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Last active September 16, 2024 10:06
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// Given a `protocol P: AnyObject { ... }`, it would be useful to be able to express
// a heterogeneous set of weak references to instances of classes that fulfill the given protocol.
// This would allow to ergonomically maintain bi-directional many-to-one object relations,
// such as e.g. in cases where various `Thing`s need to serve as delegates of a central `ThingManager`,
// without being owned by it.
// In order to implement such a collection, one would need to be able to write code that is generic
// over a "protocol parameter," so to speak, instead of a type parameter. Swift's generics system
// doesn't currently have such a concept.
// I haven't given much thought to how such a feature should be represented syntactically.
// It might be worth differentiating generic type vs. protocol parameters in a similar manner to
// how concrete types `T` are differentiated from existential types `any P`.
struct WeakObjectSet<any P: AnyProtocol & AnyObject> {
private var table: Dictionary<ObjectIdentifier, () -> (any P)?> = [:]
mutating func insert(_ object: any P) {
let identifier = ObjectIdentifier(object)
table[identifier] = { [weak object] in object }
func forEach(_ block: (any P) throws -> ()) rethrows {
try table.forEach { _, object in
guard let object = object() else { return }
try block(object)
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This area is really not my strength. But, I think I'm following. And, I also think that improves to the type system are things that can sometimes have surprising benefits outside of the original motivating problem. So totally worth it!

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