import binascii, struct, hashlib, sys |
import lz4.block as block |
if len(sys.argv) != 4: |
print "patchnso.py: simple script to patch the .text sections of nso files and reassemble them" |
print "by tesnos6921, thanks to switchbrew.org for docs and the atmosphere team for exefs patching so early" |
print "Usage: patchnso.py nso-file patch-file out-file" |
print "patch-file should contain lines formatted like so, with values in hex." |
print "location:codepatch, Example: 2E8:21008052" |
print "Empty lines or lines beginning with pound signs are ignored." |
def padding(padlength): |
pad = "" |
for i in range(padlength): |
pad += "\x00" |
return pad |
def patchtext(source, patchlist): |
patchedsource = source |
for patch in patchlist: |
if "#" in patch or patch.strip() == "": |
continue |
patchlocation, patchcode = patch.split(":") |
patchlocation = int(patchlocation, 16) |
patchcode = binascii.unhexlify(patchcode.strip()) |
patchedsource = patchedsource[:patchlocation] + patchcode + patchedsource[patchlocation+len(patchcode):] |
return patchedsource |
main_f = open(sys.argv[1], "rb") |
mainsource = main_f.read() |
main_f.close() |
header = mainsource[:0x100] |
textloc = struct.unpack("<I", header[0x10:0x14])[0] |
dectextsize = struct.unpack("<I", header[0x18:0x1C])[0] |
rodataloc = struct.unpack("<I", header[0x20:0x24])[0] |
dataloc = struct.unpack("<I", header[0x30:0x34])[0] |
oldtextsize = rodataloc - textloc |
rodatasize = dataloc - rodataloc |
textsource = mainsource[textloc:textloc+oldtextsize] |
textsource = block.decompress(textsource, uncompressed_size=dectextsize) |
patch_f = open(sys.argv[2], "r") |
patches = patch_f.readlines() |
patch_f.close() |
textsource = patchtext(textsource, patches) |
texthash = hashlib.sha256(textsource).digest() |
compressedtext = block.compress(textsource, mode='fast', acceleration=2) |
compressedtext = compressedtext[0x4:] |
compressedtextsize = len(compressedtext) |
rodata = mainsource[rodataloc:rodataloc+rodatasize] |
data = mainsource[dataloc:] |
newrodataloc = textloc + compressedtextsize |
header = header[:0x20] + struct.pack("<I", newrodataloc) + header[0x24:] |
newdataloc = newrodataloc + rodatasize |
header = header[:0x30] + struct.pack("<I", newdataloc) + header[0x34:] |
header = header[:0x60] + struct.pack("<I", compressedtextsize) + header[0x64:] |
header = header[:0xA0] + texthash + header[0xC0:] |
newmain = header + padding(textloc - len(header)) + compressedtext + rodata + data |
newmain_f = open(sys.argv[3], "wb") |
newmain_f.write(newmain) |
newmain_f.close() |