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Created June 1, 2016 22:31
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Immutable Trie Map in C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace mastermind.core.immutable
public interface ITrieMap<K,V>
int GetHashCode(K key);
V this[K key] { get; }
IEnumerable<LeafNode<K, V>> All();
ITrieMap<K, V> Add(K key, V value);
ITrieMap<K, V> Remove(K key);
public interface ITrieNode<K, V>
bool TryGetValue(int hashCode, out V value);
V GetValue(int hashCode);
int GetValueHashCode(int hashCode);
IEnumerable<LeafNode<K, V>> All();
ITrieNode<K,V> GetNode(int hashCode);
ITrieNode<K, V> Add(int hashCode, K key, V value, int width = 0, int depth = 0);
ITrieNode<K, V> Remove(int hashCode);
public static class TrieIndexer
public static int GetIndex(int hash, int width, int depth)
if (width == 4)
return (hash >> (depth * 2)) & 3;
if (width == 8)
return (hash >> (depth * 3)) & 7;
if(width == 16)
return (hash >> (depth * 4)) & 15;
if(width == 32)
return (hash >> (depth * 5)) & 31;
throw new Exception("Width of "+width+" not supported in TrieMap");
public class LeafNode<K, V> : ITrieNode<K, V>
private static readonly EqualityComparer<V> _valueEqualityComparer = EqualityComparer<V>.Default;
public readonly int Hash;
public readonly K Key;
public readonly V Value;
public LeafNode(int hash, K key, V value)
Hash = hash;
Key = key;
Value = value;
public bool TryGetValue(int hash, out V value)
bool success = Hash == hash;
value = success ? Value : default(V);
return success;
public V GetValue(int hash)
return Hash == hash
? Value
: default (V);
public int GetValueHashCode(int hash)
return Hash == hash
? Value.GetHashCode()
: 0;
public IEnumerable<LeafNode<K, V>> All()
yield return this;
public ITrieNode<K, V> GetNode(int hash)
return this;
public ITrieNode<K, V> Add(int hash, K key, V value, int width, int depth = 0)
if(hash == Hash)
return _valueEqualityComparer.Equals(value, Value)
? this
: new LeafNode<K, V>(hash, key, value);
var targetDepth = depth;
while (TrieIndexer.GetIndex(hash, width, targetDepth) == TrieIndexer.GetIndex(Hash, width, targetDepth))
targetDepth += 1;
var newBranch = new BranchNode<K, V>(width, targetDepth);
newBranch.Values[TrieIndexer.GetIndex(Hash, width, targetDepth)] = this;
newBranch.Values[TrieIndexer.GetIndex(hash, width, targetDepth)] = new LeafNode<K, V>(hash, key, value);
for (int i = targetDepth - 1; i >= depth; i--)
var branch = new BranchNode<K, V>(width, i);
branch.Values[TrieIndexer.GetIndex(Hash, width, i)] = newBranch;
newBranch = branch;
return newBranch;
public ITrieNode<K, V> Remove(int hash)
if(hash == Hash)
return null;
return this;
class BranchNode<K,V> : ITrieNode<K,V>
public readonly ITrieNode<K,V>[] Values;
public readonly int Depth;
public BranchNode(int width, int depth)
Values = new ITrieNode<K, V>[width];
Depth = depth;
public IEnumerable<LeafNode<K, V>> All()
foreach (var value in Values)
if (value != null)
foreach (var trieNode in value.All())
yield return trieNode;
public ITrieNode<K, V> GetNode(int hash)
int index = TrieIndexer.GetIndex(hash, Values.Length, Depth);
var node = Values[index];
return node != null
? node.GetNode(hash)
: null;
public ITrieNode<K, V> Add(int hash, K key, V value, int width = 0, int depth = 0)
width = Values.Length;
int index = TrieIndexer.GetIndex(hash, width, depth);
var existingNode = Values[index];
var newNode = existingNode != null
? existingNode.Add(hash, key, value, width, Depth + 1)
: new LeafNode<K,V>(hash, key, value);
if (newNode == existingNode)
return this;
var newBranch = new BranchNode<K, V>(width, Depth);
Array.Copy(Values, newBranch.Values, width);
newBranch.Values[index] = newNode;
return newBranch;
public ITrieNode<K,V> Remove(int hash)
int width = Values.Length;
int index = TrieIndexer.GetIndex(hash, width, Depth);
var oldValue = Values[index];
if (oldValue == null)
return this;
var newValue = Values[index].Remove(hash);
if (newValue == oldValue)
return this;
var newBranch = new BranchNode<K, V>(width, Depth);
Array.Copy(Values, newBranch.Values, width);
newBranch.Values[index] = newValue;
return newBranch;
public bool TryGetValue(int hash, out V value)
var node = GetNode(hash);
if (node != null)
return node.TryGetValue(hash, out value);
value = default (V);
return false;
public V GetValue(int hash)
var node = GetNode(hash);
return (node != null)
? node.GetValue(hash)
: default (V);
public int GetValueHashCode(int hash)
var node = GetNode(hash);
return (node != null)
? node.GetValueHashCode(hash)
: 0;
public class TrieMap<K,V> : ITrieMap<K,V>
public static IEqualityComparer<K> EqualityComparer { get; set; }
private readonly ITrieNode<K,V> _trieRoot;
public static ITrieMap<K, V> Empty(int width, IEqualityComparer<K> equalityComparer)
return new TrieMap<K, V>(new BranchNode<K, V>(width, 0), equalityComparer);
private TrieMap(ITrieNode<K, V> trieRoot, IEqualityComparer<K> equalityComparer)
_trieRoot = trieRoot;
EqualityComparer = equalityComparer;
public int GetHashCode(K key)
return _trieRoot.GetValueHashCode(EqualityComparer.GetHashCode(key));
public V this[K key]
get { return _trieRoot.GetValue(EqualityComparer.GetHashCode(key)); }
public IEnumerable<LeafNode<K, V>> All()
return _trieRoot.All();
public ITrieMap<K,V> Add(K key, V value)
int hashCode = EqualityComparer.GetHashCode(key);
var newRoot = _trieRoot.Add(hashCode, key, value);
return _trieRoot == newRoot
? this
: new TrieMap<K, V>(newRoot, EqualityComparer);
public ITrieMap<K, V> Remove(K key)
var newRoot = _trieRoot.Remove(EqualityComparer.GetHashCode(key));
return newRoot == _trieRoot
? this
: new TrieMap<K, V>(newRoot, EqualityComparer);
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