accessing cloud storage
Before tests, you will see the following output
[INFO] DOCKER> [dspace/minio-it:latest] "minio-it": Start container a245c7e4872c
After tests, you will see the following output
INFO] DOCKER> [dspace/minio-it:latest] "minio-it": Stop and removed container a245c7e4872c after 0 ms
This value should also be set when -DskipITs is set