substitutions: |
name: "muse-luxe" |
friendly_name: "RaspiAudio Muse Luxe" |
wifi_ap_password: "" |
esphome: |
name: ${name} |
friendly_name: ${friendly_name} |
name_add_mac_suffix: false |
min_version: 2023.10.1 |
on_boot: |
then: |
- output.turn_on: dac_mute |
- light.turn_on: |
id: top_led |
effect: slow_pulse |
red: 100% |
green: 60% |
blue: 0% |
esp32: |
board: esp-wrover-kit |
framework: |
type: arduino |
logger: |
api: |
services: |
- service: start_va |
then: |
- voice_assistant.start |
- service: stop_va |
then: |
- voice_assistant.stop |
ota: |
i2c: |
sda: GPIO18 |
scl: GPIO23 |
wifi: |
ap: |
password: "${wifi_ap_password}" |
captive_portal: |
improv_serial: |
external_components: |
- source: github://RASPIAUDIO/esphomeLuxe@main |
components: [es8388] |
refresh: 0s |
es8388: |
globals: |
- id: wifi_connected |
type: bool |
initial_value: "false" |
restore_value: false |
interval: |
- interval: 1s |
then: |
- if: |
condition: |
and: |
- lambda: "return !id(wifi_connected);" |
- wifi.connected: |
then: |
- globals.set: |
id: wifi_connected |
value: "true" |
- light.turn_on: |
id: top_led |
effect: pulse |
red: 0% |
green: 100% |
blue: 0% |
- delay: 1s |
- light.turn_off: top_led |
output: |
- platform: gpio |
id: dac_mute |
pin: GPIO21 |
inverted: true |
i2s_audio: |
- i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO25 |
i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO5 |
media_player: |
- platform: i2s_audio |
name: None |
id: luxe_out |
dac_type: external |
i2s_dout_pin: GPIO26 |
mode: stereo |
on_state: |
if: |
condition: |
media_player.is_playing: |
then: |
output.turn_off: dac_mute |
else: |
output.turn_on: dac_mute |
microphone: |
- platform: i2s_audio |
id: luxe_microphone |
i2s_din_pin: GPIO35 |
adc_type: external |
pdm: false |
voice_assistant: |
id: va |
microphone: luxe_microphone |
media_player: luxe_out |
use_wake_word: true |
on_listening: |
- light.turn_on: |
id: top_led |
blue: 100% |
red: 0% |
green: 0% |
brightness: 100% |
effect: pulse |
on_tts_start: |
- light.turn_on: |
id: top_led |
blue: 60% |
red: 20% |
green: 20% |
effect: none |
on_tts_end: |
- media_player.play_media: !lambda return x; |
- light.turn_on: |
id: top_led |
blue: 60% |
red: 20% |
green: 20% |
effect: pulse |
# This is useful when you want to stream the response on another media_player |
# - homeassistant.service: |
# service: media_player.play_media |
# data: |
# entity_id: media_player.some_speaker |
# media_content_id: !lambda 'return x;' |
# media_content_type: music |
# announce: "true" |
on_client_connected: |
- if: |
condition: |
- switch.is_on: use_wake_word |
then: |
- voice_assistant.start_continuous: |
on_client_disconnected: |
- if: |
condition: |
- switch.is_on: use_wake_word |
then: |
- voice_assistant.stop: |
on_end: |
- delay: 100ms |
- wait_until: |
not: |
media_player.is_playing: luxe_out |
- script.execute: reset_led |
on_error: |
- light.turn_on: |
id: top_led |
blue: 0% |
red: 100% |
green: 0% |
effect: none |
- delay: 1s |
- script.execute: reset_led |
- script.wait: reset_led |
- lambda: |- |
if (code == "wake-provider-missing" || code == "wake-engine-missing") { |
id(use_wake_word).turn_off(); |
} |
sensor: |
- platform: adc |
pin: GPIO33 |
name: Battery voltage |
device_class: voltage |
unit_of_measurement: "V" |
accuracy_decimals: 2 |
state_class: measurement |
entity_category: diagnostic |
update_interval: 15s |
attenuation: auto |
filters: |
- multiply: 2 # https://forum.raspiaudio.com/t/esp-muse-luxe-bluetooth-speaker/294/12 |
- exponential_moving_average: |
alpha: 0.2 |
send_every: 2 |
- delta: 0.002 |
on_value: |
then: |
- sensor.template.publish: |
id: battery_percent |
state: !lambda "return x;" |
- platform: template |
name: Battery |
id: battery_percent |
device_class: battery |
unit_of_measurement: "%" |
accuracy_decimals: 0 |
state_class: measurement |
entity_category: diagnostic |
update_interval: 15s |
filters: |
- calibrate_polynomial: |
degree: 3 |
datapoints: |
- 4.58 -> 100.0 |
- 4.5 -> 97.1 |
- 4.47 -> 94.2 |
- 4.44 -> 88.4 |
- 4.42 -> 82.7 |
- 4.41 -> 76.9 |
- 4.41 -> 71.1 |
- 4.37 -> 65.3 |
- 4.35 -> 59.5 |
- 4.31 -> 53.8 |
- 4.28 -> 48.0 |
- 4.26 -> 42.2 |
- 4.23 -> 36.4 |
- 4.21 -> 30.6 |
- 4.19 -> 24.9 |
- 4.16 -> 19.1 |
- 4.1 -> 13.3 |
- 4.07 -> 10.4 |
- 4.03 -> 7.5 |
- 3.97 -> 4.6 |
- 3.82 -> 1.7 |
- 3.27 -> 0.0 |
- lambda: return clamp(x, 0.0f, 100.0f); |
binary_sensor: |
- platform: gpio |
pin: |
number: GPIO19 |
inverted: true |
mode: |
input: true |
pullup: true |
name: Volume Up |
on_click: |
- media_player.volume_up: luxe_out |
- platform: gpio |
pin: |
number: GPIO32 |
inverted: true |
mode: |
input: true |
pullup: true |
name: Volume Down |
on_click: |
- media_player.volume_down: luxe_out |
- platform: gpio |
pin: |
number: GPIO12 |
inverted: true |
mode: |
input: true |
pullup: true |
name: Action |
on_click: |
- if: |
condition: |
switch.is_off: use_wake_word |
then: |
- if: |
condition: voice_assistant.is_running |
then: |
- voice_assistant.stop: |
- script.execute: reset_led |
else: |
- voice_assistant.start: |
else: |
- voice_assistant.stop |
- delay: 1s |
- script.execute: reset_led |
- script.wait: reset_led |
- voice_assistant.start_continuous: |
light: |
- platform: esp32_rmt_led_strip |
name: None |
id: top_led |
pin: GPIO22 |
chipset: SK6812 |
num_leds: 1 |
rgb_order: grb |
rmt_channel: 0 |
default_transition_length: 0s |
gamma_correct: 2.8 |
effects: |
- pulse: |
name: pulse |
transition_length: 250ms |
update_interval: 250ms |
- pulse: |
name: slow_pulse |
transition_length: 1s |
update_interval: 2s |
script: |
- id: reset_led |
then: |
- if: |
condition: |
switch.is_on: use_wake_word |
then: |
- light.turn_on: |
id: top_led |
blue: 100% |
red: 100% |
green: 0% |
brightness: 100% |
effect: none |
else: |
- light.turn_off: top_led |
switch: |
- platform: template |
name: Use Wake Word |
id: use_wake_word |
optimistic: true |
restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON |
on_turn_on: |
- lambda: id(va).set_use_wake_word(true); |
- if: |
condition: |
not: |
- voice_assistant.is_running |
then: |
- voice_assistant.start_continuous |
- script.execute: reset_led |
on_turn_off: |
- voice_assistant.stop |
- lambda: id(va).set_use_wake_word(false); |
- script.execute: reset_led |
You should be able to remove this from the readme now:
The link to the issue shows it has been resolved.