June 17, 2021 17:11
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ImageJ 2.1.0/1.53j; Java 1.8.0_202 [x86_64] | |
-- Application: ImageJ -- | |
Title = ImageJ | |
Version = 2.1.0/1.53j | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej | |
Automatic-Module-Name = net.imagej | |
Build-Jdk-Spec = 1.8 | |
Class-Path = imagej-common-0.33.0.jar imglib2-5.10.0.jar imglib2-roi-0.10.3.jar scijava-table-0.5.0.jar udunits-4.3.18.jar imagej-launcher-5.0.3.jar imagej-notebook-0.7.1.jar commons-text-1.8.jar xchart-3.5.4.jar VectorGraphics2D-0.13.jar imagej-ops-0.45.5.jar imagej-mesh-0.8.0.jar imglib2-algorithm-0.11.2.jar imglib2-algorithm-fft-0.2.0.jar mines-jtk-20151125.jar imglib2-realtransform-3.0.0.jar jitk-tps-3.0.1.jar ejml-0.24.jar log4j-1.2.17.jar parsington-2.0.0.jar scijava-search-0.7.0.jar prettytime-4.0.1.Final.jar scripting-javascript-0.5.0.jar commons-math3-3.6.1.jar joml-1.9.25.jar ojalgo-45.1.1.jar jama-1.0.3.jar imagej-updater-0.10.5.jar commons-lang-2.6.jar scifio-0.41.0.jar scifio-jai-imageio-1.1.1.jar imglib2-cache-1.0.0-beta-13.jar caffeine-2.4.0.jar scijava-common-2.83.3.jar eventbus-1.4.jar imagej-legacy-0.37.4.jar ij1-patcher-1.1.0.jar ij-1.53c.jar imglib2-ij-2.0.0-beta-46.jar scijava-ui-awt-0.1.7.jar scijava-ui-swing-0.13.2.jar swing-checkbox-tree-1.0.2.jar jdatepicker-1.3.2.jar autocomplete-3.1.0.jar languagesupport-3.1.0.jar rhino-1.7.6.jar rsyntaxtextarea-3.1.1.jar javassist-3.27.0-GA.jar miglayout-swing-5.2.jar miglayout-core-5.2.jar trove4j-3.0.3.jar imagej-mesh-io-0.1.2.jar guava-21.0.jar jply-0.2.0.jar imagej-plugins-batch-0.1.1.jar batch-processor-0.4.1.jar commons-io-2.7.jar imagej-deprecated-0.1.4.jar imagej-plugins-commands-0.8.1.jar object-inspector-0.1.jar base64-2.3.8.jar imagej-plugins-tools-0.3.1.jar imagej-plugins-uploader-ssh-0.3.2.jar jsch-0.1.55.jar imagej-plugins-uploader-webdav-0.3.2.jar jackrabbit-webdav-2.21.1.jar slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar httpclient-4.5.12.jar commons-codec-1.14.jar httpcore-4.4.13.jar imagej-scripting-0.8.2.jar scripting-beanshell-0.3.4.jar bsh-2.0b6.jar scripting-clojure-0.1.6.jar clojure-1.8.0.jar scripting-groovy-0.3.0.jar groovy-3.0.4.jar groovy-dateutil-3.0.4.jar groovy-json-3.0.4.jar groovy-swing-3.0.4.jar groovy-templates-3.0.4.jar groovy-xml-3.0.4.jar ivy-2.4.0.jar gpars-1.2.1.jar multiverse-core-0.7.0.jar jsr166y-1.7.0.jar scripting-java-0.4.1.jar minimaven-2.2.2.jar scripting-jruby-0.3.1.jar jruby-core- jnr-netdb-1.1.6.jar jnr-enxio-0.16.jar jnr-x86asm-1.0.2.jar jnr-unixsocket-0.17.jar jnr-posix-3.0.44.jar jnr-constants-0.9.9.jar jffi-1.2.16.jar jffi-1.2.16-native.jar joni-2.1.15.jar bytelist-1.0.15.jar jcodings-1.0.27.jar dirgra-0.3.jar invokebinder-1.10.jar options-1.4.jar unsafe-fences-1.0.jar jzlib-1.1.3.jar nailgun-server-0.9.1.jar joda-time-2.10.6.jar modulator-1.0.jar jruby-stdlib- scripting-jython-1.0.0.jar jython-slim-2.7.2.jar antlr-3.5.2.jar ST4-4.0.8.jar javax.servlet-api-3.1.0.jar antlr-runtime-3.5.2.jar commons-compress-1.20.jar bcpkix-jdk15on-1.62.jar bcprov-jdk15on-1.62.jar asm-7.1.jar asm-commons-7.1.jar asm-tree-7.1.jar asm-analysis-7.1.jar asm-util-7.1.jar failureaccess-1.0.1.jar icu4j-59.1.jar java-sizeof-0.0.5.jar jnr-ffi-2.1.10.jar jnr-a64asm-1.0.0.jar jline-2.14.5.jar netty-buffer-4.1.45.Final.jar netty-codec-4.1.45.Final.jar netty-common-4.1.45.Final.jar netty-handler-4.1.45.Final.jar netty-resolver-4.1.45.Final.jar netty-transport-4.1.45.Final.jar ant-1.9.7.jar ant-launcher-1.9.7.jar scripting-renjin-0.2.3.jar renjin-script-engine-0.8.1906.jar renjin-core-0.8.1906.jar commons-math-2.2.jar gcc-runtime-0.8.1906.jar netlib-java-0.9.3-renjin-patched-2.jar lapack-0.8.jar f2jutil-0.8.jar xerbla-0.8.jar blas-0.8.jar commons-vfs2-2.0.jar commons-logging-1.2.jar maven-scm-api-1.4.jar plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar maven-scm-provider-svnexe-1.4.jar maven-scm-provider-svn-commons-1.4.jar regexp-1.3.jar jtransforms-2.4.jar jung-api-2.0.1.jar collections-generic-4.01.jar jung-graph-impl-2.0.1.jar codemodel-2.6.jar stats-0.8.1906.jar renjin-appl-0.8.1906.jar renjin-gnur-runtime-0.8.1906.jar methods-0.8.1906.jar datasets-0.8.1906.jar utils-0.8.1906.jar grDevices-0.8.1906.jar graphics-0.8.1906.jar scripting-scala-0.2.2.jar scala-compiler-2.12.1.jar scala-library-2.12.1.jar scala-reflect-2.12.1.jar scala-xml_2.12-1.0.6.jar imagej-ui-swing-0.23.2.jar jfreechart-1.5.0.jar jhotdraw-7.6.0.jar imagej-ui-awt-0.3.1.jar scijava-io-http-0.2.1.jar okhttp-4.7.2.jar okio-2.6.0.jar kotlin-stdlib-common-1.3.70.jar kotlin-stdlib-1.3.71.jar annotations-13.0.jar scijava-plugins-commands-0.2.3.jar scijava-plugins-io-table-0.2.0.jar scijava-plugins-platforms-0.3.1.jar scijava-plugins-text-markdown-0.1.3.jar markdownj-0.3.0-1.0.2b4.jar scijava-plugins-text-plain-0.1.3.jar commons-lang3-3.10.jar script-editor-0.5.6.jar | |
Created-By = Maven Jar Plugin 3.2.0 | |
Implementation-Build = 5f23140693c0688b3db9d003f30f399ad2b62cbd | |
Implementation-Date = 2020-08-02T03:43:22+0000 | |
Implementation-Title = ImageJ | |
Implementation-Vendor = ImageJ | |
Implementation-Version = 2.1.0 | |
Main-Class = net.imagej.Main | |
Manifest-Version = 1.0 | |
Package = net.imagej | |
Premain-Class = | |
Specification-Title = ImageJ | |
Specification-Vendor = ImageJ | |
Specification-Version = 2.1 | |
-- Application: Fiji -- | |
Title = Fiji | |
Version = 2.1.1 | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = fiji | |
Automatic-Module-Name = sc.fiji | |
Build-Jdk-Spec = 1.8 | |
Class-Path = imagej-2.1.0.jar imagej-common-0.33.0.jar udunits-4.3.18.jar imagej-launcher-5.0.3.jar imagej-notebook-0.7.1.jar commons-text-1.8.jar xchart-3.5.4.jar VectorGraphics2D-0.13.jar imagej-ops-0.45.5.jar imagej-mesh-0.8.0.jar scripting-javascript-0.5.0.jar ojalgo-45.1.1.jar imagej-updater-0.10.5.jar commons-lang-2.6.jar scifio-0.41.0.jar scifio-jai-imageio-1.1.1.jar imagej-mesh-io-0.1.2.jar guava-21.0.jar jply-0.2.0.jar imagej-plugins-batch-0.1.1.jar batch-processor-0.4.1.jar imagej-deprecated-0.1.4.jar imagej-plugins-commands-0.8.1.jar object-inspector-0.1.jar base64-2.3.8.jar imagej-plugins-tools-0.3.1.jar imagej-plugins-uploader-ssh-0.3.2.jar imagej-plugins-uploader-webdav-0.3.2.jar jackrabbit-webdav-2.21.1.jar httpclient-4.5.12.jar httpcore-4.4.13.jar imagej-scripting-0.8.2.jar scripting-beanshell-0.3.4.jar bsh-2.0b6.jar scripting-clojure-0.1.6.jar clojure-1.8.0.jar scripting-groovy-0.3.0.jar groovy-3.0.4.jar groovy-dateutil-3.0.4.jar groovy-json-3.0.4.jar groovy-swing-3.0.4.jar groovy-templates-3.0.4.jar groovy-xml-3.0.4.jar ivy-2.4.0.jar gpars-1.2.1.jar multiverse-core-0.7.0.jar jsr166y-1.7.0.jar scripting-java-0.4.1.jar minimaven-2.2.2.jar scripting-jruby-0.3.1.jar jruby-core- jnr-enxio-0.16.jar jnr-unixsocket-0.17.jar joni-2.1.15.jar bytelist-1.0.15.jar jcodings-1.0.27.jar dirgra-0.3.jar invokebinder-1.10.jar options-1.4.jar unsafe-fences-1.0.jar nailgun-server-0.9.1.jar modulator-1.0.jar jruby-stdlib- scripting-jython-1.0.0.jar scripting-renjin-0.2.3.jar renjin-script-engine-0.8.1906.jar renjin-core-0.8.1906.jar commons-math-2.2.jar gcc-runtime-0.8.1906.jar netlib-java-0.9.3-renjin-patched-2.jar lapack-0.8.jar f2jutil-0.8.jar xerbla-0.8.jar blas-0.8.jar commons-vfs2-2.0.jar maven-scm-api-1.4.jar plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar maven-scm-provider-svnexe-1.4.jar maven-scm-provider-svn-commons-1.4.jar regexp-1.3.jar jtransforms-2.4.jar jung-api-2.0.1.jar collections-generic-4.01.jar jung-graph-impl-2.0.1.jar codemodel-2.6.jar stats-0.8.1906.jar renjin-appl-0.8.1906.jar renjin-gnur-runtime-0.8.1906.jar methods-0.8.1906.jar datasets-0.8.1906.jar utils-0.8.1906.jar grDevices-0.8.1906.jar graphics-0.8.1906.jar scripting-scala-0.2.2.jar scala-compiler-2.12.1.jar scala-library-2.12.1.jar scala-reflect-2.12.1.jar scala-xml_2.12-1.0.6.jar imagej-ui-swing-0.23.2.jar jhotdraw-7.6.0.jar imagej-ui-awt-0.3.1.jar scijava-io-http-0.2.1.jar okhttp-4.7.2.jar okio-2.6.0.jar kotlin-stdlib-common-1.3.70.jar kotlin-stdlib-1.3.71.jar annotations-13.0.jar scijava-plugins-commands-0.2.3.jar scijava-plugins-io-table-0.3.0.jar scijava-optional-1.0.0.jar scijava-plugins-platforms-0.3.1.jar scijava-plugins-text-markdown-0.1.3.jar markdownj-0.3.0-1.0.2b4.jar scijava-plugins-text-plain-0.1.3.jar commons-lang3-3.10.jar script-editor-0.5.6.jar ij-1.53c.jar ij1-patcher-1.1.0.jar imagej-legacy-0.37.4.jar imglib2-5.10.0.jar imglib2-ij-2.0.0-beta-46.jar imglib2-realtransform-3.0.0.jar imglib2-roi-0.10.3.jar scijava-search-0.7.0.jar prettytime-4.0.1.Final.jar scijava-table-0.6.1.jar scijava-ui-awt-0.1.7.jar scijava-ui-swing-0.13.2.jar swing-checkbox-tree-1.0.2.jar jdatepicker-1.3.2.jar autocomplete-3.1.0.jar languagesupport-3.1.0.jar rhino-1.7.6.jar rsyntaxtextarea-3.1.1.jar miglayout-swing-5.2.jar miglayout-core-5.2.jar trove4j-3.0.3.jar javassist-3.27.0-GA.jar scijava-common-2.83.3.jar parsington-2.0.0.jar eventbus-1.4.jar op-finder-0.1.4.jar swingx-1.6.1.jar filters-2.0.235.jar swing-worker-1.1.jar ahocorasick-0.2.4.jar jsoup-1.7.2.jar 3D_Blob_Segmentation-3.0.1.jar vecmath-1.6.0-scijava-2.jar 3D_Objects_Counter-2.0.1.jar 3D_Viewer-4.0.3.jar jama-1.0.3.jar j3dcore-1.6.0-scijava-2.jar j3dutils-1.6.0-scijava-2.jar AnalyzeSkeleton_-3.4.1.jar joml-1.9.25.jar Anisotropic_Diffusion_2D-2.0.1.jar Archipelago_Plugins-0.5.4.jar weka-dev-3.9.4.jar java-cup-11b-20160615.jar bounce-0.18.jar mtj-1.0.4.jar jfilechooser-bookmarks-0.1.6.jar jclipboardhelper-0.1.0.jar istack-commons-runtime-3.0.8.jar jakarta.activation-api-1.2.1.jar jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.jar jaxb-runtime-2.3.2.jar txw2-2.3.2.jar stax-ex-1.8.1.jar FastInfoset-1.2.16.jar Arrow_-2.0.2.jar Auto_Local_Threshold-1.10.1.jar Auto_Threshold-1.17.2.jar BalloonSegmentation_-3.0.1.jar Bug_Submitter-2.1.1.jar CPU_Meter-2.0.1.jar jna-4.5.2.jar Calculator_Plus-2.0.1.jar Cell_Counter-3.0.0.jar Colocalisation_Analysis-3.0.5.jar imglib2-algorithm-0.11.2.jar itextpdf- Color_Histogram-2.0.7.jar Color_Inspector_3D-2.5.0.jar Colour_Deconvolution-3.0.3.jar CorrectBleach_-2.0.3.jar Correct_3D_Drift-1.0.6.jar Descriptor_based_registration-2.1.7.jar mpicbg-1.4.0.jar Dichromacy_-2.1.2.jar Directionality_-2.3.0.jar jfreechart-1.5.0.jar FS_Align_TrakEM2-2.0.3.jar Feature_Detection-2.0.2.jar Fiji_Archipelago-2.0.1.jar jsch-0.1.55.jar Fiji_Developer-2.0.7.jar Fiji_Package_Maker-2.1.1.jar Fiji_Plugins-3.1.1.jar FlowJ_-2.0.1.jar bij-1.0.0.jar Graph_Cut-1.0.2.jar Gray_Morphology-2.3.5.jar Helmholtz_Analysis-2.0.2.jar IJ_Robot-2.0.1.jar IO_-4.1.0.jar batik-bridge-1.13.jar batik-anim-1.13.jar batik-awt-util-1.13.jar batik-css-1.13.jar batik-parser-1.13.jar batik-script-1.13.jar batik-shared-resources-1.13.jar batik-svg-dom-1.13.jar batik-util-1.13.jar batik-constants-1.13.jar batik-i18n-1.13.jar batik-xml-1.13.jar xmlgraphics-commons-2.4.jar commons-logging-1.2.jar xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.jar batik-gvt-1.13.jar image4j-0.7.jar jpedalSTD-2.80b11.jar jzlib-1.1.3.jar Image_5D-2.0.2.jar Image_Expression_Parser-3.0.1.jar imglib2-algorithm-gpl-0.2.4.jar jep-2.4.2.jar Interactive_3D_Surface_Plot-3.0.0.jar IsoData_Classifier-2.0.1.jar Kuwahara_Filter-2.0.1.jar KymographBuilder-2.1.1.jar LSM_Reader-4.1.2.jar LSM_Toolbox-4.1.2.jar Lasso_and_Blow_Tool-2.0.2.jar Linear_Kuwahara-2.0.1.jar LocalThickness_-4.0.3.jar MTrack2_-2.0.1.jar M_I_P-2.0.1.jar Manual_Tracking-2.1.1.jar Multi_Kymograph-3.0.1.jar OMEVisual-2.0.0.jar PIV_analyser-1.1.2.jar QuickPALM_-1.1.2.jar RATS_-2.0.2.jar Reconstruct_Reader-2.0.4.jar SPIM_Opener-2.0.2.jar SPIM_Registration-5.0.21.jar 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Stitching_-3.1.6.jar mines-jtk-20151125.jar Sync_Win-1.7-fiji4.jar Thread_Killer-2.0.1.jar Time_Lapse-2.1.1.jar Time_Stamper-2.1.0.jar ToAST_-25.0.2.jar TopoJ_-2.0.1.jar TrackMate_-6.0.0.jar jgrapht-core-1.4.0.jar jheaps-0.11.jar jgraphx-4.1.0.jar Trainable_Segmentation-3.2.34.jar TrakEM2_Archipelago-2.0.3.jar VIB-lib-2.2.0.jar VIB_-3.0.3.jar Vaa3d_Reader-2.0.3.jar Vaa3d_Writer-1.0.3.jar Video_Editing-2.0.1.jar View5D_-2.3.1.jar Volume_Calculator-2.0.2.jar Volume_Viewer-2.01.2.jar bUnwarpJ_-2.6.13.jar blockmatching_-2.1.3.jar fiji-lib-2.1.2.jar H5J_Loader_Plugin-1.1.0.jar jhdf5-14.12.6.jar commons-io-2.7.jar ffmpeg-platform-4.1-1.4.4.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4.jar javacpp-1.4.4.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-android-arm.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-android-arm64.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-android-x86.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-android-x86_64.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-linux-x86.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-linux-x86_64.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-linux-armhf.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-linux-ppc64le.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-macosx-x86_64.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-windows-x86.jar ffmpeg-4.1-1.4.4-windows-x86_64.jar HDF5_Vibez-1.1.0.jar legacy-imglib1-1.1.9.jar level_sets-1.0.2.jar pal-optimization-2.0.1.jar panorama_-3.0.2.jar register_virtual_stack_slices-3.0.5.jar registration_3d-2.0.1.jar weave_jy2java-2.1.1.jar z_spacing-1.1.1.jar imglib2-algorithm-fft-0.2.0.jar Sholl_Analysis-4.0.1.jar jitk-tps-3.0.1.jar ejml-0.24.jar log4j-1.2.17.jar mpicbg_-1.4.0.jar bio-formats_plugins-6.5.1.jar jgoodies-forms-1.7.2.jar jgoodies-common-1.7.0.jar slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar logback-core-1.2.3.jar bigwarp_fiji-6.0.0.jar opencsv-3.9.jar commons-beanutils-1.9.4.jar commons-collections-3.2.2.jar jcommander-1.48.jar ui-behaviour-2.0.1.jar snakeyaml-1.26.jar n5-viewer_fiji-2.2.0.jar imglib2-cache-1.0.0-beta-13.jar caffeine-2.4.0.jar n5-2.2.1.jar xz-1.8.jar lz4-java-1.7.1.jar commons-compress-1.20.jar n5-aws-s3-3.1.2.jar aws-java-sdk-s3-1.11.796.jar aws-java-sdk-kms-1.11.796.jar aws-java-sdk-core-1.11.796.jar ion-java-1.0.2.jar 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Implementation-Date = 2020-08-05T05:06:46+0000 | |
Implementation-Title = Fiji | |
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Package = sc.fiji | |
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Specification-Title = Fiji | |
Specification-Vendor = Fiji | |
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Title = SciJava | |
Version = 2.83.3 | |
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Implementation-Date = 2020-05-28T15:12:33+0000 | |
Implementation-Title = SciJava Common | |
Implementation-Vendor = SciJava | |
Implementation-Version = 2.83.3 | |
Manifest-Version = 1.0 | |
Package = org.scijava | |
Premain-Class = | |
Specification-Title = SciJava Common | |
Specification-Vendor = SciJava | |
Specification-Version = 2.83 | |
-- Application: SCIFIO -- | |
Title = SCIFIO | |
Version = 0.42.0 | |
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artifactId = scifio | |
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Package = io.scif | |
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Specification-Title = SCIFIO Core | |
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Title = ImageJ1 | |
Version = 1.53j | |
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Implementation-Date = 2020-06-03T15:26:52+0000 | |
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Manifest-Version = 1.0 | |
Package = net.imagej.legacy | |
Premain-Class = net.imagej.legacy.LegacyJavaAgent | |
Specification-Title = ImageJ Legacy Bridge | |
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[WARNING] Version clash for com.github.jnr:jnr-ffi: 2.1.10 shadows 2.1.7 | |
[WARNING] Version clash for jline:jline: 2.14.5 shadows 2.14.1 | |
[WARNING] Version clash for org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets:ffmpeg: 4.1-${project.parent.version} shadows 4.1-${project.parent.version} | |
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groupId = ca.mcgill | |
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version = 4.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Sholl_Analysis-4.0.2 | |
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groupId = ch.qos.logback | |
artifactId = logback-classic | |
version = 1.2.3 | |
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groupId = ch.qos.logback | |
artifactId = logback-core | |
version = 1.2.3 | |
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groupId = com.amazonaws | |
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groupId = com.amazonaws | |
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groupId = com.amazonaws | |
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project URL = | |
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groupId = com.amazonaws | |
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groupId = com.carrotsearch | |
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scm = scm:git:[email protected]:EsotericSoftware/kryo.git | |
-- Library: MinLog -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.esotericsoftware.minlog/minlog/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.esotericsoftware.minlog | |
artifactId = minlog | |
version = 1.2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm/reflectasm/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.esotericsoftware.reflectasm | |
artifactId = reflectasm | |
version = 1.09 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
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groupId = com.fasterxml.jackson.core | |
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inception year = 2008 | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:FasterXML/jackson-annotations.git | |
source ref = jackson-annotations-2.11.0 | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.fasterxml.jackson.core | |
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scm = scm:git:[email protected]:FasterXML/jackson-core.git | |
source ref = jackson-core-2.11.0 | |
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groupId = com.fasterxml.jackson.core | |
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version = 2.11.0 | |
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inception year = 2008 | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:FasterXML/jackson-databind.git | |
source ref = jackson-databind-2.11.0 | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat/jackson-dataformat-cbor/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat | |
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scm = scm:git:[email protected]:FasterXML/jackson-dataformat-cbor.git | |
source ref = jackson-dataformat-cbor-2.6.7 | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.fracpete/jclipboardhelper/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.fracpete | |
artifactId = jclipboardhelper | |
version = 0.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.fracpete/jfilechooser-bookmarks/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.fracpete | |
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scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jffi.git | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.jnr/jnr-a64asm/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.jnr | |
artifactId = jnr-a64asm | |
version = 1.0.0 | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-a64asm.git | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.jnr/jnr-constants/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.jnr | |
artifactId = jnr-constants | |
version = 0.9.12 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-constants.git | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.jnr/jnr-enxio/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.jnr | |
artifactId = jnr-enxio | |
version = 0.16 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-enxio.git | |
-- Library: jnr-ffi -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.jnr/jnr-ffi/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.jnr | |
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version = 2.1.7 | |
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scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-ffi.git | |
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groupId = com.github.jnr | |
artifactId = jnr-ffi | |
version = 2.1.10 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-ffi.git | |
-- Library: jnr-netdb -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.jnr/jnr-netdb/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.jnr | |
artifactId = jnr-netdb | |
version = 1.1.6 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-netdb.git | |
-- Library: jnr-posix -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.jnr/jnr-posix/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.jnr | |
artifactId = jnr-posix | |
version = 3.0.50 | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-posix.git | |
-- Library: jnr-unixsocket -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.jnr/jnr-unixsocket/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.jnr | |
artifactId = jnr-unixsocket | |
version = 0.17 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-unixsocket.git | |
-- Library: jnr-x86asm -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.jnr/jnr-x86asm/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.jnr | |
artifactId = jnr-x86asm | |
version = 1.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jnr/jnr-x86asm.git | |
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groupId = com.github.sbridges.object-inspector | |
artifactId = object-inspector | |
version = 0.1 | |
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path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.github.vbmacher/java-cup/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.github.vbmacher | |
artifactId = java-cup | |
version = 11b-20160615 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: Google APIs Client Library for Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-api-client | |
version = 1.30.9 | |
-- Library: Cloud Resource Manager API v1-rev20200210-1.30.9 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-api-services-cloudresourcemanager | |
version = v1-rev20200210-1.30.9 | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Google | |
organization URL = | |
-- Library: Cloud Storage JSON API v1-rev20200326-1.30.9 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-api-services-storage | |
version = v1-rev20200326-1.30.9 | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Google | |
organization URL = | |
-- Library: Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-auth-library-credentials | |
version = 0.20.0 | |
-- Library: Google Auth Library for Java - OAuth2 HTTP -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-auth-library-oauth2-http | |
version = 0.20.0 | |
-- Library: AutoValue Annotations -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = auto-value-annotations | |
version = 1.7 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: Google Cloud Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-cloud-core | |
version = 1.93.4 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: Google Cloud Core HTTP -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-cloud-core-http | |
version = 1.93.4 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: Google Cloud Resource Manager -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-cloud-resourcemanager | |
version = 0.117.2-alpha | |
project URL = | |
organization name = Google LLC | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:googleapis/java-resourcemanager.git | |
-- Library: Google Cloud Storage -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-cloud-storage | |
version = 1.108.0 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: FindBugs-jsr305 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = jsr305 | |
version = 3.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: Gson -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = gson | |
version = 2.8.6 | |
-- Library: error-prone annotations -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = error_prone_annotations | |
version = 2.3.4 | |
-- Library: Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = failureaccess | |
version = 1.0.1 | |
-- Library: Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = guava | |
version = 21.0 | |
-- Library: Google HTTP Client Library for Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-http-client | |
version = 1.35.0 | |
-- Library: Google App Engine extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-http-client-appengine | |
version = 1.34.2 | |
-- Library: Jackson 2 extensions to the Google HTTP Client Library for Java. -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-http-client-jackson2 | |
version = 1.35.0 | |
-- Library: J2ObjC Annotations -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = j2objc-annotations | |
version = 1.3 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: Google OAuth Client Library for Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = google-oauth-client | |
version = 1.30.5 | |
-- Library: Protocol Buffers [Core] -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = protobuf-java | |
version = 3.11.4 | |
-- Library: Protocol Buffers [Util] -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = protobuf-java-util | |
version = 3.11.4 | |
-- Library: Efficient Java Matrix Library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.googlecode.efficient-java-matrix-library/ejml/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.googlecode.efficient-java-matrix-library | |
artifactId = ejml | |
version = 0.24 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: GenTyRef -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.googlecode.gentyref/gentyref/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.googlecode.gentyref | |
artifactId = gentyref | |
version = 1.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
-- Library: Matrix Toolkits for Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.googlecode.matrix-toolkits-java/mtj/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.googlecode.matrix-toolkits-java | |
artifactId = mtj | |
version = 1.0.4 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:fommil/matrix-toolkits-java.git | |
-- Library: invokebinder -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.headius/invokebinder/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.headius | |
artifactId = invokebinder | |
version = 1.10 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: com.headius:modulator -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.headius/modulator/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.headius | |
artifactId = modulator | |
version = 1.0 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: options -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.headius/options/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.headius | |
artifactId = options | |
version = 1.4 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: unsafe-fences -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.headius/unsafe-fences/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.headius | |
artifactId = unsafe-fences | |
version = 1.0 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: iText Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.itextpdf/itextpdf/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.itextpdf | |
artifactId = itextpdf | |
version = | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:itext/itextpdf.git | |
source ref = ${buildNumber} | |
-- Library: JSch -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.jcraft/jsch/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.jcraft | |
artifactId = jsch | |
version = 0.1.55 | |
project URL = | |
organization name = JCraft,Inc. | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: JZlib -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.jcraft/jzlib/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.jcraft | |
artifactId = jzlib | |
version = 1.1.3 | |
project URL = | |
organization name = jcraft | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: JHLabs Image Processing Filters -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.jhlabs/filters/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.jhlabs | |
artifactId = filters | |
version = 2.0.235 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: nailgun-server -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.martiansoftware/nailgun-server/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.martiansoftware | |
artifactId = nailgun-server | |
version = 0.9.1 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: MiGLayout Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.miglayout/miglayout-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.miglayout | |
artifactId = miglayout-core | |
version = 5.2 | |
-- Library: MiGLayout Swing -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.miglayout/miglayout-swing/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.miglayout | |
artifactId = miglayout-swing | |
version = 5.2 | |
-- Library: SCRAM - client -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.ongres.scram/client/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.ongres.scram | |
artifactId = client | |
version = 2.1 | |
-- Library: SCRAM - common -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.ongres.scram/common/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.ongres.scram | |
artifactId = common | |
version = 2.1 | |
-- Library: com.ongres.stringprep:saslprep -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.ongres.stringprep/saslprep/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.ongres.stringprep | |
artifactId = saslprep | |
version = 1.1 | |
-- Library: com.ongres.stringprep:stringprep -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.ongres.stringprep/stringprep/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.ongres.stringprep | |
artifactId = stringprep | |
version = 1.1 | |
-- Library: opencsv -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.opencsv/opencsv/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.opencsv | |
artifactId = opencsv | |
version = 3.9 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:ssh:// | |
-- Library: Codemodel Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.sun.codemodel/codemodel/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.sun.codemodel | |
artifactId = codemodel | |
version = 2.6 | |
-- Library: istack common utility code runtime -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.sun.istack/istack-commons-runtime/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.sun.istack | |
artifactId = istack-commons-runtime | |
version = 3.0.8 | |
-- Library: fastinfoset -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/com.sun.xml.fastinfoset/FastInfoset/pom.xml | |
groupId = com.sun.xml.fastinfoset | |
artifactId = FastInfoset | |
version = 1.2.16 | |
-- Library: Apache Commons BeanUtils -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils/pom.xml | |
groupId = commons-beanutils | |
artifactId = commons-beanutils | |
version = 1.9.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2000 | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
source ref = UNKNOWN_BRANCH@r??????; 2019-07-28 22:14:44+0000 | |
-- Library: Apache Commons Codec -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/commons-codec/commons-codec/pom.xml | |
groupId = commons-codec | |
artifactId = commons-codec | |
version = 1.14 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2002 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: Apache Commons Collections -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/commons-collections/commons-collections/pom.xml | |
groupId = commons-collections | |
artifactId = commons-collections | |
version = 3.2.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2001 | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
source ref = tags/COLLECTIONS_3_2_2_RC3@r1714131; 2015-11-13 00:09:45+0100 | |
-- Library: Apache Commons IO -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/commons-io/commons-io/pom.xml | |
groupId = commons-io | |
artifactId = commons-io | |
version = 2.7 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2002 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = commons-io-2.6 | |
-- Library: Commons Lang -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/commons-lang/commons-lang/pom.xml | |
groupId = commons-lang | |
artifactId = commons-lang | |
version = 2.6 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2001 | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: Apache Commons Logging -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/commons-logging/commons-logging/pom.xml | |
groupId = commons-logging | |
artifactId = commons-logging | |
version = 1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2001 | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
source ref = tags/LOGGING_1_2_RC2@r1608092; 2014-07-05 20:11:44+0200 | |
-- Library: Bounce -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = bounce | |
version = 0.18 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2002 | |
organization name = Edwin Dankert | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: NetCDF-Java Library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/edu.ucar/netcdf/pom.xml | |
groupId = edu.ucar | |
artifactId = netcdf | |
version = 4.3.22 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: udunits -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/edu.ucar/udunits/pom.xml | |
groupId = edu.ucar | |
artifactId = udunits | |
version = 4.3.18 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: Netty/Buffer -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.netty/netty-buffer/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.netty | |
artifactId = netty-buffer | |
version = 4.1.45.Final | |
-- Library: Netty/Codec -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.netty/netty-codec/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.netty | |
artifactId = netty-codec | |
version = 4.1.45.Final | |
-- Library: Netty/Common -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.netty/netty-common/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.netty | |
artifactId = netty-common | |
version = 4.1.45.Final | |
-- Library: Netty/Handler -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.netty/netty-handler/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.netty | |
artifactId = netty-handler | |
version = 4.1.45.Final | |
-- Library: Netty/Resolver -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.netty/netty-resolver/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.netty | |
artifactId = netty-resolver | |
version = 4.1.45.Final | |
-- Library: Netty/Transport -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.netty/netty-transport/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.netty | |
artifactId = netty-transport | |
version = 4.1.45.Final | |
-- Library: SCIFIO Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.scif/scifio/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.scif | |
artifactId = scifio | |
version = 0.42.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = SCIFIO | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scifio-0.42.0 | |
-- Library: SCIFIO-Bio-Formats Compatibility Format -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.scif/scifio-bf-compat/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.scif | |
artifactId = scifio-bf-compat | |
version = 4.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
organization name = SCIFIO | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scifio-bf-compat-4.1.0 | |
-- Library: SCIFIO Command Line Tools -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.scif/scifio-cli/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.scif | |
artifactId = scifio-cli | |
version = 0.6.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = SCIFIO | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scifio-cli-0.6.1 | |
-- Library: SCIFIO HDF5 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.scif/scifio-hdf5/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.scif | |
artifactId = scifio-hdf5 | |
version = 0.2.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = SCIFIO | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scifio-hdf5-0.2.1 | |
-- Library: JAI Image I/O Tools -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.scif/scifio-jai-imageio/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.scif | |
artifactId = scifio-jai-imageio | |
version = 1.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = SCIFIO | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scifio-jai-imageio-1.1.1 | |
-- Library: SCIFIO Life Sciences Extension -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.scif/scifio-lifesci/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.scif | |
artifactId = scifio-lifesci | |
version = 0.9.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
organization name = SCIFIO | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scifio-lifesci-0.9.0 | |
-- Library: SCIFIO OME-XML Extension -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/io.scif/scifio-ome-xml/pom.xml | |
groupId = io.scif | |
artifactId = scifio-ome-xml | |
version = 0.16.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
organization name = SCIFIO | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scifio-ome-xml-0.16.1 | |
-- Library: JavaBeans Activation Framework API jar -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/jakarta.activation/jakarta.activation-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = jakarta.activation | |
artifactId = jakarta.activation-api | |
version = 1.2.1 | |
-- Library: jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/jakarta.xml.bind/jakarta.xml.bind-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = jakarta.xml.bind | |
artifactId = jakarta.xml.bind-api | |
version = 2.3.2 | |
-- Library: ${} API -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/javax.annotation/javax.annotation-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = javax.annotation | |
artifactId = javax.annotation-api | |
version = 1.3.2 | |
project URL = | |
organization name = GlassFish Community | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = 1.3.2 | |
-- Library: Java Servlet API -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/javax.servlet/javax.servlet-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = javax.servlet | |
artifactId = javax.servlet-api | |
version = 3.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
organization name = GlassFish Community | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: JavaITK thin plate spline -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/jitk/jitk-tps/pom.xml | |
groupId = jitk | |
artifactId = jitk-tps | |
version = 3.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = jitk-tps-3.0.1 | |
-- Library: JLine -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/jline/jline/pom.xml | |
groupId = jline | |
artifactId = jline | |
version = 2.14.1 | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: JLine -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/jline/jline/pom.xml | |
groupId = jline | |
artifactId = jline | |
version = 2.14.5 | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: Joda-Time -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/joda-time/joda-time/pom.xml | |
groupId = joda-time | |
artifactId = joda-time | |
version = 2.10.6 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2002 | |
organization name = | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: Apache Log4j -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/log4j/log4j/pom.xml | |
groupId = log4j | |
artifactId = log4j | |
version = 1.2.17 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 1999 | |
organization name = Apache Software Foundation | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: jitescript -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/me.qmx.jitescript/jitescript/pom.xml | |
groupId = me.qmx.jitescript | |
artifactId = jitescript | |
version = 0.4.1 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:qmx/jitescript.git | |
source ref = v0.4.1 | |
-- Library: MPICBG Core Library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/mpicbg/mpicbg/pom.xml | |
groupId = mpicbg | |
artifactId = mpicbg | |
version = 1.4.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = mpicbg-1.4.1 | |
-- Library: MPICBG plugin for Fiji -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/mpicbg/mpicbg_/pom.xml | |
groupId = mpicbg | |
artifactId = mpicbg_ | |
version = 1.4.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = mpicbg-1.4.1 | |
-- Library: base64 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.iharder/base64/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.iharder | |
artifactId = base64 | |
version = 2.3.8 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: ImageJ 1.x Patcher -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/ij1-patcher/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = ij1-patcher | |
version = 1.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = ij1-patcher-1.1.0 | |
-- Library: ImageJ -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej | |
version = 2.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-2.1.0 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Common -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-common/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-common | |
version = 0.33.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-common-0.33.0 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Deprecated -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-deprecated/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-deprecated | |
version = 0.1.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-deprecated-0.1.4 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Launcher -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-launcher/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-launcher | |
version = 5.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2007 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-launcher-5.0.3 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Legacy Bridge -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-legacy/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-legacy | |
version = 0.37.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-legacy-0.37.4 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Mesh -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-mesh/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-mesh | |
version = 0.8.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-mesh-0.8.0 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Mesh I/O plugins -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-mesh-io/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-mesh-io | |
version = 0.1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-mesh-io-0.1.2 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Notebook -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-notebook/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-notebook | |
version = 0.7.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-notebook-0.7.1 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Ops -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-ops/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-ops | |
version = 0.45.7 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-ops-0.45.7 | |
-- Library: ImageJ-Plot-Service -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-plot-service/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-plot-service | |
version = 0.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-plot-service-0.1.1 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Plugins Batch -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-plugins-batch/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-plugins-batch | |
version = 0.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2018 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-plugins-batch-0.1.1 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Plugins: Commands -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-plugins-commands/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-plugins-commands | |
version = 0.8.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-plugins-commands-0.8.1 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Plugins: Tools -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-plugins-tools/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-plugins-tools | |
version = 0.3.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-plugins-tools-0.3.1 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Plugins: Uploader: SSH -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-plugins-uploader-ssh/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-plugins-uploader-ssh | |
version = 0.3.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-plugins-uploader-ssh-0.3.2 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Plugins: Uploader: WebDAV -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-plugins-uploader-webdav/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-plugins-uploader-webdav | |
version = 0.3.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-plugins-uploader-webdav-0.3.2 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Scripting -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-scripting/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-scripting | |
version = 0.8.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2015 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-scripting-0.8.2 | |
-- Library: ImageJ UI: AWT -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-ui-awt/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-ui-awt | |
version = 0.3.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-ui-awt-0.3.1 | |
-- Library: ImageJ UI: Swing -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-ui-swing/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-ui-swing | |
version = 0.23.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-ui-swing-0.23.2 | |
-- Library: ImageJ Updater -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/imagej-updater/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = imagej-updater | |
version = 0.10.5 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imagej-updater-0.10.5 | |
-- Library: Op Finder -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imagej/op-finder/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imagej | |
artifactId = op-finder | |
version = 0.1.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImageJ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = op-finder-0.1.4 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 Core Library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2 | |
version = 5.11.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-5.11.1 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 Algorithms -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-algorithm | |
version = 0.11.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-algorithm-0.11.2 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 Algorithms: FFT -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm-fft/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-algorithm-fft | |
version = 0.2.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-algorithm-fft-0.2.0 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 Algorithms: GPL -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-algorithm-gpl/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-algorithm-gpl | |
version = 0.2.5 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-algorithm-gpl-0.2.5 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 Cache Library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-cache/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-cache | |
version = 1.0.0-beta-16 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-cache-1.0.0-beta-16 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 ImageJ -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-ij/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-ij | |
version = 2.0.0-beta-46 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-ij-2.0.0-beta-46 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 Label Multisets -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-label-multisets/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-label-multisets | |
version = 0.9.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2018 | |
organization name = HHMI Janelia | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = 54d5b8819cd47c7ed805d2f58a04c896d44a1732 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 Real Transform -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-realtransform/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-realtransform | |
version = 3.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-realtransform-3.1.0 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 ROI -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-roi/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-roi | |
version = 0.10.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-roi-0.10.3 | |
-- Library: ImgLib2 UI -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.imglib2/imglib2-ui/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.imglib2 | |
artifactId = imglib2-ui | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = ImgLib2 | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = imglib2-ui-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: jung-api -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.sf.jung/jung-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.sf.jung | |
artifactId = jung-api | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: jung-graph-impl -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.sf.jung/jung-graph-impl/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.sf.jung | |
artifactId = jung-graph-impl | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: jdatepicker -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.sourceforge.jdatepicker/jdatepicker/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.sourceforge.jdatepicker | |
artifactId = jdatepicker | |
version = 1.3.2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: jmatio -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.sourceforge.jmatio/jmatio/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.sourceforge.jmatio | |
artifactId = jmatio | |
version = 1.0 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/net.thisptr/jackson-jq/pom.xml | |
groupId = net.thisptr | |
artifactId = jackson-jq | |
version = 1.0.0-preview.20191208 | |
-- Library: weka-dev -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = weka-dev | |
version = 3.9.4 | |
project URL = | |
organization name = University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: Bio-Formats Plugins for ImageJ -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/bio-formats_plugins/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = bio-formats_plugins | |
version = 6.6.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2006 | |
source ref = a98d7261034f611ef0f33a54545476201341f978 | |
-- Library: Bio-Formats API -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/formats-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = formats-api | |
version = 6.6.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
source ref = a98d7261034f611ef0f33a54545476201341f978 | |
-- Library: BSD Bio-Formats readers and writers -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/formats-bsd/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = formats-bsd | |
version = 6.6.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
source ref = a98d7261034f611ef0f33a54545476201341f978 | |
-- Library: Bio-Formats library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/formats-gpl/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = formats-gpl | |
version = 6.6.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
source ref = a98d7261034f611ef0f33a54545476201341f978 | |
-- Library: JXRLib Java Bindings -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/jxrlib/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = jxrlib | |
version = 0.2.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
-- Library: JXRLib Java Bindings -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/jxrlib-all/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = jxrlib-all | |
version = 0.2.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
-- Library: JXRLib native library dependencies for Linux x86-84 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/jxrlib-native-linux_64/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = jxrlib-native-linux_64 | |
version = 0.2.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
-- Library: JXRLib native library dependencies for Mac OS X x86-84 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/jxrlib-native-osx_64/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = jxrlib-native-osx_64 | |
version = 0.2.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
-- Library: JXRLib native library dependencies for Windows x64 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/jxrlib-native-windows_64/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = jxrlib-native-windows_64 | |
version = 0.2.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
-- Library: libjpeg-turbo Java bindings -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ome/turbojpeg/pom.xml | |
groupId = ome | |
artifactId = turbojpeg | |
version = 6.6.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
source ref = a98d7261034f611ef0f33a54545476201341f978 | |
-- Library: Aho-CoraSick algorithm for efficient string matching -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.ahocorasick/ahocorasick/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.ahocorasick | |
artifactId = ahocorasick | |
version = 0.2.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = 42 BV | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:// | |
-- Library: StringTemplate 4 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.antlr/ST4/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.antlr | |
artifactId = ST4 | |
version = 4.0.8 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = 4.0.8 | |
-- Library: ANTLR 3 Tool -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.antlr/antlr/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.antlr | |
artifactId = antlr | |
version = 3.5.2 | |
-- Library: ANTLR 3 Runtime -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.antlr/antlr-runtime/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.antlr | |
artifactId = antlr-runtime | |
version = 3.5.2 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: Apache Commons Collections -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.commons/commons-collections4/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.commons | |
artifactId = commons-collections4 | |
version = 4.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2001 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: Apache Commons Compress -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.commons/commons-compress/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.commons | |
artifactId = commons-compress | |
version = 1.20 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = UNKNOWN@rf7503adfbad8b44eb079d564f2784aeaa034647c; 2020-02-05 05:01:35+0000 | |
-- Library: Apache Commons Lang -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.commons/commons-lang3/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.commons | |
artifactId = commons-lang3 | |
version = 3.10 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2001 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = commons-lang-3.9 | |
-- Library: Commons Math -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.commons/commons-math/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.commons | |
artifactId = commons-math | |
version = 2.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2003 | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: Apache Commons Math -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.commons/commons-math3/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.commons | |
artifactId = commons-math3 | |
version = 3.6.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2003 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = 16abfe5de688cc52fb0396e0609cb33044b15653; 2016-03-17 13:30:43-0400 | |
-- Library: Apache Commons Text -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.commons/commons-text/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.commons | |
artifactId = commons-text | |
version = 1.8 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: Commons VFS Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.commons/commons-vfs2/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.commons | |
artifactId = commons-vfs2 | |
version = 2.0 | |
-- Library: Apache HttpClient -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.httpcomponents | |
artifactId = httpclient | |
version = 4.5.12 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: Apache HttpCore -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.httpcomponents | |
artifactId = httpcore | |
version = 4.4.13 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
source ref = ${scmBranch}@r${buildNumber}; 2020-01-09 12:56:55+0000 | |
-- Library: Apache HttpClient Mime -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpmime/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.httpcomponents | |
artifactId = httpmime | |
version = 4.5.1 | |
project URL = | |
source ref = tags/4.5.1-RC1/httpmime@r1702448; 2015-09-11 14:53:18+0200 | |
-- Library: Jackrabbit WebDAV Library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.jackrabbit/jackrabbit-webdav/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.jackrabbit | |
artifactId = jackrabbit-webdav | |
version = 2.21.1 | |
-- Library: Maven SCM API -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven.scm/maven-scm-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.maven.scm | |
artifactId = maven-scm-api | |
version = 1.4 | |
-- Library: Maven SCM Subversion Provider - Common library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven.scm/maven-scm-provider-svn-commons/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.maven.scm | |
artifactId = maven-scm-provider-svn-commons | |
version = 1.4 | |
-- Library: Maven SCM Subversion Provider - SVN Executable Impl. -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven.scm/maven-scm-provider-svnexe/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.maven.scm | |
artifactId = maven-scm-provider-svnexe | |
version = 1.4 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-anim/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-anim | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-awt-util/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-awt-util | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-bridge/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-bridge | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-constants/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-constants | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-css/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-css | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-dom/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-dom | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-ext/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-ext | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-gvt/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-gvt | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-i18n/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-i18n | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-parser/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-parser | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-script/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-script | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-shared-resources/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-shared-resources | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-svg-dom/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-svg-dom | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-svggen/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-svggen | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-util/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-util | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.apache.xmlgraphics/batik-xml/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.apache.xmlgraphics | |
artifactId = batik-xml | |
version = 1.13 | |
-- Library: EventBus -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.bushe/eventbus/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.bushe | |
artifactId = eventbus | |
version = 1.4 | |
project URL = | |
organization name = Bushe Enterprises, Inc. | |
organization URL = | |
scm = | |
-- Library: JavaCPP -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.bytedeco/javacpp/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.bytedeco | |
artifactId = javacpp | |
version = 1.4.4 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: JavaCPP Presets for FFmpeg -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/ffmpeg/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets | |
artifactId = ffmpeg | |
version = 4.1-${project.parent.version} | |
-- Library: JavaCPP Presets for FFmpeg -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/ffmpeg/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets | |
artifactId = ffmpeg | |
version = 4.1-${project.parent.version} | |
-- Library: JavaCPP Presets Platform for FFmpeg -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/ffmpeg-platform/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets | |
artifactId = ffmpeg-platform | |
version = 4.1-${project.parent.version} | |
-- Library: clojure -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.clojure/clojure/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.clojure | |
artifactId = clojure | |
version = 1.8.0 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:clojure/clojure.git | |
-- Library: Plexus Interpolation API -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-interpolation/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.codehaus.plexus | |
artifactId = plexus-interpolation | |
version = 1.0 | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: Plexus Common Utilities -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.codehaus.plexus | |
artifactId = plexus-utils | |
version = 1.5.6 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: JAXB Runtime -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.glassfish.jaxb/jaxb-runtime/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.glassfish.jaxb | |
artifactId = jaxb-runtime | |
version = 2.3.2 | |
-- Library: TXW2 Runtime -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.glassfish.jaxb/txw2/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.glassfish.jaxb | |
artifactId = txw2 | |
version = 2.3.2 | |
-- Library: plugins/H5J_Loader_Plugin.jar -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia/H5J_Loader_Plugin/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia | |
artifactId = H5J_Loader_Plugin | |
version = 1.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2015 | |
organization name = HHMI Janelia Research Campus | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = H5J_Loader_Plugin-1.1.0 | |
-- Library: N5 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5 | |
version = 2.5.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-2.5.0 | |
-- Library: N5 AWS S3 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5-aws-s3/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5-aws-s3 | |
version = 3.2.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-aws-s3-3.2.0 | |
-- Library: N5 Blosc -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5-blosc/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5-blosc | |
version = 1.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2019 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-blosc-1.1.0 | |
-- Library: N5 Google Cloud -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5-google-cloud/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5-google-cloud | |
version = 3.3.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-google-cloud-3.3.2 | |
-- Library: N5 HDF5 Bindings -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5-hdf5/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5-hdf5 | |
version = 1.3.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-hdf5-1.3.0 | |
-- Library: N5 ImageJ Bindings -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5-ij/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5-ij | |
version = 2.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-ij-2.0.0 | |
-- Library: N5 ImgLib2 Bindings -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5-imglib2/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5-imglib2 | |
version = 4.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-imglib2-4.0.0 | |
-- Library: N5 Viewer for Fiji -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5-viewer_fiji/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5-viewer_fiji | |
version = 4.2.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-viewer_fiji-4.2.1 | |
-- Library: N5 Zarr -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.janelia.saalfeldlab/n5-zarr/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.janelia.saalfeldlab | |
artifactId = n5-zarr | |
version = 0.0.6 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2019 | |
organization name = Saalfeld Lab | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = n5-zarr-0.0.6 | |
-- Library: Javassist -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.javassist/javassist/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.javassist | |
artifactId = javassist | |
version = 3.27.0-GA | |
project URL = | |
organization name = Shigeru Chiba, | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:jboss-javassist/javassist.git | |
-- Library: image4j -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jclarion/image4j/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jclarion | |
artifactId = image4j | |
version = 0.7 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:svn: | |
-- Library: Java Concurrency Tools Core Library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jctools/jctools-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jctools | |
artifactId = jctools-core | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: IntelliJ IDEA Annotations -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jetbrains/annotations/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jetbrains | |
artifactId = annotations | |
version = 13.0 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: JCommon -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jfree/jcommon/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jfree | |
artifactId = jcommon | |
version = 1.0.24 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2001 | |
organization name = | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git: | |
-- Library: JFreeChart -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jfree/jfreechart/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jfree | |
artifactId = jfreechart | |
version = 1.5.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2001 | |
organization name = | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git: | |
-- Library: JFreeSVG -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jfree/jfreesvg/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jfree | |
artifactId = jfreesvg | |
version = 3.2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: JGraphT - Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jgrapht/jgrapht-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jgrapht | |
artifactId = jgrapht-core | |
version = 1.4.0 | |
-- Library: JGraphT - Ext -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jgrapht/jgrapht-ext/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jgrapht | |
artifactId = jgrapht-ext | |
version = 1.3.0 | |
-- Library: JOML -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.joml/joml/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.joml | |
artifactId = joml | |
version = 1.9.25 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2015 | |
organization name = JOML | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = ce573cdf5e9945bf3c65a9867f0a0fc9ddd95ad8 | |
-- Library: Dirgra -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jruby/dirgra/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jruby | |
artifactId = dirgra | |
version = 0.3 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: JRuby Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jruby/jruby-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jruby | |
artifactId = jruby-core | |
version = | |
-- Library: JRuby Lib Setup -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jruby/jruby-stdlib/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jruby | |
artifactId = jruby-stdlib | |
version = | |
-- Library: ByteList -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jruby.extras/bytelist/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jruby.extras | |
artifactId = bytelist | |
version = 1.0.15 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: JCodings -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jruby.jcodings/jcodings/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jruby.jcodings | |
artifactId = jcodings | |
version = 1.0.44 | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: Joni -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jruby.joni/joni/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jruby.joni | |
artifactId = joni | |
version = 2.1.29 | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: JSON in Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.json/json/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.json | |
artifactId = json | |
version = 20201115 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: jsoup -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jsoup/jsoup/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jsoup | |
artifactId = jsoup | |
version = 1.7.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Jonathan Hedley | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
-- Library: Extended StAX API -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jvnet.staxex/stax-ex/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jvnet.staxex | |
artifactId = stax-ex | |
version = 1.8.1 | |
scm = scm:git:ssh://[email protected]/eclipse-ee4j/jaxb-stax-ex.git | |
-- Library: Jzy3d API -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jzy3d/jzy3d-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jzy3d | |
artifactId = jzy3d-api | |
version = 1.0.3 | |
-- Library: JDT core (fork of -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.jzy3d/jzy3d-jdt-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.jzy3d | |
artifactId = jzy3d-jdt-core | |
version = 1.0.3 | |
-- Library: XChart -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.knowm.xchart/xchart/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.knowm.xchart | |
artifactId = xchart | |
version = 3.5.4 | |
-- Library: JBlosc -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.lasersonlab/jblosc/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.lasersonlab | |
artifactId = jblosc | |
version = 1.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: SNT -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.morphonets/SNT/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.morphonets | |
artifactId = SNT | |
version = 3.2.9 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = SNT-3.2.9 | |
-- Library: cx3d -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.morphonets/cx3d/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.morphonets | |
artifactId = cx3d | |
version = 0.0.4-SNAPSHOT | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2019 | |
organization name = MorphoNets | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = cx3d-0.3.0 | |
-- Library: The Multiverse Code (so API and implementation) -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.multiverse/multiverse-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.multiverse | |
artifactId = multiverse-core | |
version = 0.7.0 | |
-- Library: PrettyTime - Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.ocpsoft.prettytime/prettytime/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.ocpsoft.prettytime | |
artifactId = prettytime | |
version = 4.0.1.Final | |
-- Library: ojAlgo -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.ojalgo/ojalgo/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.ojalgo | |
artifactId = ojalgo | |
version = 45.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
organization name = Optimatika | |
organization URL = | |
scm = | |
-- Library: Metakit -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.openmicroscopy/metakit/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.openmicroscopy | |
artifactId = metakit | |
version = 5.3.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Open Microscopy Environment | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = 44aae8e70b74e0288c79c2f82907770510d40a5e | |
-- Library: OME Codecs -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.openmicroscopy/ome-codecs/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.openmicroscopy | |
artifactId = ome-codecs | |
version = 0.3.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Open Microscopy Environment | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = 8287f33d3bff3d08a9925fa45e0b225e27d71fe0 | |
-- Library: OME Common Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.openmicroscopy/ome-common/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.openmicroscopy | |
artifactId = ome-common | |
version = 6.0.6 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Open Microscopy Environment | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = b8e0fe4c7ab1a5eec13e0717cc1d17d4fdca4de9 | |
-- Library: OME JAI -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.openmicroscopy/ome-jai/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.openmicroscopy | |
artifactId = ome-jai | |
version = 0.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Open Microscopy Environment | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = 96ed34bf59f5ba3b51e3d60e342f30962a46c292 | |
-- Library: MDB Tools (Java port) -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.openmicroscopy/ome-mdbtools/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.openmicroscopy | |
artifactId = ome-mdbtools | |
version = 5.3.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Open Microscopy Environment | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = 68ffca2a95750cbb96f0d11785851aa4a554c0a4 | |
-- Library: OME POI -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.openmicroscopy/ome-poi/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.openmicroscopy | |
artifactId = ome-poi | |
version = 5.3.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Open Microscopy Environment | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = 3887f4b2b21e195fa76ec4378858f6278aed5dcd | |
-- Library: OME XML library -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.openmicroscopy/ome-xml/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.openmicroscopy | |
artifactId = ome-xml | |
version = 6.2.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2006 | |
organization name = Open Microscopy Environment | |
organization URL = | |
source ref = 30bb5411a710abdf3395f5ba97194925f205cc59 | |
-- Library: Metadata model specification -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.openmicroscopy/specification/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.openmicroscopy | |
artifactId = specification | |
version = 6.2.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2003 | |
organization name = Open Microscopy Environment | |
organization URL = | |
source ref = 30bb5411a710abdf3395f5ba97194925f205cc59 | |
-- Library: Perf4J -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.perf4j/perf4j/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.perf4j | |
artifactId = perf4j | |
version = 0.9.16 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
-- Library: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver - JDBC 4.2 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.postgresql/postgresql/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.postgresql | |
artifactId = postgresql | |
version = 42.2.12 | |
project URL = | |
organization name = PostgreSQL Global Development Group | |
organization URL = | |
source ref = REL42.2.12 | |
-- Library: org.renjin:datasets -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/datasets/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = datasets | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: Renjin GCC Runtime -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/gcc-runtime/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = gcc-runtime | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: org.renjin:grDevices -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/grDevices/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = grDevices | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: org.renjin:graphics -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/graphics/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = graphics | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: org.renjin:methods -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/methods/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = methods | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: org.renjin:renjin-appl -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/renjin-appl/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = renjin-appl | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: Renjin Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/renjin-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = renjin-core | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: Renjin GNU-R Runtime -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/renjin-gnur-runtime/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = renjin-gnur-runtime | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: Renjin Script Engine -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/renjin-script-engine/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = renjin-script-engine | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: org.renjin:stats -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/stats/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = stats | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: org.renjin:utils -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.renjin/utils/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.renjin | |
artifactId = utils | |
version = 0.8.1906 | |
-- Library: Batch Processor -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/batch-processor/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = batch-processor | |
version = 0.4.1 | |
project URL = N/A | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = None | |
organization URL = N/A | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = batch-processor-0.4.1 | |
-- Library: hIPNAT -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/hIPNAT_/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = hIPNAT_ | |
version = 1.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = hIPNAT_-1.1.0 | |
-- Library: Java 3D Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/j3dcore/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = j3dcore | |
version = 1.6.0-scijava-2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = j3dcore-1.6.0-scijava-2 | |
-- Library: Java 3D Utils -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/j3dutils/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = j3dutils | |
version = 1.6.0-scijava-2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = j3dutils-1.6.0-scijava-2 | |
-- Library: Java Expression Parser -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/jep/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = jep | |
version = 2.4.2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = 1aca0c3ee449932b3895a20c4995bb6546ffcc9a | |
-- Library: Minimal support for Maven projects -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/minimaven/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = minimaven | |
version = 2.2.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = minimaven-2.2.2 | |
-- Library: Native Library Loader -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/native-lib-loader/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = native-lib-loader | |
version = 2.3.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = native-lib-loader-2.3.4 | |
-- Library: Parsington: The SciJava Expression Parser -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/parsington/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = parsington | |
version = 2.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2015 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = parsington-2.0.0 | |
-- Library: SciJava Common -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-common/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-common | |
version = 2.83.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-common-2.83.3 | |
-- Library: SciJava Configuration -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-config/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-config | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-config-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: SciJava I/O: HTTP -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-io-http/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-io-http | |
version = 0.2.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-io-http-0.2.1 | |
-- Library: SciJava Listeners -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-listeners/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-listeners | |
version = 1.0.0-beta-3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2019 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-listeners-1.0.0-beta-3 | |
-- Library: SciJava Optional -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-optional/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-optional | |
version = 1.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2020 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-optional-1.0.0 | |
-- Library: SciJava Plugins: Commands -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-plugins-commands/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-plugins-commands | |
version = 0.2.3 | |
project URL = Plugins: Commands | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-plugins-commands-0.2.3 | |
-- Library: SciJava IO Plugin: Tables -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-plugins-io-table/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-plugins-io-table | |
version = 0.2.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-plugins-io-table-0.2.0 | |
-- Library: SciJava Plugins: Platforms -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-plugins-platforms/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-plugins-platforms | |
version = 0.3.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-plugins-platforms-0.3.1 | |
-- Library: SciJava Plugins: Text: Markdown -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-plugins-text-markdown/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-plugins-text-markdown | |
version = 0.1.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-plugins-text-markdown-0.1.3 | |
-- Library: SciJava Plugins: Text: Plain -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-plugins-text-plain/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-plugins-text-plain | |
version = 0.1.3 | |
project URL = Plugins: Text: Plain | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-plugins-text-plain-0.1.3 | |
-- Library: SciJava Search -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-search/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-search | |
version = 0.7.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2017 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-search-0.7.0 | |
-- Library: SciJava Table -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-table/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-table | |
version = 0.6.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-table-0.6.1 | |
-- Library: SciJava UI: AWT -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-ui-awt/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-ui-awt | |
version = 0.1.7 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-ui-awt-0.1.7 | |
-- Library: SciJava UI: Swing -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scijava-ui-swing/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scijava-ui-swing | |
version = 0.13.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scijava-ui-swing-0.13.2 | |
-- Library: SciJava Script Editor -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/script-editor/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = script-editor | |
version = 0.5.6 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = script-editor-0.5.6 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: BeanShell -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-beanshell/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-beanshell | |
version = 0.3.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-beanshell-0.3.4 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: Clojure -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-clojure/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-clojure | |
version = 0.1.6 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-clojure-0.1.6 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: Groovy -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-groovy/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-groovy | |
version = 0.3.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-groovy-0.3.0 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-java/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-java | |
version = 0.4.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-java-0.4.1 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: JavaScript -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-javascript/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-javascript | |
version = 0.5.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-javascript-0.5.0 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: JRuby -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-jruby/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-jruby | |
version = 0.3.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-jruby-0.3.1 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: Jython -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-jython/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-jython | |
version = 1.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-jython-1.0.0 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: Renjin -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-renjin/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-renjin | |
version = 0.2.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2015 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-renjin-0.2.3 | |
-- Library: SciJava Scripting: Scala -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/scripting-scala/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = scripting-scala | |
version = 0.2.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = scripting-scala-0.2.2 | |
-- Library: Swing Check Box Tree -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/swing-checkbox-tree/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = swing-checkbox-tree | |
version = 1.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = swing-checkbox-tree-1.0.2 | |
-- Library: UI Behaviour -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/ui-behaviour/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = ui-behaviour | |
version = 2.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2015 | |
organization name = SciJava | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = ui-behaviour-2.0.3 | |
-- Library: Java 3D Vecmath -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.scijava/vecmath/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.scijava | |
artifactId = vecmath | |
version = 1.6.0-scijava-2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = vecmath-1.6.0-scijava-2 | |
-- Library: SLF4J API Module -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.slf4j | |
artifactId = slf4j-api | |
version = 1.7.30 | |
project URL = | |
-- Library: jPLY -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.smurn/jply/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.smurn | |
artifactId = jply | |
version = 0.2.1 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:smurn/jply.git | |
-- Library: ThreeTen backport -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.threeten/threetenbp/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.threeten | |
artifactId = threetenbp | |
version = 1.4.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2007 | |
organization name = | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = v1.4.4 | |
-- Library: Font Awesome -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.webjars/font-awesome/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.webjars | |
artifactId = font-awesome | |
version = 5.15.2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git: | |
source ref = font-awesome-5.15.2 | |
-- Library: SnakeYAML -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/org.yaml/snakeyaml/pom.xml | |
groupId = org.yaml | |
artifactId = snakeyaml | |
version = 1.26 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
scm = scm:hg: | |
source ref = snakeyaml-1.26 | |
-- Library: 3D Blob Segmentation -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/3D_Blob_Segmentation/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = 3D_Blob_Segmentation | |
version = 3.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = 3D_Blob_Segmentation-3.0.1 | |
-- Library: 3D Objects Counter -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/3D_Objects_Counter/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = 3D_Objects_Counter | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = 3D_Objects_Counter-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: 3D Viewer -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/3D_Viewer/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = 3D_Viewer | |
version = 4.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = 3D_Viewer-4.0.3 | |
-- Library: Analyze Skeleton -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/AnalyzeSkeleton_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = AnalyzeSkeleton_ | |
version = 3.4.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = cd0cdc9f124025cfbb64a8c605f2856326e7600a | |
-- Library: Anisotropic Diffusion 2D -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Anisotropic_Diffusion_2D/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Anisotropic_Diffusion_2D | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Anisotropic_Diffusion_2D-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Archipelago Plugins -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Archipelago_Plugins/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Archipelago_Plugins | |
version = 0.5.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Archipelago_Plugins-0.5.4 | |
-- Library: Arrow -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Arrow_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Arrow_ | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2000 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Arrow_-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Auto Local Threshold -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Auto_Local_Threshold/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Auto_Local_Threshold | |
version = 1.10.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Auto_Local_Threshold-1.10.1 | |
-- Library: Auto Threshold -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Auto_Threshold/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Auto_Threshold | |
version = 1.17.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Auto_Threshold-1.17.2 | |
-- Library: Balloon Segmentation -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/BalloonSegmentation_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = BalloonSegmentation_ | |
version = 3.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = BalloonSegmentation_-3.0.1 | |
-- Library: Bug Submitter -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Bug_Submitter/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Bug_Submitter | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Bug_Submitter-2.1.1 | |
-- Library: CPU Meter -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/CPU_Meter/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = CPU_Meter | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = CPU_Meter-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Calculator Plus -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Calculator_Plus/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Calculator_Plus | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2002 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Calculator_Plus-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Cell Counter -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Cell_Counter/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Cell_Counter | |
version = 3.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2001 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Cell_Counter-3.0.0 | |
-- Library: Coloc 2 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Colocalisation_Analysis/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Colocalisation_Analysis | |
version = 3.0.5 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Colocalisation_Analysis-3.0.5 | |
-- Library: Color Histogram -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Color_Histogram/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Color_Histogram | |
version = 2.0.7 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2004 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Color_Histogram-2.0.7 | |
-- Library: Color Inspector 3D -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Color_Inspector_3D/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Color_Inspector_3D | |
version = 2.5.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2004 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = 8242038960f1f50eec718b1d65f6931f07b48023 | |
-- Library: Colour Deconvolution -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Colour_Deconvolution/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Colour_Deconvolution | |
version = 3.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Colour_Deconvolution-3.0.3 | |
-- Library: CorrectBleach -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/CorrectBleach_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = CorrectBleach_ | |
version = 2.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = CorrectBleach_-2.0.3 | |
-- Library: Correct 3D Drift -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Correct_3D_Drift/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Correct_3D_Drift | |
version = 1.0.6 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Correct_3D_Drift-1.0.6 | |
-- Library: Descriptor based registration -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Descriptor_based_registration/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Descriptor_based_registration | |
version = 2.1.7 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Descriptor_based_registration-2.1.7 | |
-- Library: Dichromacy -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Dichromacy_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Dichromacy_ | |
version = 2.1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Dichromacy_-2.1.2 | |
-- Library: Directionality -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Directionality_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Directionality_ | |
version = 2.3.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Directionality_-2.3.0 | |
-- Library: FS Align TrakEM2 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/FS_Align_TrakEM2/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = FS_Align_TrakEM2 | |
version = 2.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = FS_Align_TrakEM2-2.0.3 | |
-- Library: Feature Detection -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Feature_Detection/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Feature_Detection | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Feature_Detection-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Fiji Archipelago -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Fiji_Archipelago/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Fiji_Archipelago | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Fiji_Archipelago-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Fiji Developer -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Fiji_Developer/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Fiji_Developer | |
version = 2.0.7 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Fiji_Developer-2.0.7 | |
-- Library: Fiji Package Maker -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Fiji_Package_Maker/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Fiji_Package_Maker | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Fiji_Package_Maker-2.1.1 | |
-- Library: Fiji Plugins -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Fiji_Plugins/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Fiji_Plugins | |
version = 3.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Fiji_Plugins-3.1.1 | |
-- Library: FlowJ -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/FlowJ_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = FlowJ_ | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = FlowJ_-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Graph Cut -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Graph_Cut/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Graph_Cut | |
version = 1.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Graph_Cut-1.0.2 | |
-- Library: Gray Morphology -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Gray_Morphology/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Gray_Morphology | |
version = 2.3.5 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2003 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Gray_Morphology-2.3.5 | |
-- Library: HDF5 Vibez -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/HDF5_Vibez/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = HDF5_Vibez | |
version = 1.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = HDF5_Vibez-1.1.0 | |
-- Library: Helmholtz Analysis -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Helmholtz_Analysis/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Helmholtz_Analysis | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Helmholtz_Analysis-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: IJ Robot -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/IJ_Robot/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = IJ_Robot | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = IJ_Robot-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: IO -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/IO_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = IO_ | |
version = 4.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = IO_-4.1.0 | |
-- Library: Image5D -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Image_5D/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Image_5D | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Image_5D-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Image Expression Parser -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Image_Expression_Parser/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Image_Expression_Parser | |
version = 3.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Image_Expression_Parser-3.0.1 | |
-- Library: Interactive 3D Surface Plot -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Interactive_3D_Surface_Plot/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Interactive_3D_Surface_Plot | |
version = 3.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2004 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Interactive_3D_Surface_Plot-3.0.0 | |
-- Library: IsoData Classifier -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/IsoData_Classifier/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = IsoData_Classifier | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = IsoData_Classifier-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Kappa -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Kappa/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Kappa | |
version = 2.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Kappa-2.0.0 | |
-- Library: Kuwahara Filter -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Kuwahara_Filter/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Kuwahara_Filter | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Kuwahara_Filter-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: KymographBuilder -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/KymographBuilder/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = KymographBuilder | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = KymographBuilder-2.1.1 | |
-- Library: LSM Reader -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/LSM_Reader/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = LSM_Reader | |
version = 4.1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2002 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = LSM_Reader-4.1.2 | |
-- Library: LSM Toolbox -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/LSM_Toolbox/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = LSM_Toolbox | |
version = 4.1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2002 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = LSM_Toolbox-4.1.2 | |
-- Library: Lasso and Blow Tool -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Lasso_and_Blow_Tool/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Lasso_and_Blow_Tool | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Lasso_and_Blow_Tool-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Linear Kuwahara -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Linear_Kuwahara/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Linear_Kuwahara | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Linear_Kuwahara-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: LocalThickness -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/LocalThickness_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = LocalThickness_ | |
version = 4.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2006 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = LocalThickness_-4.0.3 | |
-- Library: MTrack2 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/MTrack2_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = MTrack2_ | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2003 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = MTrack2_-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: M I P -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/M_I_P/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = M_I_P | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = M_I_P-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Manual Tracking -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Manual_Tracking/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Manual_Tracking | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Manual_Tracking-2.1.1 | |
-- Library: Multi Kymograph -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Multi_Kymograph/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Multi_Kymograph | |
version = 3.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2004 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Multi_Kymograph-3.0.1 | |
-- Library: OMEVisual -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/OMEVisual/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = OMEVisual | |
version = 2.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = OMEVisual-2.0.0 | |
-- Library: PIV analyser -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/PIV_analyser/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = PIV_analyser | |
version = 1.1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = PIV_analyser-1.1.2 | |
-- Library: QuickPALM -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/QuickPALM_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = QuickPALM_ | |
version = 1.1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = QuickPALM_-1.1.2 | |
-- Library: RATS -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/RATS_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = RATS_ | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = RATS_-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Reconstruct Reader -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Reconstruct_Reader/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Reconstruct_Reader | |
version = 2.0.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Reconstruct_Reader-2.0.4 | |
-- Library: SPIM Opener -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/SPIM_Opener/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = SPIM_Opener | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = SPIM_Opener-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: SPIM Registration -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/SPIM_Registration/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = SPIM_Registration | |
version = 5.0.21 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2007 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = SPIM_Registration-5.0.21 | |
-- Library: Samples -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Samples_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Samples_ | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Samples_-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Series Labeler -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Series_Labeler/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Series_Labeler | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Series_Labeler-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Simple Neurite Tracer -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Simple_Neurite_Tracer/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Simple_Neurite_Tracer | |
version = 3.1.10 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Simple_Neurite_Tracer-3.1.10 | |
-- Library: Siox Segmentation -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Siox_Segmentation/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Siox_Segmentation | |
version = 1.0.5 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Siox_Segmentation-1.0.5 | |
-- Library: Skeletonize3D -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Skeletonize3D_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Skeletonize3D_ | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Skeletonize3D_-2.1.1 | |
-- Library: SplineDeformationGenerator -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/SplineDeformationGenerator_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = SplineDeformationGenerator_ | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = SplineDeformationGenerator_-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Stack Manipulation -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Stack_Manipulation/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Stack_Manipulation | |
version = 2.1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Stack_Manipulation-2.1.2 | |
-- Library: Statistical Region Merging -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Statistical_Region_Merging/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Statistical_Region_Merging | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Statistical_Region_Merging-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Stitching -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Stitching_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Stitching_ | |
version = 3.1.6 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2007 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Stitching_-3.1.6 | |
-- Library: Sync Win -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Sync_Win/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Sync_Win | |
version = 1.7-fiji4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Sync_Win-1.7-fiji4 | |
-- Library: T2-NIT -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/T2-NIT/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = T2-NIT | |
version = 1.1.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = T2-NIT-1.1.3 | |
-- Library: T2-TreelineGraph -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/T2-TreelineGraph/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = T2-TreelineGraph | |
version = 1.1.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = T2-TreelineGraph-1.1.3 | |
-- Library: Thread Killer -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Thread_Killer/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Thread_Killer | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Thread_Killer-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Time Lapse -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Time_Lapse/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Time_Lapse | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Time_Lapse-2.1.1 | |
-- Library: Time Stamper -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Time_Stamper/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Time_Stamper | |
version = 2.1.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Time_Stamper-2.1.0 | |
-- Library: ToAST -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/ToAST_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = ToAST_ | |
version = 25.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = ToAST_-25.0.2 | |
-- Library: TopoJ -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/TopoJ_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = TopoJ_ | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = TopoJ_-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: TrackMate -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/TrackMate_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = TrackMate_ | |
version = 6.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = TrackMate_-6.0.1 | |
-- Library: Trainable Segmentation -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Trainable_Segmentation/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Trainable_Segmentation | |
version = 3.2.34 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2010 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = a61e29fed25d59262fbd9728783c2e28e9803a52 | |
-- Library: TrakEM2 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/TrakEM2_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = TrakEM2_ | |
version = 1.3.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = TrakEM2_-1.3.4 | |
-- Library: TrakEM2 Archipelago -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/TrakEM2_Archipelago/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = TrakEM2_Archipelago | |
version = 2.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = TrakEM2_Archipelago-2.0.3 | |
-- Library: VIB-lib -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/VIB-lib/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = VIB-lib | |
version = 2.2.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = VIB-lib-2.2.0 | |
-- Library: VIB -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/VIB_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = VIB_ | |
version = 3.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = VIB_-3.0.3 | |
-- Library: Vaa3d Reader -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Vaa3d_Reader/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Vaa3d_Reader | |
version = 2.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Vaa3d_Reader-2.0.3 | |
-- Library: Vaa3d Writer -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Vaa3d_Writer/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Vaa3d_Writer | |
version = 1.0.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Vaa3d_Writer-1.0.3 | |
-- Library: VectorString -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/VectorString/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = VectorString | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = VectorString-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Video Editing -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Video_Editing/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Video_Editing | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Video_Editing-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: Volume Calculator -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Volume_Calculator/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Volume_Calculator | |
version = 2.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Volume_Calculator-2.0.2 | |
-- Library: Volume Viewer -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/Volume_Viewer/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = Volume_Viewer | |
version = 2.01.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = Volume_Viewer-2.01.2 | |
-- Library: bUnwarpJ -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/bUnwarpJ_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = bUnwarpJ_ | |
version = 2.6.13 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = bUnwarpJ_-2.6.13 | |
-- Library: BigDataViewer Core -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/bigdataviewer-core/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = bigdataviewer-core | |
version = 10.2.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = BigDataViewer | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = bigdataviewer-core-10.2.0 | |
-- Library: BigDataViewer Visualization Tools -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/bigdataviewer-vistools/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = bigdataviewer-vistools | |
version = 1.0.0-beta-28 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2016 | |
organization name = BigDataViewer | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = bigdataviewer-vistools-1.0.0-beta-28 | |
-- Library: BigDataViewer Fiji -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/bigdataviewer_fiji/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = bigdataviewer_fiji | |
version = 6.2.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = BigDataViewer | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = bigdataviewer_fiji-6.2.1 | |
-- Library: BigWarp plugin for Fiji -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/bigwarp_fiji/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = bigwarp_fiji | |
version = 7.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2015 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = bigwarp_fiji-7.0.1 | |
-- Library: Bio-medical imaging in Java -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/bij/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = bij | |
version = 1.0.0 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 1997 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = bij-1.0.0 | |
-- Library: Block Matching -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/blockmatching_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = blockmatching_ | |
version = 2.1.3 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2012 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = blockmatching_-2.1.3 | |
-- Library: Fiji -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/fiji/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = fiji | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2007 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = fiji-2.1.1 | |
-- Library: jars/fiji-lib.jar -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/fiji-lib/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = fiji-lib | |
version = 2.1.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = fiji-lib-2.1.2 | |
-- Library: Legacy ImgLib1 -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/legacy-imglib1/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = legacy-imglib1 | |
version = 1.1.9 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2009 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = legacy-imglib1-1.1.9 | |
-- Library: Level Sets -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/level_sets/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = level_sets | |
version = 1.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = level_sets-1.0.2 | |
-- Library: pal-optimization -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/pal-optimization/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = pal-optimization | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 1999 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = pal-optimization-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: panorama -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/panorama_/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = panorama_ | |
version = 3.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = panorama_-3.0.2 | |
-- Library: Register Virtual Stack Slices -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/register_virtual_stack_slices/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = register_virtual_stack_slices | |
version = 3.0.5 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = register_virtual_stack_slices-3.0.5 | |
-- Library: registration 3d -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/registration_3d/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = registration_3d | |
version = 2.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2008 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = registration_3d-2.0.1 | |
-- Library: SPIM Data -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/spim_data/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = spim_data | |
version = 2.2.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2013 | |
organization name = BigDataViewer | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = spim_data-2.2.4 | |
-- Library: trakem2-transform -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/trakem2-transform/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = trakem2-transform | |
version = 1.0.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2005 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = trakem2-transform-1.0.1 | |
-- Library: TrakEM2 thin plate splines -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/trakem2_tps/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = trakem2_tps | |
version = 1.1.4 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = trakem2_tps-1.1.4 | |
-- Library: Jython Code Weaver -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/weave_jy2java/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = weave_jy2java | |
version = 2.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2011 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = weave_jy2java-2.1.1 | |
-- Library: Z spacing -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/sc.fiji/z_spacing/pom.xml | |
groupId = sc.fiji | |
artifactId = z_spacing | |
version = 1.1.1 | |
project URL = | |
inception year = 2014 | |
organization name = Fiji | |
organization URL = | |
scm = scm:git:git:// | |
source ref = z_spacing-1.1.1 | |
-- Library: alphanumeric-comparator -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = alphanumeric-comparator | |
version = 1.4.1 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:sawano/alphanumeric-comparator.git | |
source ref = alphanumeric-comparator-1.4.1 | |
-- Library: ${project.groupId}:${project.artifactId} -- | |
path = file:/Applications/!/META-INF/maven/ | |
groupId = | |
artifactId = ion-java | |
version = 1.0.2 | |
project URL = | |
scm = scm:git:[email protected]:amznlabs/ion-java.git | |
-- 19 fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.TrackMateActionFactory plugins -- | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.CaptureOverlayAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.CloseGapsByLinearInterpolationAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.CopyOverlayAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ExportAllSpotsStatsAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ExportStatsToIJAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ExportTracksToXML$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ExtractTrackStackActionFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ISBIChallengeExporter$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.IcyTrackExporter$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.LabelImgExporter$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.LinkNew3DViewerAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.MergeFileAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.PlotNSpotsVsTimeAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.RadiusToEstimatedAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.RecalculateFeatureAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ResetRadiusAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ResetSpotTimeFeatureAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.TrackBranchAnalysis$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.TrimNotVisibleAction$Factory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackMateActionFactory | |
-- 5 fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.SpotDetectorFactory plugins -- | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.BlockLogDetectorFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotDetectorFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.DogDetectorFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotDetectorFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.DownsampleLogDetectorFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotDetectorFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.LogDetectorFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotDetectorFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.ManualDetectorFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotDetectorFactory | |
-- 4 fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.edges.EdgeAnalyzer plugins -- | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.edges.EdgeTargetAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=EdgeAnalyzer | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.edges.EdgeTimeLocationAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=EdgeAnalyzer | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.edges.EdgeVelocityAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=EdgeAnalyzer | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.manual.ManualEdgeColorAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=EdgeAnalyzer | |
-- 6 plugins -- | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.manual.ManualSpotColorAnalyzerFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotAnalyzerFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=false, pluginType=SpotAnalyzerFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotAnalyzerFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=false, pluginType=SpotAnalyzerFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotAnalyzerFactory | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotAnalyzerFactory | |
-- 6 fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.track.TrackAnalyzer plugins -- | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.track.TrackBranchingAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackAnalyzer | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.track.TrackDurationAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackAnalyzer | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.track.TrackIndexAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackAnalyzer | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.track.TrackLocationAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackAnalyzer | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.track.TrackSpeedStatisticsAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackAnalyzer | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.track.TrackSpotQualityFeatureAnalyzer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TrackAnalyzer | |
-- 9 fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.SpotTrackerFactory plugins -- | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.ManualTrackerFactory', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.kalman.KalmanTrackerFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.oldlap.LAPTrackerFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.oldlap.SimpleLAPTrackerFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.sparselap.SimpleSparseLAPTrackerFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.sparselap.SparseLAPTrackerFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.kdtree.NearestNeighborTrackerFactory', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.oldlap.FastLAPTrackerFactory', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.oldlap.SimpleFastLAPTrackerFactory', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SpotTrackerFactory | |
-- 3 fiji.plugin.trackmate.visualization.ViewFactory plugins -- | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.visualization.hyperstack.HyperStackDisplayerFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ViewFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.visualization.trackscheme.TrackSchemeFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ViewFactory | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.visualization.threedviewer.SpotDisplayer3DFactory', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ViewFactory | |
-- 30 io.scif.Format plugins -- | |
class='', name='Bio-Formats Compatibility Format', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.lifesci.SDTFormat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.APNGFormat', name='Animated PNG', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.AVIFormat', name='Audio Video Interleave', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.DICOMFormat', name='DICOM', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.EPSFormat', name='Encapsulated PostScript', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.FITSFormat', name='Flexible Image Transport System', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.GIFFormat', name='Graphics Interchange Format', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.ICSFormat', name='Image Cytometry Standard', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.ImarisFormat', name='Imaris 5.5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.JPEGFormat', name='JPEG', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.JPEG2000Format', name='JPEG-2000', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.KontronFormat', name='Kontron', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.MicromanagerFormat', name='Micro-Manager', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.MNGFormat', name='Multiple Network Graphics', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.NRRDFormat', name='NRRD', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.OBFFormat', name='OBF', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.PCXFormat', name='PCX', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.qt.PICTFormat', name='PICT', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.PGMFormat', name='Portable Gray Map', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.qt.NativeQTFormat', name='QuickTime', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.ScancoISQFormat', name='Scanco ISQ', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.TestImgFormat', name='Simulated data', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.StratecPQCTFormat', name='Stratec pQCT', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.BMPFormat', name='Windows Bitmap', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.qt.LegacyQTFormat', name='QuickTime', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.JPEGTileFormat', name='Tile JPEG', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.TIFFFormat', name='Tagged Image File Format', priority=-9999.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.MinimalTIFFFormat', name='Minimal TIFF', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
class='io.scif.formats.TIFFJAIFormat', name='Tagged Image File Format', priority=-10001.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Format | |
-- 11 io.scif.Translator plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.formats.APNGFormat$APNGTranslator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.AVIFormat$Translator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.EPSFormat$EPSTranslator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.ICSFormat$ICSTranslator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.ImageIOFormat$ImageIOTranslator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.MicromanagerFormat$MicromanagerTranslator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.TestImgFormat$TestImgTranslator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.qt.LegacyQTFormat$LegacyQTTranslator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.qt.NativeQTFormat$NativeQTTranslator', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.formats.TIFFFormat$TIFFTranslator', priority=-9999.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
class='io.scif.DefaultTranslator', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Translator | |
-- 5 io.scif.cli.SCIFIOToolCommand plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.cli.convert.Convert', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SCIFIOToolCommand | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SCIFIOToolCommand | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SCIFIOToolCommand | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SCIFIOToolCommand | |
class='io.scif.ome.commands.OMEXMLToolCommand', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SCIFIOToolCommand | |
-- 16 io.scif.codec.Codec plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.codec.Base64Codec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.HuffmanCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.JPEG2000Codec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.JPEGCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.LZWCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.LosslessJPEGCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.LuraWaveCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.MJPBCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.MSRLECodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.MSVideoCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.NikonCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.PackbitsCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.PassthroughCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.QTRLECodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.RPZACodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
class='io.scif.codec.ZlibCodec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Codec | |
-- 5 io.scif.filters.Filter plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.filters.ChannelFiller', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Filter | |
class='io.scif.filters.DimensionSwapper', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Filter | |
class='io.scif.filters.FileStitcher', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Filter | |
class='io.scif.filters.MinMaxFilter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Filter | |
class='io.scif.filters.PlaneSeparator', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Filter | |
-- 1 io.scif.filters.MetadataWrapper plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.filters.PlaneSeparatorMetadata', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MetadataWrapper | |
-- 3 io.scif.img.converters.PlaneConverter plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.img.converters.ArrayDataAccessConverter', name='ArrayDataAccess', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PlaneConverter | |
class='io.scif.img.converters.RandomAccessConverter', name='Default', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PlaneConverter | |
class='io.scif.img.converters.PlanarAccessConverter', name='PlanarAccess', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PlaneConverter | |
-- 5 io.scif.ome.translators.FromOMETranslator plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.APNGTranslator$OMEAPNGTranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FromOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.EPSTranslator$OMEEPSTranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FromOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.ICSTranslator$OMEICSTranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FromOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.MicromanagerTranslator$MicromanagerOMETranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FromOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.TIFFTranslator$OMETIFFTranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FromOMETranslator | |
-- 9 io.scif.ome.translators.ToOMETranslator plugins -- | |
class='$BioFormatsOMETranslator', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.APNGTranslator$APNGOMETranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.BMPTranslator$BMPOMETranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.DICOMTranslator$DICOMOMETranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.ICSTranslator$ICSOMETranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.NRRDTranslator$NRRDOMETranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.OBFTranslator$OBFOMETranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.TIFFTranslator$TIFFOMETranslator', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
class='io.scif.ome.translators.DefaultOMETranslator', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ToOMETranslator | |
-- 1 io.scif.refs.RefProvider plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.img.ImgPlusCtxCleaningProvider', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RefProvider | |
-- 2 net.imagej.autoscale.AutoscaleMethod plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.autoscale.ConfidenceIntervalAutoscaleMethod', name='Confidence Interval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AutoscaleMethod | |
class='net.imagej.autoscale.DefaultAutoscaleMethod', name='Default', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AutoscaleMethod | |
-- 2 net.imagej.display.DataView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.display.DefaultDatasetView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataView | |
class='net.imagej.display.DefaultOverlayView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.legacy.plugin.LegacyAppConfiguration plugins -- | |
class='sc.fiji.compat.FijiAppConfiguration', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LegacyAppConfiguration | |
-- 1 net.imagej.legacy.plugin.LegacyEditor plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.DefaultLegacyEditor', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LegacyEditor | |
-- 1 net.imagej.legacy.plugin.LegacyOpener plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.DefaultLegacyOpener', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LegacyOpener | |
-- 1 net.imagej.legacy.plugin.LegacyPostRefreshMenus plugins -- | |
class='sc.fiji.compat.DefaultLegacyPostRefreshMenus', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LegacyPostRefreshMenus | |
-- 2 plugins -- | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MeshIOPlugin | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MeshIOPlugin | |
-- 1 plugins -- | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PointsIOPlugin | |
-- 1 net.imagej.minmax.MinMaxMethod plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.minmax.DefaultMinMaxMethod', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinMaxMethod | |
-- 13 net.imagej.operator.CalculatorOp plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpAdd', name='Add', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpSubtract', name='Subtract', priority=99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpMultiply', name='Multiply', priority=98.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpDivide', name='Divide', priority=97.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpAnd', name='AND', priority=96.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpOr', name='OR', priority=95.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpXor', name='XOR', priority=94.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpMin', name='Min', priority=93.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpMax', name='Max', priority=92.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpAverage', name='Average', priority=91.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpDifference', name='Difference', priority=90.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpCopy', name='Copy', priority=89.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
class='net.imagej.operator.OpTransparentZero', name='Transparent-zero', priority=88.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CalculatorOp | |
-- 25 net.imagej.ops.Namespace plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.coloc.ColocNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.copy.CopyNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.CreateNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.DeconvolveNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.HaralickNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.hog.HogNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.lbp2d.LBPNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.tamura2d.TamuraNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.zernike.ZernikeNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.FilterNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.GeomNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.ImageNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.ImageMomentsNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.labeling.LabelingNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.linalg.LinAlgNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.LogicNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.MathNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.MorphologyNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.segment.SegmentNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.StatsNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.thread.ThreadNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ThresholdNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.topology.TopologyNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.TransformNamespace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Namespace | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Op plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.zernike.helper.ZernikeComputer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Op | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Coloc$ICQ plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.coloc.icq.LiICQ', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ICQ | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Coloc$KendallTau plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.coloc.kendallTau.KendallTauBRank', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KendallTau | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Coloc$MaxTKendallTau plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.coloc.maxTKendallTau.MTKT', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaxTKendallTau | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Coloc$PValue plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.coloc.pValue.DefaultPValue', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PValue | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Coloc$Pearsons plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.coloc.pearsons.DefaultPearsons', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Pearsons | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Bit plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToBit', name='convert.bit', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Bit | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Bit', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Bit | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToBit', name='convert.bit', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Bit | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Cfloat32 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Cfloat32', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Cfloat32 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToCfloat32', name='convert.cfloat32', aliases='convert.complexFloat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Cfloat32 | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Cfloat64 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Cfloat64', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Cfloat64 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToCfloat64', name='convert.cfloat64', aliases='convert.complexDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Cfloat64 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Clip plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.clip.ClipRealTypes', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Clip | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Copy plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.copy.CopyRealTypes', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Copy | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Float32 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Float32', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Float32 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToFloat32', name='convert.float32', aliases='convert.float', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Float32 | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Float64 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Float64', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Float64 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToFloat64', name='convert.float64', aliases='convert.double', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Float64 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$ImageType plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.imageType.ConvertIIs', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ImageType | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Int16 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToInt16', name='convert.int16', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int16 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Int16', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int16 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToInt16', name='convert.int16', aliases='convert.short', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int16 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Int32 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToInt32', name='convert.int32', aliases='', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int32 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Int32', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int32 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToInt32', name='convert.int32', aliases='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int32 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Int64 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToInt64', name='convert.int64', aliases='convert.long', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int64 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Int64', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int64 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToInt64', name='convert.int64', aliases='convert.long', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int64 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Int8 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToInt8', name='convert.int8', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int8 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Int8', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int8 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToInt8', name='convert.int8', aliases='convert.byte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Int8 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$NormalizeScale plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.normalizeScale.NormalizeScaleRealTypes', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizeScale | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Scale plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.scale.ScaleRealTypes', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Scale | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Uint12 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToUint12', name='convert.uint12', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint12 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Uint12', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint12 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToUint12', name='convert.uint12', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint12 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Uint128 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToUint128', name='convert.uint128', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint128 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Uint128', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint128 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToUint128', name='convert.uint128', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint128 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Uint16 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToUint16', name='convert.uint16', aliases='convert.unsignedShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint16 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Uint16', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint16 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToUint16', name='convert.uint16', aliases='convert.unsignedShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint16 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Uint2 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToUint2', name='convert.uint2', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint2 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Uint2', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint2 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToUint2', name='convert.uint2', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint2 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Uint32 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToUint32', name='convert.uint32', aliases='convert.unsignedInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint32 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Uint32', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint32 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToUint32', name='convert.uint32', aliases='convert.unsignedInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint32 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Uint4 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToUint4', name='convert.uint4', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint4 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Uint4', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint4 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToUint4', name='convert.uint4', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint4 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Uint64 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToUint64', name='convert.uint64', aliases='convert.unsignedLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint64 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Uint64', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint64 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToUint64', name='convert.uint64', aliases='convert.unsignedLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint64 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Convert$Uint8 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$IntegerToUint8', name='convert.uint8', aliases='convert.unsignedByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint8 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertImages$Uint8', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint8 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.convert.ConvertTypes$ComplexToUint8', name='convert.uint8', aliases='convert.unsignedByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uint8 | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Copy$Img plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.copy.CopyArrayImg', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Img | |
class='net.imagej.ops.copy.CopyImg', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Img | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Copy$ImgLabeling plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.copy.CopyImgLabeling', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ImgLabeling | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Copy$IterableInterval plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.copy.CopyII', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IterableInterval | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Copy$LabelingMapping plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.copy.CopyLabelingMapping', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LabelingMapping | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Copy$RAI plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.copy.CopyRAI', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RAI | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Copy$Type plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.copy.CopyType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Type | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$Img plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromImg', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Img | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromII', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Img | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromRAI', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Img | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromDimsAndType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Img | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromInterval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Img | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$ImgFactory plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.imgFactory.CreateImgFactoryFromImg', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ImgFactory | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.imgFactory.DefaultCreateImgFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ImgFactory | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$ImgLabeling plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.imgLabeling.CreateImgLabelingFromInterval', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ImgLabeling | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.imgLabeling.DefaultCreateImgLabeling', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ImgLabeling | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$ImgPlus plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.imgPlus.DefaultCreateImgPlus', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ImgPlus | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$IntegerType plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.integerType.DefaultCreateIntegerType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IntegerType | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$Kernel plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernel.CreateKernel2D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Kernel | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$Kernel2ndDerivBiGauss plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelBiGauss.DefaultCreateKernel2ndDerivBiGauss', name='create.kernel2ndDerivBiGauss', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Kernel2ndDerivBiGauss | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelBiGauss.CreateKernel2ndDerivBiGaussDoubleType', name='create.kernel2ndDerivBiGauss', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Kernel2ndDerivBiGauss | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$KernelBiGauss plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelBiGauss.CreateKernelBiGaussDoubleType', name='create.kernelBiGauss', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelBiGauss | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelBiGauss.DefaultCreateKernelBiGauss', name='create.kernelBiGauss', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelBiGauss | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$KernelDiffraction plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelDiffraction.DefaultCreateKernelGibsonLanni', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelDiffraction | |
-- 6 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$KernelGabor plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGabor.DefaultCreateKernelGabor', name='create.kernelGabor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGabor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGabor.CreateKernelGaborIsotropic', name='create.kernelGabor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGabor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGabor.CreateKernelGaborIsotropicComplexDoubleType', name='create.kernelGaborComplexDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGabor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGabor.CreateKernelGaborComplexDoubleType', name='create.kernelGaborComplexDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGabor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGabor.CreateKernelGaborDoubleType', name='create.kernelGaborDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGabor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGabor.CreateKernelGaborIsotropicDoubleType', name='create.kernelGaborDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGabor | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$KernelGauss plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGauss.CreateKernelGaussDoubleType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGauss | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGauss.CreateKernelGaussSymmetric', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGauss | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGauss.CreateKernelGaussSymmetricDoubleType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGauss | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelGauss.DefaultCreateKernelGauss', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelGauss | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$KernelLog plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelLog.CreateKernelLogDoubleType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelLog | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelLog.CreateKernelLogSymmetric', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelLog | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelLog.CreateKernelLogSymmetricDoubleType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelLog | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelLog.DefaultCreateKernelLog', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelLog | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$KernelSobel plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.kernelSobel.CreateKernelSobel', name='create.kernelSobel', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=KernelSobel | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$LabelingMapping plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.labelingMapping.DefaultCreateLabelingMapping', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LabelingMapping | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$NativeType plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.nativeType.CreateNativeTypeFromClass', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NativeType | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.nativeType.DefaultCreateNativeType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NativeType | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Create$Object plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.create.object.CreateObjectFromClass', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Object | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Deconvolve$Accelerate plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.accelerate.VectorAccelerator', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Accelerate | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Deconvolve$FirstGuess plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.NonCirculantFirstGuess', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FirstGuess | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Deconvolve$NormalizationFactor plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.NonCirculantNormalizationFactor', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizationFactor | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Deconvolve$RichardsonLucy plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.PadAndRichardsonLucy', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RichardsonLucy | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.RichardsonLucyC', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RichardsonLucy | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Deconvolve$RichardsonLucyCorrection plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.RichardsonLucyCorrection', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RichardsonLucyCorrection | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Deconvolve$RichardsonLucyTV plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.PadAndRichardsonLucyTV', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RichardsonLucyTV | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Deconvolve$RichardsonLucyUpdate plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.RichardsonLucyTVUpdate', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RichardsonLucyUpdate | |
class='net.imagej.ops.deconvolve.RichardsonLucyUpdate', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RichardsonLucyUpdate | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Eval plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.eval.DefaultEval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Eval | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$AddNoise plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.addNoise.AddNoiseRealTypeCFI', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AddNoise | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.addNoise.AddNoiseRealType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AddNoise | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$AddPoissonNoise plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.addPoissonNoise.AddPoissonNoiseRealType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AddPoissonNoise | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.addPoissonNoise.AddPoissonNoiseMap', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AddPoissonNoise | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$AllPartialDerivatives plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.derivative.PartialDerivativesRAI', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AllPartialDerivatives | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Bilateral plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.bilateral.DefaultBilateral', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Bilateral | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Convolve plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.convolve.ConvolveNaiveF', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Convolve | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.convolve.PadAndConvolveFFTF', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Convolve | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.convolve.ConvolveNaiveC', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Convolve | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.convolve.PadAndConvolveFFT', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Convolve | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.convolve.ConvolveFFTC', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Convolve | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Correlate plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.correlate.PadAndCorrelateFFT', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Correlate | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.correlate.CorrelateFFTC', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Correlate | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$CreateFFTOutput plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.fft.CreateOutputFFTMethods', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CreateFFTOutput | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$DerivativeGauss plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.derivativeGauss.DefaultDerivativeGauss', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DerivativeGauss | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$DoG plugins -- | |
class='', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DoG | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DoG | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DoG | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$FFT plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.fft.FFTMethodsOpF', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FFT | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.fft.FFTMethodsOpC', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FFT | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$FFTSize plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.fftSize.ComputeFFTMethodsSize', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FFTSize | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.fftSize.DefaultComputeFFTSize', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FFTSize | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$FrangiVesselness plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.vesselness.DefaultFrangi', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FrangiVesselness | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Gauss plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.gauss.DefaultGaussRA', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Gauss | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.gauss.GaussRAISingleSigma', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Gauss | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.gauss.DefaultGaussRAI', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Gauss | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Hessian plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.hessian.HessianRAI', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Hessian | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$IFFT plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.ifft.IFFTMethodsOpC', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IFFT | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.ifft.IFFTMethodsOpI', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IFFT | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$LinearFilter plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.FFTMethodsLinearFFTFilterC', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LinearFilter | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Max plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.max.DefaultMaxFilter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Max | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Mean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.mean.DefaultMeanFilter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Mean | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Median plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.median.DefaultMedianFilter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Median | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Min plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.min.DefaultMinFilter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Min | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$PadFFTInput plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.pad.PadInputFFTMethods', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PadFFTInput | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.pad.DefaultPadInputFFT', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PadFFTInput | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$PadInput plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.pad.PadInput', name='filter.padInput', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PadInput | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$PadShiftFFTKernel plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.pad.PadShiftKernel', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PadShiftFFTKernel | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.pad.DefaultPadShiftKernelFFT', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PadShiftFFTKernel | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.pad.PadShiftKernelFFTMethods', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PadShiftFFTKernel | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$PaddingIntervalCentered plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.pad.PaddingIntervalCentered', name='filter.paddingIntervalCentered', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PaddingIntervalCentered | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$PaddingIntervalOrigin plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.pad.PaddingIntervalOrigin', name='filter.paddingIntervalOrigin', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PaddingIntervalOrigin | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$PartialDerivative plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.derivative.PartialDerivativeRAI', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PartialDerivative | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Sigma plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.sigma.DefaultSigmaFilter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sigma | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Sobel plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.sobel.SobelRAI', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sobel | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Tubeness plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.tubeness.DefaultTubeness', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tubeness | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Filter$Variance plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.filter.variance.DefaultVarianceFilter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Variance | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$BoundarySize plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultSurfaceArea', label='Geometric (3D): Surface Area', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BoundarySize | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultPerimeterLength', label='Geometric (2D): Perimeter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BoundarySize | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$BoundarySizeConvexHull plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultBoundarySizeConvexHullPolygon', label='Geometric (2D): Perimeter Convex Hull', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BoundarySizeConvexHull | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultSurfaceAreaConvexHullMesh', label='Geometric (3D): Surface Area Convex Hull', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BoundarySizeConvexHull | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$BoundingBox plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultBoundingBox', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BoundingBox | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Boxivity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultBoxivityPolygon', label='Geometric (2D): Rectangularity', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Boxivity | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultBoxivityMesh', label='Geometric (3D): Boxivity', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Boxivity | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$CenterOfGravity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.DefaultCenterOfGravity', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CenterOfGravity | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Centroid plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.CentroidLabelRegion', priority=2.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Centroid | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.CentroidII', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Centroid | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.CentroidPolygon', label='Geometric: Center of Gravity', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Centroid | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.CentroidMesh', label='Geometric: Centroid', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Centroid | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Circularity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultCircularity', label='Geometric (2D): Circularity', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Circularity | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Compactness plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultCompactness', label='Geometric (3D): Compactness', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Compactness | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Contour plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultContour', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Contour | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$ConvexHull plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultConvexHull2D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConvexHull | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultConvexHull3D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConvexHull | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Convexity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultConvexityPolygon', label='Geometric (2D): Convexity', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Convexity | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultConvexityMesh', label='Geometric (3D): Convexity', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Convexity | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Eccentricity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultEccentricity', label='Geometric (2D): Eccentricity', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Eccentricity | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$FeretsAngle plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultFeretsAngle', label='Geometric (2D): Ferets Angle', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FeretsAngle | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$FeretsDiameter plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultFeretsDiameter', label='Geometric (2D): Ferets Diameter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FeretsDiameter | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultFeretsDiameterForAngle', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FeretsDiameter | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MainElongation plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultMainElongation', label='Geometric (3D): Main Elongation', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MainElongation | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultElongation', label='Geometric (2D): Elongation', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MainElongation | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MajorAxis plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMajorAxis', label='Geometric (2D): Major Axis', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MajorAxis | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MarchingCubes plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultMarchingCubes', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MarchingCubes | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MaximumFeret plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMaximumFeret', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaximumFeret | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MaximumFeretsAngle plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMaximumFeretAngle', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaximumFeretsAngle | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MaximumFeretsDiameter plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMaximumFeretDiameter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaximumFeretsDiameter | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MedianElongation plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultMedianElongation', label='Geometric (3D): Median Elongation', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MedianElongation | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MinimumFeret plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMinimumFeret', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinimumFeret | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MinimumFeretsAngle plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMinimumFeretAngle', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinimumFeretsAngle | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MinimumFeretsDiameter plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMinimumFeretDiameter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinimumFeretsDiameter | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$MinorAxis plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMinorAxis', label='Geometric (2D): Minor Axis', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinorAxis | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Roundness plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultRoundness', label='Geometric (2D): Roundness', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Roundness | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$SecondMoment plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultMinorMajorAxis', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SecondMoment | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultInertiaTensor3D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SecondMoment | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultInertiaTensor3DMesh', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SecondMoment | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Size plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.SizeII', label='Geometric: Size', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Size | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultSizePolygon', label='Geometric (2D): Size', priority=9999.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Size | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultVolumeMesh', label='Geometric3D: Volume', priority=9999.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Size | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$SizeConvexHull plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultSizeConvexHullPolygon', label='Geometric (2D): Size ConvexHull', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SizeConvexHull | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultVolumeConvexHullMesh', label='Geometric (3D): Convex Hull Volume', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SizeConvexHull | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$SmallestEnclosingBoundingBox plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultSmallestEnclosingRectangle', label='Geometric (2D): Smallest Enclosing Rectangle', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SmallestEnclosingBoundingBox | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.mesh.DefaultSmallestOrientedBoundingBox', label='Geometric (3D): Smallest OBB', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SmallestEnclosingBoundingBox | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Solidity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultSolidityPolygon', label='Geometric (2D): Solidity', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Solidity | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultSolidityMesh', label='Geometric (3D): Solidity', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Solidity | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Spareness plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultSparenessMesh', label='Geometric (3D): Spareness', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Spareness | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Sphericity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultSphericity', label='Geometric (3D): Sphericity', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sphericity | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$VertexInterpolator plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.mesh.BitTypeVertexInterpolator', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=VertexInterpolator | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.mesh.DefaultVertexInterpolator', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=VertexInterpolator | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$VerticesCount plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultVerticesCountPolygon', label='Geometric (2D): Convex Hull Vertices Count', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=VerticesCount | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultVerticesCountMesh', label='Geometric3D: Surface Vertices Count', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=VerticesCount | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$VerticesCountConvexHull plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.DefaultVerticesCountConvexHullPolygon', label='Geometric (2D): Convex Hull Vertices Count', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=VerticesCountConvexHull | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultVerticesCountConvexHullMesh', label='Geometric (3D): Convex Hull Vertices Count', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=VerticesCountConvexHull | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Geometric$Voxelization plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.DefaultVoxelization3D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Voxelization | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$ASM plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultASM', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ASM | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$ClusterPromenence plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultClusterPromenence', label='Haralick: Cluster Promenence', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ClusterPromenence | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$ClusterShade plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultClusterShade', label='Haralick: Cluster Shade', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ClusterShade | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$Contrast plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultContrast', label='Haralick: Contrast', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Contrast | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$Correlation plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultCorrelation', label='Haralick: Correlation', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Correlation | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$DifferenceEntropy plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultDifferenceEntropy', label='Haralick: Difference Entropy', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DifferenceEntropy | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$DifferenceVariance plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultDifferenceVariance', label='Haralick: Difference Variance', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DifferenceVariance | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$Entropy plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultEntropy', label='Haralick: Entropy', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Entropy | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$ICM1 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultICM1', label='Haralick: Information Measure of Correlation 1', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ICM1 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$ICM2 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultICM2', label='Haralick: Information Measure of Correlation 2', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ICM2 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$IFDM plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultIFDM', label='Haralick: Inverse Difference Moment', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IFDM | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$MaxProbability plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultMaxProbability', label='Haralick: Maximum Probability Feature', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaxProbability | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$SumAverage plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultSumAverage', label='Haralick: Sum Average', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SumAverage | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$SumEntropy plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultSumEntropy', label='Haralick: Sum Entropy', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SumEntropy | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$SumVariance plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultSumVariance', label='Haralick: Sum Variance', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SumVariance | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$TextureHomogeneity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultTextureHomogeneity', label='Haralick: Texture Homogeneity Feature', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TextureHomogeneity | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Haralick$Variance plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.DefaultVariance', label='Haralick: Variance', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Variance | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Help plugins -- | |
class='', description='Gets documentation for the given namespace.', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Help | |
class='', description='Gets documentation for the given op.', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Help | |
class='', description='Gets documentation for ops of the given name and/or type.', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Help | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$HoG$HistogramOfOrientedGradients plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.hog.HistogramOfOrientedGradients2D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HistogramOfOrientedGradients | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Identity plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.identity.DefaultIdentity', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Identity | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$ASCII plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.ascii.DefaultASCII', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ASCII | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$CooccurrenceMatrix plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.cooccurrenceMatrix.CooccurrenceMatrix2D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CooccurrenceMatrix | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.cooccurrenceMatrix.CooccurrenceMatrix3D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CooccurrenceMatrix | |
-- 6 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$DistanceTransform plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.distancetransform.DistanceTransform2D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DistanceTransform | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.distancetransform.DistanceTransform2DCalibration', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DistanceTransform | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.distancetransform.DistanceTransform3D', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DistanceTransform | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.distancetransform.DistanceTransform3DCalibration', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DistanceTransform | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.distancetransform.DefaultDistanceTransform', priority=-1.0E300, enabled=true, pluginType=DistanceTransform | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.distancetransform.DefaultDistanceTransformCalibration', priority=-1.0E300, enabled=true, pluginType=DistanceTransform | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$Equation plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.equation.DefaultCoordinatesEquation', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Equation | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.equation.DefaultEquation', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Equation | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.equation.DefaultXYEquation', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Equation | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$Fill plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.fill.DefaultFill', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Fill | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$Histogram plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.histogram.HistogramCreate', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Histogram | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$Integral plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.integral.DefaultIntegralImg', priority=-99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Integral | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.integral.WrappedIntegralImg', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Integral | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$Invert plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.invert.InvertIIInteger', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Invert | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.invert.InvertII', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Invert | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$Normalize plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.normalize.NormalizeIIComputer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Normalize | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.normalize.NormalizeIIFunction', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Normalize | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$SquareIntegral plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.integral.SquareIntegralImg', priority=-99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SquareIntegral | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Image$Watershed plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.watershed.Watershed', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Watershed | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.watershed.WatershedBinary', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Watershed | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.watershed.WatershedBinarySingleSigma', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Watershed | |
class='net.imagej.ops.image.watershed.WatershedSeeded', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Watershed | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment00 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.IterableCentralMoment00', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment00', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment00 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment00', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment00', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment00 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment01 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment01', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment01', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment01 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment02 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment02', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment02', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment02 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment03 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment03', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment03', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment03 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment10 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment10', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment10', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment10 | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment11 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.IterableCentralMoment11', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment11', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment11 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment11', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment11', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment11 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment12 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment12', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment12', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment12 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment20 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment20', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment20', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment20 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment21 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment21', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment21', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment21 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$CentralMoment30 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.centralmoments.DefaultCentralMoment30', label='Image Moment: CentralMoment30', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CentralMoment30 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$HuMoment1 plugins -- | |
class='', label='Image Moment: HuMoment1', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HuMoment1 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$HuMoment2 plugins -- | |
class='', label='Image Moment: HuMoment2', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HuMoment2 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$HuMoment3 plugins -- | |
class='', label='Image Moment: HuMoment3', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HuMoment3 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$HuMoment4 plugins -- | |
class='', label='Image Moment: HuMoment4', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HuMoment4 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$HuMoment5 plugins -- | |
class='', label='Image Moment: HuMoment5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HuMoment5 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$HuMoment6 plugins -- | |
class='', label='Image Moment: HuMoment6', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HuMoment6 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$HuMoment7 plugins -- | |
class='', label='Image Moment: HuMoment7', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HuMoment7 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$Moment00 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.moments.DefaultMoment00', label='Image Moment: Moment00', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moment00 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$Moment01 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.moments.DefaultMoment01', label='Image Moment: Moment01', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moment01 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$Moment10 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.moments.DefaultMoment10', label='Image Moment: Moment10', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moment10 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$Moment11 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.moments.DefaultMoment11', label='Image Moment: Moment11', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moment11 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$NormalizedCentralMoment02 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.normalizedcentralmoments.DefaultNormalizedCentralMoment02', label='Image Moment: NormalizedCentralMoment02', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizedCentralMoment02 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$NormalizedCentralMoment03 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.normalizedcentralmoments.DefaultNormalizedCentralMoment03', label='Image Moment: NormalizedCentralMoment03', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizedCentralMoment03 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$NormalizedCentralMoment11 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.normalizedcentralmoments.DefaultNormalizedCentralMoment11', label='Image Moment: NormalizedCentralMoment11', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizedCentralMoment11 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$NormalizedCentralMoment12 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.normalizedcentralmoments.DefaultNormalizedCentralMoment12', label='Image Moment: NormalizedCentralMoment12', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizedCentralMoment12 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$NormalizedCentralMoment20 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.normalizedcentralmoments.DefaultNormalizedCentralMoment20', label='Image Moment: NormalizedCentralMoment20', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizedCentralMoment20 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$NormalizedCentralMoment21 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.normalizedcentralmoments.DefaultNormalizedCentralMoment21', label='Image Moment: NormalizedCentralMoment21', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizedCentralMoment21 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$ImageMoments$NormalizedCentralMoment30 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.imagemoments.normalizedcentralmoments.DefaultNormalizedCentralMoment30', label='Image Moment: NormalizedCentralMoment30', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NormalizedCentralMoment30 | |
-- 6 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Join plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.join.DefaultJoin2Computers', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Join | |
class='net.imagej.ops.join.DefaultJoin2Inplaces', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Join | |
class='net.imagej.ops.join.DefaultJoinComputerAndInplace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Join | |
class='net.imagej.ops.join.DefaultJoinInplaceAndComputer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Join | |
class='net.imagej.ops.join.DefaultJoinNComputers', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Join | |
class='net.imagej.ops.join.DefaultJoinNInplaces', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Join | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$LBP$LBP2D plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.lbp2d.DefaultLBP2D', label='2d Local Binary Pattern', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LBP2D | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Labeling$CCA plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.labeling.cca.DefaultCCA', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CCA | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Labeling$Merge plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.labeling.MergeLabeling', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Merge | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$LinAlg$Rotate plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.linalg.rotate.Rotate3d', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Rotate | |
class='net.imagej.ops.linalg.rotate.Rotate3f', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Rotate | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$And plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$BooleanAnd', priority=0.5, enabled=true, pluginType=And | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$And', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=And | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.IIToIIOutputII$And', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=And | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.IIToRAIOutputII$And', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=And | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$Conditional plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.Default', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Conditional | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.If', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Conditional | |
-- 6 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$Equal plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$BooleanEqual', priority=0.5, enabled=true, pluginType=Equal | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$IntegerEqual', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Equal | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$LongEqual', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Equal | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$FloatEqual', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Equal | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$DoubleEqual', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Equal | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$ObjectsEqual', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Equal | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$GreaterThan plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$IntegerGreaterThan', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$LongGreaterThan', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$FloatGreaterThan', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$DoubleGreaterThan', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$ComparableGreaterThan', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThan | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$GreaterThanOrEqual plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$IntegerGreaterThanOrEqual', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThanOrEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$LongGreaterThanOrEqual', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThanOrEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$FloatGreaterThanOrEqual', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThanOrEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$DoubleGreaterThanOrEqual', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThanOrEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$ComparableGreaterThanOrEqual', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=GreaterThanOrEqual | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$LessThan plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$IntegerLessThan', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$LongLessThan', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$FloatLessThan', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$DoubleLessThan', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$ComparableLessThan', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThan | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$LessThanOrEqual plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$IntegerLessThanOrEqual', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThanOrEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$LongLessThanOrEqual', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThanOrEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$FloatLessThanOrEqual', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThanOrEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$DoubleLessThanOrEqual', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThanOrEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$ComparableLessThanOrEqual', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LessThanOrEqual | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$Not plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$BooleanNot', priority=0.5, enabled=true, pluginType=Not | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$Not', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Not | |
-- 6 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$NotEqual plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$BooleanNotEqual', priority=0.5, enabled=true, pluginType=NotEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$IntegerNotEqual', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=NotEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$LongNotEqual', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=NotEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$FloatNotEqual', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=NotEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$DoubleNotEqual', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=NotEqual | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$ObjectsNotEqual', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NotEqual | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$Or plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$BooleanOr', priority=0.5, enabled=true, pluginType=Or | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$Or', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Or | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.IIToIIOutputII$Or', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Or | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.IIToRAIOutputII$Or', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Or | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Logic$Xor plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.PrimitiveLogic$BooleanXor', priority=0.5, enabled=true, pluginType=Xor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.BooleanTypeLogic$Xor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Xor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.IIToIIOutputII$Xor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Xor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.logic.IIToRAIOutputII$Xor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Xor | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Lookup plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.lookup.LookupByName', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Lookup | |
class='net.imagej.ops.lookup.LookupByType', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Lookup | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Loop plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.loop.DefaultLoopComputer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Loop | |
class='net.imagej.ops.loop.DefaultLoopInplace', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Loop | |
-- 38 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Map plugins -- | |
class='', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIToIIParallel', priority=13.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIToRAIParallel', priority=12.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIToIIParallel', priority=11.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIToII', priority=3.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIToRAI', priority=2.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIToII', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndIIToIIParallel', priority=-83.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndIIToRAIParallel', priority=-84.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndRAIToIIParallel', priority=-85.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndRAIToRAIParallel', priority=-86.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIAndIIToIIParallel', priority=-87.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndIIParallel', priority=-87.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIAndIIToRAIParallel', priority=-88.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndRAIParallel', priority=-88.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIAndRAIToIIParallel', priority=-89.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIAndIIParallel', priority=-89.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-90.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndIIToII', priority=-93.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndIIToRAI', priority=-94.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndRAIToII', priority=-95.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-95.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndRAIToRAI', priority=-96.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIAndIIToII', priority=-97.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndII', priority=-97.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIAndIIToRAI', priority=-98.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$IIAndRAI', priority=-98.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIAndRAIToII', priority=-99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='$RAIAndII', priority=-99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
class='', priority=-101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Map | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Abs plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerAbs', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Abs | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongAbs', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Abs | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatAbs', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Abs | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleAbs', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Abs | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Abs', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Abs | |
-- 40 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Add plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddByte', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddDouble', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddFloat', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddInt', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddLong', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddShort', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddUnsignedByte', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddUnsignedInt', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddUnsignedLong', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$AddUnsignedShort', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddDouble', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddFloat', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddUnsignedByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddUnsignedInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddUnsignedLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$AddUnsignedShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.IIToIIOutputII$Add', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.NumericTypeBinaryMath$Add', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerAdd', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongAdd', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatAdd', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleAdd', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.BinaryRealTypeMath$Add', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToIIOutputII$Add', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddFloat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddUnsignedByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddUnsignedInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddUnsignedLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$AddUnsignedShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.IIToRAIOutputII$Add', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToIIOutputRAI$Add', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Add | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$And plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerAnd', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=And | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongAnd', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=And | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.BinaryRealTypeMath$And', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=And | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arccos plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleArccos', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Arccos | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arccos', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arccos | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arccosh plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arccosh', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arccosh | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arccot plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arccot', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arccot | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arccoth plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arccoth', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arccoth | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arccsc plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arccsc', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arccsc | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arccsch plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arccsch', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arccsch | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arcsec plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arcsec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arcsec | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arcsech plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arcsech', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arcsech | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arcsin plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleArcsin', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Arcsin | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arcsin', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arcsin | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arcsinh plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arcsinh', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arcsinh | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arctan plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleArctan', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Arctan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arctan', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arctan | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Arctanh plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Arctanh', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Arctanh | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Assign plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.NullaryNumericTypeMath$Assign', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Assign | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Ceil plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleCeil', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Ceil | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Ceil', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Ceil | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Complement plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerComplement', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Complement | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongComplement', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Complement | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$ComplexConjugateMultiply plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.multiply.ComplexConjugateMultiplyMap', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ComplexConjugateMultiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.multiply.ComplexConjugateMultiplyOp', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ComplexConjugateMultiply | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Cos plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleCos', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Cos | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Cos', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Cos | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Cosh plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleCosh', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Cosh | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Cosh', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Cosh | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Cot plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Cot', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Cot | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Coth plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Coth', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Coth | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Csc plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Csc', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Csc | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Csch plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Csch', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Csch | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$CubeRoot plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleCubeRoot', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=CubeRoot | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$CubeRoot', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CubeRoot | |
-- 40 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Divide plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideByte', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideDouble', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideFloat', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideInt', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideLong', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideShort', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideUnsignedByte', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideUnsignedInt', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideUnsignedLong', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$DivideUnsignedShort', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideDouble', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideFloat', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideUnsignedByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideUnsignedInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideUnsignedLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$DivideUnsignedShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.IIToIIOutputII$Divide', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.NumericTypeBinaryMath$Divide', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerDivide', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongDivide', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatDivide', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleDivide', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.BinaryRealTypeMath$Divide', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToIIOutputII$Divide', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideFloat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideUnsignedByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideUnsignedInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideUnsignedLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$DivideUnsignedShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.IIToRAIOutputII$Divide', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToIIOutputRAI$Divide', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Divide | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Exp plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleExp', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Exp | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Exp', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Exp | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$ExpMinusOne plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$ExpMinusOne', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExpMinusOne | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Floor plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleFloor', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Floor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Floor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Floor | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Gamma plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$GammaConstant', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Gamma | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Invert plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Invert', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Invert | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$LeftShift plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerLeftShift', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=LeftShift | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongLeftShift', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=LeftShift | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Log plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleLog', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Log | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Log', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Log | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Log10 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleLog10', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Log10 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Log10', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Log10 | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Log2 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Log2', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Log2 | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$LogOnePlusX plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleLogOnePlusX', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=LogOnePlusX | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$LogOnePlusX', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LogOnePlusX | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Max plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerMax', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Max | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongMax', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Max | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatMax', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Max | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleMax', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Max | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$MaxConstant', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Max | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Min plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerMin', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Min | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongMin', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Min | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatMin', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Min | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleMin', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Min | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$MinConstant', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Min | |
-- 40 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Multiply plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyByte', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyDouble', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyFloat', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyInt', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyLong', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyShort', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyUnsignedByte', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyUnsignedInt', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyUnsignedLong', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$MultiplyUnsignedShort', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyDouble', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyFloat', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyUnsignedByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyUnsignedInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyUnsignedLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$MultiplyUnsignedShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.IIToIIOutputII$Multiply', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.NumericTypeBinaryMath$Multiply', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerMultiply', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongMultiply', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatMultiply', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleMultiply', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.BinaryRealTypeMath$Multiply', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToIIOutputII$Multiply', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyFloat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyUnsignedByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyUnsignedInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyUnsignedLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$MultiplyUnsignedShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.IIToRAIOutputII$Multiply', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToIIOutputRAI$Multiply', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Multiply | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$NearestInt plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$NearestInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=NearestInt | |
-- 5 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Negate plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerNegate', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Negate | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongNegate', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Negate | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatNegate', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Negate | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleNegate', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Negate | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Negate', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Negate | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Or plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerOr', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Or | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongOr', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Or | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.BinaryRealTypeMath$Or', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Or | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Power plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoublePower', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Power | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$PowerConstant', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Power | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$RandomGaussian plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$RandomGaussian', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RandomGaussian | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$RandomUniform plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$RandomUniform', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RandomUniform | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Reciprocal plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Reciprocal', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Reciprocal | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Remainder plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerRemainder', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Remainder | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongRemainder', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Remainder | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatRemainder', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Remainder | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleRemainder', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Remainder | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$RightShift plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerRightShift', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=RightShift | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongRightShift', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=RightShift | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Round plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatRound', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Round | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleRound', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Round | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Round', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Round | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Sec plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Sec', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sec | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Sech plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Sech', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sech | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Signum plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatSignum', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Signum | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleSignum', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Signum | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Signum', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Signum | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Sin plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleSin', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Sin | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Sin', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sin | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Sinc plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Sinc', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sinc | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$SincPi plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$SincPi', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SincPi | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Sinh plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleSinh', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Sinh | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Sinh', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sinh | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Sqr plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Sqr', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sqr | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Sqrt plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleSqrt', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Sqrt | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Sqrt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sqrt | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Step plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Step', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Step | |
-- 40 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Subtract plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractByte', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractDouble', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractFloat', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractInt', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractLong', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractShort', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractUnsignedByte', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractUnsignedInt', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractUnsignedLong', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImageP$SubtractUnsignedShort', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractDouble', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractFloat', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractUnsignedByte', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractUnsignedInt', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractUnsignedLong', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToArrayImage$SubtractUnsignedShort', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.IIToIIOutputII$Subtract', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.NumericTypeBinaryMath$Subtract', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerSubtract', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongSubtract', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$FloatSubtract', priority=0.2, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleSubtract', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.BinaryRealTypeMath$Subtract', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToIIOutputII$Subtract', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractDouble', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractFloat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractUnsignedByte', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractUnsignedInt', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractUnsignedLong', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToPlanarImage$SubtractUnsignedShort', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.IIToRAIOutputII$Subtract', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.ConstantToIIOutputRAI$Subtract', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Subtract | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Tan plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleTan', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Tan | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Tan', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tan | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Tanh plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$DoubleTanh', priority=0.1, enabled=true, pluginType=Tanh | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Tanh', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tanh | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Ulp plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.UnaryRealTypeMath$Ulp', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Ulp | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$UnsignedRightShift plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerUnsignedRightShift', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=UnsignedRightShift | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongUnsignedRightShift', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=UnsignedRightShift | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Xor plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$IntegerXor', priority=0.4, enabled=true, pluginType=Xor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.PrimitiveMath$LongXor', priority=0.3, enabled=true, pluginType=Xor | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.BinaryRealTypeMath$Xor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Xor | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Math$Zero plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.math.NullaryNumericTypeMath$Zero', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Zero | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$BlackTopHat plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.blackTopHat.ListBlackTopHat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BlackTopHat | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$Close plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.close.ListClose', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Close | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$Dilate plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.dilate.DefaultDilate', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Dilate | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.dilate.ListDilate', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Dilate | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$Erode plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.erode.DefaultErode', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Erode | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.erode.ListErode', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Erode | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$ExtractHoles plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.extractHoles.DefaultExtractHolesComputer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtractHoles | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.extractHoles.DefaultExtractHolesFunction', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtractHoles | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$FillHoles plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.fillHoles.DefaultFillHoles', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FillHoles | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$FloodFill plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.floodFill.DefaultFloodFill', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FloodFill | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$Open plugins -- | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Open | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$Outline plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.outline.Outline', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Outline | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$ThinGuoHall plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.ThinGuoHall', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThinGuoHall | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$ThinHilditch plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.ThinHilditch', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThinHilditch | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$ThinMorphological plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.ThinMorphological', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThinMorphological | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$ThinZhangSuen plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.ThinZhangSuen', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThinZhangSuen | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Morphology$TopHat plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.topHat.ListTopHat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TopHat | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Run plugins -- | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Run | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Run | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Run | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Segment$DetectJunctions plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.segment.detectJunctions.DefaultDetectJunctions', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DetectJunctions | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Segment$DetectRidges plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.segment.detectRidges.DefaultDetectRidges', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DetectRidges | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Slice plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.slice.SliceRAI2RAI', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Slice | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$GeometricMean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IterableGeometricMean', label='Statistics: Geometric Mean', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=GeometricMean | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultGeometricMean', label='Statistics: GeometricMean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=GeometricMean | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$HarmonicMean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IterableHarmonicMean', label='Statistics: Harmonic Mean', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HarmonicMean | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultHarmonicMean', label='Statistics: Harmonic Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HarmonicMean | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$IntegralMean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IntegralMean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IntegralMean | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$IntegralSum plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IntegralSum', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IntegralSum | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$IntegralVariance plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IntegralVariance', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IntegralVariance | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Kurtosis plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultKurtosis', label='Statistics: Kurtosis', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Kurtosis | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$LeastSquares plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.regression.leastSquares.Quadric', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LeastSquares | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Max plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IterableMax', label='Statistics: Max', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Max | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Mean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IterableMean', label='Statistics: Mean', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Mean | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultMean', label='Statistics: Mean', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Mean | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Median plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultMedian', label='Statistics: Median', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Median | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Min plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IterableMin', label='Statistics: Min', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Min | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$MinMax plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultMinMax', label='Statistics: MinMax', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinMax | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Moment1AboutMean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultMoment1AboutMean', label='Statistics: Moment1AboutMean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moment1AboutMean | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Moment2AboutMean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultMoment2AboutMean', label='Statistics: Moment2AboutMean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moment2AboutMean | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Moment3AboutMean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultMoment3AboutMean', label='Statistics: Moment3AboutMean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moment3AboutMean | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Moment4AboutMean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultMoment4AboutMean', label='Statistics: Moment4AboutMean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moment4AboutMean | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Percentile plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultPercentile', label='Statistics: Percentile', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Percentile | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Quantile plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultQuantile', label='Statistics: Quantile', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Quantile | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Size plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IISize', label='Statistics: Size', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Size | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultSize', label='Statistics: Size', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Size | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Skewness plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultSkewness', label='Statistics: Skewness', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Skewness | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$StdDev plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IterableStandardDeviation', label='Statistics: Standard Deviation', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=StdDev | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultStandardDeviation', label='Statistics: Standard Deviation', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=StdDev | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Sum plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultSum', label='Statistics: Sum', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Sum | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$SumOfInverses plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultSumOfInverses', label='Statistics: Sum Of Inverses', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SumOfInverses | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$SumOfLogs plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultSumOfLogs', label='Statistics: Sum Of Logs', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SumOfLogs | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$SumOfSquares plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultSumOfSquares', label='Statistics: Sum Of Squares', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SumOfSquares | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Stats$Variance plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.IterableVariance', label='Statistics: Variance', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Variance | |
class='net.imagej.ops.stats.DefaultVariance', label='Statistics: Variance', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Variance | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Tamura$Coarseness plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.tamura2d.DefaultCoarsenessFeature', label='Tamura 2D: Coarseness', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Coarseness | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Tamura$Contrast plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.tamura2d.DefaultContrastFeature', label='Tamura 2D: Contrast', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Contrast | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Tamura$Directionality plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.tamura2d.DefaultDirectionalityFeature', label='Tamura 2D: Directionality', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Directionality | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Thread$Chunker plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.thread.chunker.DefaultChunker', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Chunker | |
class='net.imagej.ops.thread.chunker.ChunkerInterleaved', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Chunker | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Apply plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.apply.ApplyConstantThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Apply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.apply.ApplyManualThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Apply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.apply.ApplyThresholdComparable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Apply | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.apply.ApplyThresholdComparator', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Apply | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Huang plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.huang.ComputeHuangThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Huang | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Huang', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Huang | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalHuangThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Huang | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$IJ1 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ij1.ComputeIJ1Threshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IJ1 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$IJ1', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IJ1 | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalIJ1Threshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IJ1 | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Intermodes plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.intermodes.ComputeIntermodesThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Intermodes | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Intermodes', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Intermodes | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalIntermodesThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Intermodes | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$IsoData plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.isoData.ComputeIsoDataThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IsoData | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$IsoData', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IsoData | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalIsoDataThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IsoData | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Li plugins -- | |
class='', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Li | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Li', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Li | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalLiThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Li | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$LocalBernsenThreshold plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localBernsen.LocalBernsenThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalBernsenThreshold | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$LocalContrastThreshold plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localContrast.LocalContrastThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalContrastThreshold | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$LocalMeanThreshold plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localMean.LocalMeanThreshold', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalMeanThreshold | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localMean.LocalMeanThresholdIntegral', priority=-101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalMeanThreshold | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$LocalMedianThreshold plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localMedian.LocalMedianThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalMedianThreshold | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$LocalMidGreyThreshold plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localMidGrey.LocalMidGreyThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalMidGreyThreshold | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$LocalNiblackThreshold plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localNiblack.LocalNiblackThreshold', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalNiblackThreshold | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localNiblack.LocalNiblackThresholdIntegral', priority=-101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalNiblackThreshold | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$LocalPhansalkarThreshold plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localPhansalkar.LocalPhansalkarThreshold', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalPhansalkarThreshold | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localPhansalkar.LocalPhansalkarThresholdIntegral', priority=-101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalPhansalkarThreshold | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$LocalSauvolaThreshold plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localSauvola.LocalSauvolaThreshold', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalSauvolaThreshold | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.localSauvola.LocalSauvolaThresholdIntegral', priority=-101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocalSauvolaThreshold | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$MaxEntropy plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.maxEntropy.ComputeMaxEntropyThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaxEntropy | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$MaxEntropy', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaxEntropy | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalMaxEntropyThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaxEntropy | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$MaxLikelihood plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.maxLikelihood.ComputeMaxLikelihoodThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaxLikelihood | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$MaxLikelihood', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaxLikelihood | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalMaxLikelihoodThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MaxLikelihood | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Mean plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.mean.ComputeMeanThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Mean | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Mean | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$MinError plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.minError.ComputeMinErrorThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinError | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$MinError', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinError | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalMinErrorThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=MinError | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Minimum plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.minimum.ComputeMinimumThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Minimum | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Minimum', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Minimum | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalMinimumThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Minimum | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Moments plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.moments.ComputeMomentsThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moments | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Moments', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moments | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalMomentsThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Moments | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Otsu plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.otsu.ComputeOtsuThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Otsu | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Otsu', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Otsu | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalOtsuThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Otsu | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Percentile plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.percentile.ComputePercentileThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Percentile | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Percentile', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Percentile | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalPercentileThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Percentile | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$RenyiEntropy plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.renyiEntropy.ComputeRenyiEntropyThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RenyiEntropy | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$RenyiEntropy', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RenyiEntropy | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalRenyiEntropyThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RenyiEntropy | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Rosin plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.rosin.ComputeRosinThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Rosin | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Rosin', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Rosin | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalRosinThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Rosin | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Shanbhag plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.shanbhag.ComputeShanbhagThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Shanbhag | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Shanbhag', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Shanbhag | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalShanbhagThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Shanbhag | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Triangle plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.triangle.ComputeTriangleThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Triangle | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Triangle', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Triangle | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalTriangleThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Triangle | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Threshold$Yen plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.yen.ComputeYenThreshold', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Yen | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethod$Yen', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Yen | |
class='net.imagej.ops.threshold.ApplyThresholdMethodLocal$LocalYenThreshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Yen | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Topology$BoxCount plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.topology.BoxCount', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BoxCount | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Topology$EulerCharacteristic26N plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.topology.eulerCharacteristic.EulerCharacteristic26N', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=EulerCharacteristic26N | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Topology$EulerCharacteristic26NFloating plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.topology.eulerCharacteristic.EulerCharacteristic26NFloating', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=EulerCharacteristic26NFloating | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Topology$EulerCorrection plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.topology.eulerCharacteristic.EulerCorrection', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=EulerCorrection | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$AddDimensionView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.addDimensionView.DefaultAddDimensionView', label='View: AddDimension', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AddDimensionView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.addDimensionView.AddDimensionViewMinMax', label='View: AddDimension', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AddDimensionView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$CollapseNumericView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.collapseNumericView.DefaultCollapseNumeric2CompositeIntervalView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CollapseNumericView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.collapseNumericView.DefaultCollapseNumeric2CompositeView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CollapseNumericView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$CollapseRealView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.collapseRealView.DefaultCollapseReal2CompositeIntervalView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CollapseRealView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.collapseRealView.DefaultCollapseReal2CompositeView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CollapseRealView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$CollapseView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.collapseView.DefaultCollapse2CompositeIntervalView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CollapseView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.collapseView.DefaultCollapse2CompositeView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CollapseView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ConcatenateView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.concatenateView.ConcatenateViewWithAccessMode', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConcatenateView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.concatenateView.DefaultConcatenateView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConcatenateView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$Crop plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.crop.CropImgPlus', priority=-99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Crop | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.crop.CropRAI', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Crop | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$DropSingletonDimensionsView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.dropSingletonDimensionsView.DefaultDropSingletonDimensionsView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DropSingletonDimensionsView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ExtendBorderView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.extendBorderView.DefaultExtendBorderView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtendBorderView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ExtendMirrorDoubleView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.extendMirrorDoubleView.DefaultExtendMirrorDoubleView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtendMirrorDoubleView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ExtendMirrorSingleView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.extendMirrorSingleView.DefaultExtendMirrorSingleView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtendMirrorSingleView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ExtendPeriodicView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.extendPeriodicView.DefaultExtendPeriodicView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtendPeriodicView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ExtendRandomView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.extendRandomView.DefaultExtendRandomView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtendRandomView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ExtendValueView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.extendValueView.DefaultExtendValueView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtendValueView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ExtendView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.extendView.DefaultExtendView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtendView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ExtendZeroView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.extendZeroView.DefaultExtendZeroView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ExtendZeroView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$FlatIterableView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.flatIterableView.DefaultFlatIterableView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=FlatIterableView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$HyperSliceView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.hyperSliceView.IntervalHyperSliceView', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HyperSliceView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.hyperSliceView.DefaultHyperSliceView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=HyperSliceView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$InterpolateView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.interpolateView.DefaultInterpolateView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InterpolateView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$IntervalView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.intervalView.DefaultIntervalView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IntervalView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.intervalView.IntervalViewMinMax', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IntervalView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$InvertAxisView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.invertAxisView.IntervalInvertAxisView', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InvertAxisView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.invertAxisView.DefaultInvertAxisView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InvertAxisView | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$OffsetView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.offsetView.DefaultOffsetView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OffsetView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.offsetView.OffsetViewInterval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OffsetView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.offsetView.OffsetViewOriginSize', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OffsetView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$PermuteCoordinatesInverseView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.permuteCoordinatesInverseView.DefaultPermuteCoordinatesInverseView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PermuteCoordinatesInverseView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.permuteCoordinatesInverseView.PermuteCoordinateInverseViewOfDimension', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PermuteCoordinatesInverseView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$PermuteCoordinatesView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.permuteCoordinatesView.DefaultPermuteCoordinatesView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PermuteCoordinatesView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.permuteCoordinatesView.PermuteCoordinatesViewOfDimension', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PermuteCoordinatesView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$PermuteView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.permuteView.IntervalPermuteView', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PermuteView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.permuteView.DefaultPermuteView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PermuteView | |
-- 3 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$Project plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.project.DefaultProjectParallel', priority=-99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Project | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.project.ProjectRAIToII', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Project | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.project.ProjectRAIToIterableInterval', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Project | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$RasterView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.rasterView.DefaultRasterView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RasterView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$RotateView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.rotateView.IntervalRotateView', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RotateView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.rotateView.DefaultRotateView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=RotateView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ScaleView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.scaleView.DefaultScaleView', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScaleView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ShearView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.shearView.DefaultShearView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ShearView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.shearView.ShearViewInterval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ShearView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$StackView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.stackView.DefaultStackView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=StackView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.stackView.StackViewWithAccessMode', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=StackView | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$SubsampleView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.subsampleView.IntervalSubsampleView', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SubsampleView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.subsampleView.SubsampleIntervalViewStepsForDims', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SubsampleView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.subsampleView.DefaultSubsampleView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SubsampleView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.subsampleView.SubsampleViewStepsForDims', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SubsampleView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$TranslateView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.translateView.IntervalTranslateView', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TranslateView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.translateView.DefaultTranslateView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TranslateView | |
-- 2 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$UnshearView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.unshearView.DefaultUnshearView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=UnshearView | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.unshearView.UnshearViewInterval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=UnshearView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Transform$ZeroMinView plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.transform.zeroMinView.DefaultZeroMinView', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ZeroMinView | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Zernike$Magnitude plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.zernike.DefaultMagnitudeFeature', label='Zernike: Magnitude', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Magnitude | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.Ops$Zernike$Phase plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.zernike.DefaultPhaseFeature', label='Zernike: Phase', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Phase | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocHXY plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocHXY', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocHXY | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocMeanX plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocMeanX', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocMeanX | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocMeanY plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocMeanY', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocMeanY | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocPX plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocPX', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocPX | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocPXMinusY plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocPXMinusY', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocPXMinusY | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocPXPlusY plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocPXPlusY', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocPXPlusY | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocPY plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocPY', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocPY | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocStdX plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocStdX', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocStdX | |
-- 1 net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocStdY plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.features.haralick.helper.CoocStdY', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CoocStdY | |
-- 4 net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.ThinningStrategy plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.GuoHallThinningStrategy', name='GuoHall', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThinningStrategy | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.HilditchThinningStrategy', name='Hilditch', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThinningStrategy | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.MorphologicalThinningStrategy', name='Morphological', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThinningStrategy | |
class='net.imagej.ops.morphology.thin.ZhangSuenThinningStrategy', name='ZhangSuen', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThinningStrategy | |
-- 17 net.imagej.threshold.ThresholdMethod plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.DefaultThresholdMethod', name='Default', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.HuangThresholdMethod', name='Huang', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.IntermodesThresholdMethod', name='Intermodes', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.IsoDataThresholdMethod', name='IsoData', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.LiThresholdMethod', name='Li', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.MaxEntropyThresholdMethod', name='MaxEntropy', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.MaxLikelihoodThresholdMethod', name='MaxLikelihood', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.MeanThresholdMethod', name='Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.MinErrorThresholdMethod', name='MinError(I)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.MinimumThresholdMethod', name='Minimum', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.MomentsThresholdMethod', name='Moments', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.OtsuThresholdMethod', name='Otsu', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.PercentileThresholdMethod', name='Percentile', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.RenyiEntropyThresholdMethod', name='RenyiEntropy', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.ShanbhagThresholdMethod', name='Shanbhag', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.TriangleThresholdMethod', name='Triangle', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.YenThresholdMethod', name='Yen', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ThresholdMethod | |
-- 12 net.imagej.types.DataType plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType12BitUnsignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType16BitSignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType16BitUnsignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType1BitUnsignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType32BitSignedFloat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType32BitSignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType32BitUnsignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType64BitSignedFloat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType64BitSignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType8BitSignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataType8BitUnsignedInteger', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
class='net.imagej.types.DataTypeBoolean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataType | |
-- 10 net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.JHotDrawAdapter plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.RectangleJHotDrawAdapter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.ThresholdJHotDrawAdapter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.EllipseJHotDrawAdapter', priority=99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.GeneralPathJHotDrawAdapter', priority=98.5, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.PolygonJHotDrawAdapter', priority=98.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.LineJHotDrawAdapter', priority=97.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.PolylineJHotDrawAdapter', priority=96.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.AngleJHotDrawAdapter', priority=95.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.PointJHotDrawOverlay', priority=94.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.DefaultJHotDrawAdapter', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=JHotDrawAdapter | |
-- 1 net.imagej.updater.UpdaterUI plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.updater.ImageJUpdater', menu='Help > Update...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=UpdaterUI | |
-- 4 net.imagej.updater.Uploader plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.uploaders.ssh.SFTPFileUploader', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uploader | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.uploaders.ssh.SSHFileUploader', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uploader | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.uploaders.webdav.WebDAVUploader', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uploader | |
class='net.imagej.updater.FileUploader', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Uploader | |
-- 3 org.scijava.Gateway plugins -- | |
class='io.scif.SCIFIO', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Gateway | |
class='net.imagej.ImageJ', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Gateway | |
class='org.scijava.SciJava', name='sj', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Gateway | |
-- 6 plugins -- | |
class='', name='ImageJ', priority=101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=App | |
class='', name='ImageJ', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=App | |
class='', name='Fiji', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=App | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyImageJApp', name='ImageJ1', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=App | |
class='', name='SCIFIO', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=App | |
class='', name='SciJava', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=App | |
-- 2 org.scijava.batch.input.BatchInputProvider plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.batch.input.DatasetBatchInputProvider', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BatchInputProvider | |
class='org.scijava.batch.input.FileBatchInputProvider', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=BatchInputProvider | |
-- 280 org.scijava.command.Command plugins -- | |
class='', menu='Plugins > Utilities > Focus Search Bar', priority=100.0, enabled=false, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.AndDataValuesWith', menu='Process > Math > AND...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='About ImageJ...', menu='Help > About ImageJ...', iconPath='/icons/commands/information.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.AbsDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Abs...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionAdaptiveMedian', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Adaptive Median', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.AddTextAnnotationCmd', label='Add Annotation Label...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.AddAxis', menu='Image > Axes > Add Axis...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.AddData', menu='Image > Data > Add Data...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.overlay.AddImage', menu='Image > Overlay > Add Image', iconPath='/icons/commands/bricks.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.AddNoiseToDataValues', menu='Process > Noise > Add Noise...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.AddSpecifiedNoiseToDataValues', menu='Process > Noise > Add Specified Noise...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.AddToDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Add...', iconPath='/icons/commands/sum.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionAlphaTrimmedMean', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Alpha Trimmed Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.animation.AnimationOptions', menu='Image > Animation > Animation Options...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.AutoContrast', menu='Image > Adjust > Auto-Contrast', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.axispos.AxisPositionBackward', menu='Image > Axes > Axis Position Backward', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.axispos.AxisPositionForward', menu='Image > Axes > Axis Position Forward', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.misc.Benchmark', menu='Plugins > Utilities > Benchmark', iconPath='/icons/commands/bricks.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.BigWarpBdvCommand', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Big Warp XML/HDF5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.ImportPlugIn', menu='File > Import > BigDataViewer...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.Binner', menu='Image > Transform > Bin...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.binary.Binarize', menu='Process > Binary > Binarize...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='tableplugins.BoxPlotPlugin', menu='Table > BoxPlot', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.interactive.BrightnessContrast', menu='Image > Adjust > Brightness/Contrast...', iconPath='/icons/commands/contrast.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.BigDataBrowserPlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Browse BigDataServer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.ShollAnalysisBulkTreeCmd', label='Bulk Sholl Analysis (Tracings)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.debug.ButtonDemo', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > Button Demo', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='tableplugins.DescriptiveStatisticsPlugIn', menu='Table > Calculate Descriptive Statistics', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='tableplugins.TTestPlugIn', menu='Table > Calculate t-Test', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.CaptureImage', menu='Plugins > Utilities > Capture Image', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.CaptureScreen', menu='Plugins > Utilities > Capture Screen', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.ChooseDatasetCmd', label='Change Tracing Image', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.OpenDatasetCmd', label='Change Tracing Image', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.typechange.TypeChanger', menu='Image > Type > Change...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.ChannelsTool', menu='Image > Color > Channels Tool...', iconPath='/icons/commands/color_wheel.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.ChooseDataset', label='Choose New Dataset', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sholl.plugin.ChooseDataset', label='Choose New Dataset', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.batch.ModuleBatchProcessor', label='Choose batch processing parameters', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='Clear Recent', menu='File > Open Recent > Clear List', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.binary.CloseBinaryImage', menu='Process > Binary > Close', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.commands.display.Close', menu='File > Close', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.commands.display.CloseAll', menu='File > Close All', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ops.commands.coloc.Colocalize', menu='Analyze > Colocalization > Colocalize...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.TreeMapperCmd', label='Color Mapper', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.GroupAnalyzerCmd', label='Compare Groups...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.CompareFilesCmd', label='Compare Two Reconstructions', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.ComputeSecondaryImg', label='Compute "Secondary Image"', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.console.ShowConsole', menu='Window > Console', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionContraharmonicMean', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Contraharmonic Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.SkeletonizerCmd', label='Convert Paths to Topographic Skeletons', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', menu='Edit > Copy To System', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.AnnotationGraphGeneratorCmd', label='Create Annotation Graph', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.GraphGeneratorCmd', label='Create Dendrogram', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.binary.CreateMask', menu='Process > Binary > Create Mask...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', menu='Plugins > Shortcuts > Create Shortcut...', iconPath='/icons/commands/bricks.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.CropImage', menu='Image > Crop', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.CustomizeLegendCmd', label='Customize Legend...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.CustomizeObjCmd', label='Customize Meshe(s)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.CustomizeTreeCmd', label='Customize Reconstruction(s)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.DeleteAxis', menu='Image > Axes > Delete Axis...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.DeleteData', menu='Image > Data > Delete Data...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.interactive.DeleteThreshold', menu='Image > Adjust > Delete Threshold', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.DeselectOverlays', menu='Edit > Selection > Deselect Overlays', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.commands.DialogPromptDemo', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > Dialog Prompt Demo', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.binary.DilateBinaryImage', menu='Process > Binary > Dilate', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.DistributionBPCmd', label='Distribution Analysis (Branch Properties)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.DistributionCPCmd', label='Distribution Analysis (Cell Groups)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.BrainAnnotationCmd', label='Distribution Analysis of Brain Areas', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.DivideDataValuesBy', menu='Process > Math > Divide...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.commands.debug.DumpStack', menu='Plugins > Debug > Dump Stack', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.DuplicateImage', menu='Image > Duplicate', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.DuplicateCmd', label='Duplicate Path...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.DuplicateImageContext', menu='Duplicate...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsEast', menu='Process > Shadows > East', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.EditAxes', menu='Image > Axes > Edit Axes...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.EquationDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Equation...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.binary.ErodeBinaryImage', menu='Process > Binary > Erode', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.LocalThicknessCmd', label='Estimate Radii (Local Thickness)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.ExpDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Exp...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.ExportCellVoyagerPlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Deprecated > Export CellVoyager dataset as XML/HDF5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.ExportImagePlusPlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Export Current Image as XML/HDF5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.ExportImagePlusAsN5PlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Export Current Image as XML/N5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.ExportSpimFusionPlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Deprecated > Export Fused Sequence as XML/HDF5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.janelia.saalfeldlab.n5.ij.N5Exporter', menu='File > Save As > Export N5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.ExportSpimSequencePlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Deprecated > Export Spim Sequence as XML/HDF5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.SpineExtractorCmd', label='Extract Spine/Varicosity Counts from ROI(s)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.FillDataValues', menu='Edit > Fill', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ops.commands.morphology.FillHoles', menu='Process > Binary > Fill Holes', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.commands.CommandFinder', menu='Plugins > Utilities > Find Commands...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.neigh.FindEdges', menu='Process > Find Edges', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.ops.FindOps', menu='Plugins > Utilities > Find Ops...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.Flatten', menu='Image > Overlay > Flatten', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.FlipAxis', menu='Image > Transform > Flip Axis', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.rotate.FlipHorizontally', menu='Image > Transform > Flip Horizontally', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.rotate.FlipVertically', menu='Image > Transform > Flip Vertically', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='Flood Fill Tool', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ops.commands.filter.FrangiVesselness', menu='Process > Filters > Frangi Vesselness', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.overlay.FromOverlayManager', menu='Image > Overlay > From Overlay Manager', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.GammaDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Gamma...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.GaussianBlur', menu='Process > Filters > Gaussian Blur...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.iview.cx3d.commands.GRNBranchingSWC', label='Genetically-regulated Branching (SWC output)', menu='Demo > Cx3D > Genetically-regulated Branching (SWC output)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.iview.cx3d.commands.SNT.GRNeuriteInImg', label='Genetically-regulated Neurite in Img (SWC output)', menu='Demo > Cx3D > Genetically-regulated Neurite in Img (SWC output)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionGeometricMean', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Geometric Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.GraphAdapterMapperCmd', label='Graph Color Mapper', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.mxCircleLayoutGroupedCmd', label='Grouped Circle Layout', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionHarmonicMean', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Harmonic Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.HistogramPlot', menu='Analyze > Histogram Plot', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.calculator.ImageCalculator', menu='Process > Image Calculator...', iconPath='/icons/commands/calculator.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='io.scif.commands.OpenDataset', menu='File > Import > Image... ', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='io.scif.commands.SaveDataset', menu='File > Export > Image... ', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', menu='Help > ImageJ Website...', iconPath='/icons/commands/world_link.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.MultiSWCImporterCmd', label='Import Directory of SWC files', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.InsectBrainImporterCmd', label='Import InsectBrain Data', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.JSONImporterCmd', label='Import ML JSON Data', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.MLImporterCmd', label='Import MouseLight Reconstructions', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.debug.InspectImg', menu='Plugins > Debug > Inspect Image', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.commands.InspectObjects', menu='Plugins > Debug > Inspect Objects', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.InvertDataValues', menu='Edit > Invert...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.kappa.KappaPlugin', menu='Plugins > Analyze > Kappa - Curvature Analysis', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.kymographBuilder.KymographBuilder', menu='Plugins > Kymograph > KymographBuilder', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.lut.LUTSelector', label='LUT Selector', menu='Image > Lookup Tables > Select...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.overlay.OverlayLabels', menu='Image > Overlay > Labels...', iconPath='/icons/commands/bricks.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', menu='Plugins > Shortcuts > List Shortcuts...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.LoadObjCmd', label='Load OBJ File(s)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.LoadReconstructionCmd', label='Load Reconstruction(s)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.LogDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Log...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.binary.MakeBinary', menu='Process > Binary > Make Binary...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.overlay.ConvertToMask', menu='Process > Binary > Make Mask Overlay...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.debug.MandelbrotSetImage', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > Mandelbrot Set', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.PathMatcherCmd', label='Match Path(s) Across Time...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.MaxDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Max...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionMax', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Maximum', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionMean', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.PathAnalyzerCmd', label='Measure Path(s)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.AnalyzerCmd', label='Measure...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.debug.MeasurementDemo', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > Measurement Demo', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionMedian', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Median', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionMidpoint', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Midpoint', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.MinDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Min...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionMin', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Minimum', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.MultiTreeMapperCmd', label='Multi Tree Color Mapper', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.debug.MultidimImage', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > Multidimensional Test Image', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.MultiplyDataValuesBy', menu='Process > Math > Multiply...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.NanBackground', menu='Process > Math > NaN Background', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.ShortcutWindowCmd', menu='Plugins > Neuroanatomy > Neuroanatomy Shortcut Window', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.NewGraphOptionsCmd', label='New Graph Options', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='New Image...', menu='File > New > Image...', iconPath='/icons/commands/picture.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsNorth', menu='Process > Shadows > North', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsNortheast', menu='Process > Shadows > Northeast', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsNorthwest', menu='Process > Shadows > Northwest', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.OrDataValuesWith', menu='Process > Math > OR...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.binary.OpenBinaryImage', menu='Process > Binary > Open', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.OpenImagePlusPlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Open Current Image', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.OpenImarisPlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Open Imaris (experimental)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='bdv.ij.BigDataViewerPlugIn', menu='Plugins > BigDataViewer > Open XML/HDF5', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', menu='File > Open...', iconPath='/icons/commands/folder_picture.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.mxOrganicLayoutPrefsCmd', label='Organic Layout Options', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.zoom.ZoomOriginalScale', menu='Image > Zoom > Original Scale', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.interactive.OrthogonalViews', menu='Image > Stacks > Orthogonal Views', iconPath='/icons/commands/bricks.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.commands.OverlayManager', menu='Image > Overlay > Overlay Manager', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.overlay.OverlayProperties', label='Overlay Properties...', menu='Image > Overlay > Properties...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='Paintbrush Tool', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.commands.debug.ParamAssignOrder', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > Parameter Assignment Order', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='Pencil Tool', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.debug.PointSetDemo', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > PointSet Demo', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.PowerDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Power...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='Preferences', menu='File > Preferences', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.RecViewerPrefsCmd', label='Preferences', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.batch.MenuScriptBatchProcessor', label='Process Folder', menu='Process > Batch > Run Script from Menu', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.batch.FileScriptBatchProcessor', label='Process Folder', menu='Process > Batch > Run Script from File', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='Quit', menu='File > Quit', iconPath='/icons/commands/door_in.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.ROIExporterCmd', label='ROI Exporter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.RadialNeighborhoodSpecifier', label='Radial Neighborhood Specification', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.iview.cx3d.commands.RandomBranchingDemo', label='Random Branching', menu='Demo > Cx3D > Random Branching', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.iview.cx3d.commands.DendriteShaftWithSpines', label='Random Branching', menu='Demo > Cx3D > Random Branching', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.iview.cx3d.commands.NeuriteChemoAttractionImg', label='Random Branching', menu='Demo > Cx3D > Neurite Chemoattraction Img', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.iview.cx3d.commands.RandomBranchingSWC', label='Random Branching (SWC output)', menu='Demo > Cx3D > Random Branching (SWC output)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.ReciprocalDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Reciprocal...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.PlotterCmd', menu='Plugins > Neuroanatomy > Reconstruction Plotter...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.ReconstructionViewerCmd', menu='Plugins > Neuroanatomy > Reconstruction Viewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.RectangularNeighborhoodSpecifier', label='Rectangular Neighborhood Specification', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.PathFitterCmd', label='Refinement of Paths', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.RemoveOverlay', menu='Image > Overlay > Remove Overlay', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.RemoveOverlayReferences', menu='Image > Overlay > Remove Overlay References', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.ReorderAxis', menu='Image > Axes > Reorder Axis', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.ReorderData', menu='Image > Data > Reorder Data...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsReset', menu='Edit > Options > Reset', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.ResizeImage', menu='Image > Adjust > Resize...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.ResliceImage', menu='Image > Stacks > Reslice...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.rotate.Rotate90DegreesLeft', menu='Image > Transform > Rotate 90 Degrees Left', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.rotate.Rotate90DegreesRight', menu='Image > Transform > Rotate 90 Degrees Right', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.RotateImageXY', menu='Image > Transform > Rotate...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.ij1.CallIJ1LegacyCmd', label='Run IJ1 Legacy Plugin', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.commands.script.RunScript', menu='Plugins > Run Script...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.PrefsCmd', label='SNT Preferences', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.SNTLoaderCmd', label='SNT Startup Prompt', menu='Plugins > Neuroanatomy > SNT...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.SWCTypeFilterCmd', label='SWC-type Filtering', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.SWCTypeOptionsCmd', label='SWC-type Tagging', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.SaltAndPepper', menu='Process > Noise > Salt and Pepper', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='io.scif.commands.SaveImage', menu='File > Save', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='io.scif.commands.SaveAsImage', menu='File > Save As...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='tableplugins.ScatterPlotPlugin', menu='Table > ScatterPlot', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.ScriptInterpreterPlugin', menu='Plugins > Scripting > Script Interpreter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.ScriptEditor', menu='File > New > Script...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.SelectOverlays', menu='Edit > Selection > Select Overlays', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.SelectView', menu='Edit > Selection > Select View', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.display.SelectWindow', label='Select Window...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.GetPath', label='Select path', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.axispos.SetActiveAxis', menu='Image > Axes > Set Active Axis...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.axispos.SetAxisPosition', menu='Image > Axes > Set Axis Position...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.zoom.ZoomSet', label='Set Zoom...', menu='Image > Zoom > Set...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.SetDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Set...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsDemo', menu='Process > Shadows > Shadows Demo', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.SharpenDataValues', menu='Process > Sharpen', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.ShollAnalysisImgCmd', menu='Plugins > Neuroanatomy > Sholl > Sholl Analysis (From Image)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sholl.plugin.ShollAnalysisImg', menu='Analyze > Sholl > Sholl Analysis (From Image)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.ShollAnalysisTreeCmd', menu='Plugins > Neuroanatomy > Sholl > Sholl Analysis (From Tracings)...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.ShollAnalysisPrefsCmd', label='Sholl Options', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sholl.plugin.Prefs', label='Sholl Options', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.ShowCorrespondencesCmd', label='Show Correspondences...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.AnnotationGraphRecViewerCmd', label='Show Graph in Rec. Viewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.misc.ShowInfo', menu='Image > Show Info...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.ShowLUT', menu='Image > Color > Show LUT', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.ShowLUTAsTable', menu='Image > Color > Show LUT As Table', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.TreeGraphRecViewerCmd', label='Show Tree Graph in Rec. Viewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.SmoothDataValues', menu='Process > Smooth', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsSouth', menu='Process > Shadows > South', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsSoutheast', menu='Process > Shadows > Southeast', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsSouthwest', menu='Process > Shadows > Southwest', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.overlay.SelectionSpecify', menu='Edit > Selection > Specify...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.SpectralComposite', menu='Image > Color > Spectral Composite...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.PathSpineAnalysisCmd', label='Spine/Varicosity Density Profile...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.SplitChannelsContext', menu='Split Channels', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='Spray Can Tool', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.SquareRootDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Square Root...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.SquareDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Square...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.animation.StartAnimation', menu='Image > Animation > Start Animation', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.debug.StatisticsDemo', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > Statistics Demo', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.animation.StopAllAnimations', menu='Image > Animation > Stop All Animations', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.animation.StopAnimation', menu='Image > Animation > Stop Animation', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.commands.debug.ShowSubscribers', menu='Plugins > Debug > Subscribers', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.SubtractFromDataValues', menu='Process > Math > Subtract...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.SwitchToLegacyMode', menu='Help > Switch to Legacy Mode', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.interactive.SynchronizeWindows', menu='Analyze > Tools > Synchronize Windows', iconPath='/icons/commands/bricks.png', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.commands.debug.SystemInformation', menu='Plugins > Debug > System Information', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.debug.TableDemo', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > Table Demo', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', menu='File > Export > Table... ', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.commands.debug.TextDisplayTest', menu='Plugins > Sandbox > TextDisplayTest', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.updater.PromptUserToUpdate', label='There are updates available', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.display.interactive.Threshold', menu='Image > Adjust > Threshold...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.mdi.WindowsTileVertical', menu='Window > Tile Vertical', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.PathTimeAnalysisCmd', label='Time Profile Analysis...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.zoom.ZoomToSelection', menu='Image > Zoom > To Selection', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.TranslateReconstructionsCmd', label='Translate Reconstruction(s)', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.imglib.TranslateImage', menu='Image > Transform > Translate...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.ColorMapReconstructionCmd', label='Tree Color Coder', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.plugin.SkeletonConverterCmd', label='Tree(s) from Skeleton Image...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.noisereduce.NoiseReductionTrimmedMean', menu='Process > Noise > Noise Reduction > Trimmed Mean', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.updater.CheckForUpdates', label='Up-to-date check', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.upload.SampleImageUploader', menu='Help > Upload Sample Image...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.zoom.Zoom100Percent', menu='Image > Zoom > View 100%', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.omevisual.OMEVisual', menu='Plugins > Utilities > Visualize OME Metadata', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.commands.WatchEvents', menu='Plugins > Debug > Watch Events', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.correlate.ShadowsWest', menu='Process > Shadows > West', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.assign.XorDataValuesWith', menu='Process > Math > XOR...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.zoom.ZoomIn', label='Zoom In', menu='Image > Zoom > In', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.zoom.ZoomOut', label='Zoom Out', menu='Image > Zoom > Out', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ops.commands.convert.ConvertImgPlus', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ops.commands.convolve.Convolve', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ops.commands.project.ProjectCommand', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.ops.commands.threshold.GlobalThresholder', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.dataset.LoadDataset', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.misc.ApplyLookupTable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.overlay.SelectedManagerOverlayProperties', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.commands.ChooseTabSize', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.CommonDynamicCmd', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.ComputeTubenessImg', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.EnableSciViewUpdateSiteCmd', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.gui.cmds.RemoteSWCImporterCmd', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
class='', label='| It's a secret to everyone |', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Command | |
-- 18 org.scijava.console.ConsoleArgument plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.SingleInstanceArgument', priority=1000000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCommandline$Batch', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCommandline$Debug', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCommandline$Eval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCommandline$Filename', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCommandline$IJPath', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCommandline$Macro', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCommandline$Port', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCommandline$Run', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='org.scijava.command.console.RunArgument', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='org.scijava.console.SystemPropertyArgument', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='org.scijava.main.console.MainArgument', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='org.scijava.script.console.RunScriptArgument', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='org.scijava.ui.console.HeadlessArgument', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='org.scijava.ui.console.ShowUIArgument', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
class='org.scijava.ui.console.UIArgument', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ConsoleArgument | |
-- 143 org.scijava.convert.Converter plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NullConverter', priority=1.0E300, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.CastingConverter', priority=1000000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.ResultsTableUnwrapper', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.TableUnwrapper', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom2d.LabelRegionToPolygonConverter', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.ops.geom.geom3d.mesh.RAIToMeshConverter', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.Unwrappers$MaskIntervalAsRandomAccessibleIntervalUnwrapper', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.Unwrappers$RandomAccessibleIntervalAsMaskIntervalUnwrapper', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.Unwrappers$RealMaskRealIntervalAsRealRandomAccessibleRealIntervalUnwrapper', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.Unwrappers$RealRandomAccessibleRealIntervalAsRealMaskRealIntervalUnwrapper', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.MaskPredicateUnwrappers$WrapperToWritableBoxConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.MaskPredicateUnwrappers$WrapperToWritableEllipsoid', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.MaskPredicateUnwrappers$WrapperToWritableLine', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.MaskPredicateUnwrappers$WrapperToWritablePointMask', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.MaskPredicateUnwrappers$WrapperToWritablePolygon2D', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.MaskPredicateUnwrappers$WrapperToWritablePolyline', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.MaskPredicateUnwrappers$WrapperToWritableRealPointCollection', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiUnwrappers$WrapperToEllipseRoiConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiUnwrappers$WrapperToLineConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiUnwrappers$WrapperToOvalRoiConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiUnwrappers$WrapperToPointRoiConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiUnwrappers$WrapperToPolygonRoiConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiUnwrappers$WrapperToRotatedRectRoiConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiUnwrappers$WrapperToShapeRoiConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.notebook.chart.Histogram1dToHTMLConverter', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.Unwrappers$MaskAsRandomAccessibleUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.Unwrappers$RandomAccessibleAsMaskUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.Unwrappers$RealMaskAsRealRandomAccessibleUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.Unwrappers$RealRandomAccessibleAsRealMaskUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$BoolArrayUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$BoolArrayWrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$ByteArrayUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$ByteArrayWrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$CharArrayUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$CharArrayWrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$DoubleArrayUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$DoubleArrayWrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$FloatArrayUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$FloatArrayWrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$IntArrayUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$IntArrayWrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$LongArrayUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$LongArrayWrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$ShortArrayUnwrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.ArrayConverters$ShortArrayWrapper', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiUnwrappers$WrapperToRoiConverter', priority=99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.convert.DatasetToImgConverter', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.convert.DatasetToImgPlusConverter', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.convert.ConvertIntArrayToFinalInterval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.convert.ConvertLongArrayToFinalInterval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.convert.ConvertRAIToIterableInterval', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.convert.ImgLabelingToImgConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.convert.ImgToImgLabelingConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.DoubleToImagePlusConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.ImageTitleToImagePlusConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.OverlayToROITreeConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.ROITreeToOverlayConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.StringToImagePlusConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.TableToResultsTableConverters$ByteTableToResultsTable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.TableToResultsTableConverters$FloatTableToResultsTable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.TableToResultsTableConverters$GenericTableToResultsTable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.TableToResultsTableConverters$IntTableToResultsTable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.TableToResultsTableConverters$LongTableToResultsTable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.TableToResultsTableConverters$ResultsTableToResultsTable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.TableToResultsTableConverters$ShortTableToResultsTable', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.BinaryCompositeMaskPredicateToShapeRoiConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.ShapeRoiToMaskRealIntervalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.ellipsoid.OvalRoiToEllipsoidConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.ellipsoid.WritableEllipsoidToOvalRoiConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.line.IJLineToLineConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.line.WritableLineToIJLineConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.point.PointRoiToRealPointCollectionConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.point.WritableRealPointCollectionToPointRoiConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.polygon2d.PolygonRoiToPolygon2DConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.polygon2d.WritablePolygon2DToPolygonRoiConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.polyline.PolylineRoiToPolylineConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.polyline.WritablePolylineToPolylineRoiConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.notebook.image.BufferedImageToHTMLConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.notebook.image.DatasetViewToHTMLConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.notebook.image.RAIToHTMLConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.notebook.table.TableToHTMLConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.plot.convert.PlotToImagePlusConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.plot.convert.PlotToImgConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.MaskIntervalToRAIConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.RAIToMaskIntervalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.RRARIToRealMaskRealIntervalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.RealMaskRealIntervalToRRARIConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.viewer.plot.jfreechart.CategoryChartConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.viewer.plot.jfreechart.XYPlotConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.FileListConverters$FileArrayToStringConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.FileListConverters$FileToStringConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.FileListConverters$StringToFileArrayConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.FileListConverters$StringToFileConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$BigIntegerToBigDecimalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ByteToBigDecimalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ByteToBigIntegerConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ByteToDoubleConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ByteToFloatConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ByteToIntegerConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ByteToLongConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ByteToShortConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$DoubleToBigDecimalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$FloatToBigDecimalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$FloatToDoubleConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$IntegerToBigDecimalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$IntegerToBigIntegerConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$IntegerToDoubleConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$IntegerToLongConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$LongToBigDecimalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$LongToBigIntegerConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ShortToBigDecimalConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ShortToBigIntegerConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ShortToDoubleConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ShortToFloatConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ShortToIntegerConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.NumberConverters$ShortToLongConverter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.point.WritablePointMaskToPointRoiConverter', priority=-1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='io.scif.convert.FileToDatasetConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='io.scif.convert.StringToDatasetConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.convert.ConvertListToFinalInterval', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.DatasetToImagePlusConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.ImageDisplayToImagePlusConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.ImagePlusToDatasetConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.ImagePlusToImageDisplayConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.ResultsTableToGenericTableConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RealMaskRealIntervalToImageRoiConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.ellipsoid.EllipsoidToOvalRoiConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.line.LineToIJLineConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.point.RealPointCollectionToPointRoiConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.polygon2d.Polygon2DToPolygonRoiConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.polyline.PolylineRoiToRealMaskRealIntervalConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.polyline.PolylineToPolylineRoiConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.MaskToRAConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.RAToMaskConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.RRAToRealMaskConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.roi.RealMaskToRRAConverter', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.point.PointMaskToPointRoiConverter', priority=-101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.convert.roi.RoiToMaskIntervalConverter', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='net.imagej.notebook.mime.ListToHTMLConverter', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
class='org.scijava.convert.DefaultConverter', priority=-1000000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Converter | |
-- 5 org.scijava.display.Display plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.display.DefaultImageDisplay', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Display | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.display.DefaultImagePlusDisplay', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Display | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.viewer.plot.DefaultPlotDisplay', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Display | |
class='org.scijava.table.DefaultTableDisplay', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Display | |
class='org.scijava.display.DefaultTextDisplay', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Display | |
-- 5 plugins -- | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IOPlugin | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IOPlugin | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IOPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.table.DefaultTableIOPlugin', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IOPlugin | |
class='', priority=-101.0, enabled=true, pluginType=IOPlugin | |
-- 4 plugins -- | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataHandle | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataHandle | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataHandle | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DataHandle | |
-- 3 plugins -- | |
class='', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocationResolver | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocationResolver | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LocationResolver | |
-- 4 org.scijava.module.process.PostprocessorPlugin plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.DebugPostprocessor', priority=1.0E300, enabled=true, pluginType=PostprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.table.process.ResultsPostprocessor', priority=-9999.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PostprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.MacroRecorderPostprocessor', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PostprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.display.DisplayPostprocessor', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PostprocessorPlugin | |
-- 33 org.scijava.module.process.PreprocessorPlugin plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.DebugPreprocessor', priority=1.0E300, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.ValidityPreprocessor', priority=30000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.MacroPreprocessor', priority=20000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.GatewayPreprocessor', priority=20000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.ServicePreprocessor', priority=20000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.ActiveImagePlusPreprocessor', priority=10001.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.MacroRecorderPreprocessor', priority=10001.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.display.process.ActiveChannelCollectionPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.display.process.ActiveDataViewPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.display.process.ActiveDatasetPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.display.process.ActiveDatasetViewPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.display.process.ActiveImageDisplayPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.display.process.ActiveOverlayPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.display.process.ActivePositionPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.OverlayPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.ResultsTablePreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.RoiManagerPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.ops.OpEnvironmentPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.display.ActiveDisplayPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.DefaultValuePreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.UIPreprocessor', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.ops.NamespacePreprocessor', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.InitPreprocessor', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.LoggerPreprocessor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.LoadInputsPreprocessor', priority=-9999.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.FileListPreprocessor', priority=-9999.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.FilePreprocessor', priority=-9999.5, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.ui.LegacyInputHarvester', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTInputHarvester', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingInputHarvester', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingMdiInputHarvester', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.SaveInputsPreprocessor', priority=-10001.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.module.process.CheckInputsPreprocessor', priority=-10002.0, enabled=true, pluginType=PreprocessorPlugin | |
-- 23 org.scijava.options.OptionsPlugin plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsAppearance', menu='Edit > Options > Appearance...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsArrowTool', menu='Edit > Options > Arrow Tool...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='sc.fiji.cellCounter.CellCounterOptions', label='Cell Counter Options', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsChannels', menu='Edit > Options > Channels...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsCompatibility', menu='Edit > Options > Compatibility...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsCompiler', menu='Edit > Options > Compiler...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsConversions', menu='Edit > Options > Conversions...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsDicom', menu='Edit > Options > DICOM...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsOverlay', label='Default Overlay Settings', menu='Image > Overlay > Overlay Options...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsFont', menu='Edit > Options > Fonts...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.ImageJ2Options', label='ImageJ2 Options', menu='Edit > Options > ImageJ2...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsInputOutput', menu='Edit > Options > Input/Output...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsLineWidth', menu='Edit > Options > Line Width...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.options.OptionsLookAndFeel', menu='Edit > Options > Look and Feel...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsMemoryAndThreads', menu='Edit > Options > Memory & Threads...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsMisc', menu='Edit > Options > Misc...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsPointTool', menu='Edit > Options > Point Tool...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsProfilePlot', menu='Edit > Options > Profile Plot Options...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsProxy', menu='Edit > Options > Proxy Settings...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsRoundedRectangleTool', menu='Edit > Options > Rounded Rect Tool...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='', label='Search Options', menu='Edit > Options > Search Bar...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.TrackMateOptions', menu='Edit > Options > TrackMate...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
class='net.imagej.options.OptionsWandTool', menu='Edit > Options > Wand Tool...', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=OptionsPlugin | |
-- 3 org.scijava.platform.Platform plugins -- | |
class='', name='Windows', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Platform | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.platforms.macos.MacOSPlatform', name='macOS', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Platform | |
class='org.scijava.platform.DefaultPlatform', name='Default', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Platform | |
-- 5 plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyCodeRunner', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CodeRunner | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CodeRunner | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CodeRunner | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CodeRunner | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=CodeRunner | |
-- 1 org.scijava.script.ScriptHeader plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.jruby.JRubyScriptHeader', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptHeader | |
-- 10 org.scijava.script.ScriptLanguage plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.groovy.GroovyScriptLanguage', name='Groovy', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.beanshell.BeanshellScriptLanguage', name='BeanShell', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.clojure.ClojureScriptLanguage', name='Clojure', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.IJ1MacroLanguage', name='IJ1 Macro', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='', name='Java', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.javascript.JavaScriptScriptLanguage', name='JavaScript', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.jython.JythonScriptLanguage', name='Python', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.renjin.RenjinScriptLanguage', name='R', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.jruby.JRubyScriptLanguage', name='Ruby', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.scripting.scala.ScalaScriptLanguage', name='Scala', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptLanguage | |
-- 3 org.scijava.script.process.ScriptProcessor plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.script.process.ScriptDirectiveScriptProcessor', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptProcessor | |
class='org.scijava.script.process.ParameterScriptProcessor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptProcessor | |
class='org.scijava.script.process.ShebangScriptProcessor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=ScriptProcessor | |
-- 10 plugins -- | |
class='', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='org.scijava.batch.BatchModuleSearchActionFactory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SearchActionFactory | |
-- 7 plugins -- | |
class='', priority=1000000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Searcher | |
class='', priority=10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Searcher | |
class='', priority=9999.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Searcher | |
class='', priority=9990.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Searcher | |
class='', priority=100.0, enabled=false, pluginType=Searcher | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Searcher | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=false, pluginType=Searcher | |
-- 103 org.scijava.service.Service plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.event.DefaultEventService', priority=100000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.display.LegacyImageDisplayService', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.lut.DefaultLUTService', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.LegacyService', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='fiji.plugin.trackmate.TrackMateService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.DefaultMetadataService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.codec.DefaultCodecService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.formats.qt.DefaultQTJavaService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.formats.tiff.DefaultTiffService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.gui.DefaultGUIService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.img.DefaultImgUtilityService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.img.converters.DefaultPlaneConverterService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.refs.DefaultRefManagerService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='io.scif.xml.DefaultXMLService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.DefaultDatasetService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.DefaultImgPlusService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.animation.DefaultAnimationService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.autoscale.DefaultAutoscaleService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.display.DefaultImageDisplayService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.display.DefaultOverlayService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.display.DefaultWindowService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.display.DefaultZoomService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.MacroExtensionAutoCompletionService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.measure.DefaultMeasurementService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.measure.DefaultStatisticsService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.notebook.DefaultNotebookService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.operator.DefaultCalculatorService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.ops.DefaultNamespaceService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.ops.DefaultOpMatchingService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.ops.DefaultOpService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.plot.defaultplot.DefaultPlotService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.plugins.commands.restructure.SplitChannelsContextMonitor', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.roi.DefaultROIService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.sampler.DefaultSamplerService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.table.DefaultTableService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.threshold.DefaultThresholdService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.types.DefaultDataTypeService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.ui.DefaultImageJUIService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.ui.awt.AWTRenderingService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.ui.awt.AWTScreenCaptureService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.ops.DefaultOpFinderService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.overlay.JHotDrawService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.units.DefaultUnitService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.updater.DefaultUpdateService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.updater.DefaultUploaderService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imglib2.meta.units.DefaultUnitService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.command.DefaultCommandService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.console.DefaultConsoleService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.convert.DefaultConvertService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.display.DefaultDisplayService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.event.DefaultEventHistory', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.input.DefaultInputService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.main.DefaultMainService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.module.DefaultModuleService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.object.DefaultObjectService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.options.DefaultOptionsService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.parse.DefaultParseService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.platform.DefaultPlatformService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.plugin.DefaultPluginService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.prefs.DefaultPrefService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.script.DefaultScriptHeaderService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.script.DefaultScriptService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.script.process.DefaultScriptProcessorService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.startup.DefaultStartupService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.task.DefaultTaskService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.text.DefaultTextService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.thread.DefaultThreadService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.tool.DefaultToolService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.ui.DefaultUIService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.ui.dnd.DefaultDragAndDropService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.SwingIconService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.DefaultLanguageSupportService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.welcome.DefaultWelcomeService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.widget.DefaultWidgetService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='sc.fiji.compat.DefaultFijiService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='sc.fiji.snt.SNTService', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.display.DummyScreenCaptureService', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='net.imagej.render.DummyRenderingService', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.batch.FileBatchService', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.log.StderrLogService', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.platform.DefaultAppEventService', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
class='org.scijava.cache.DefaultCacheService', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Service | |
-- 2 org.scijava.text.TextFormat plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.text.markdown.MarkdownTextFormat', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TextFormat | |
class='org.scijava.plugins.text.plain.PlainTextFormat', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=TextFormat | |
-- 26 org.scijava.tool.Tool plugins -- | |
class='', name='Konami', priority=Infinity, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Rectangle', description='Rectangular overlays', iconPath='/icons/tools/rectangle.png', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Oval', description='Oval selections', iconPath='/icons/tools/oval.png', priority=99.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Polygon', description='Polygon overlays', iconPath='/icons/tools/polygon.png', priority=98.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Line', description='Straight line overlays', iconPath='/icons/tools/line.png', priority=97.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Polyline', description='Polyline overlays', iconPath='/icons/tools/polyline.png', priority=96.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Angle', description='Angle overlays', iconPath='/icons/tools/angle.png', priority=95.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Point', description='Point overlays', iconPath='/icons/tools/point.png', priority=94.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Axis Position Shortcuts', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Context Menus', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Pan Activator', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Probe', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Window Focus', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Zoom Shortcuts', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Wand', description='Wand (tracing) tool', iconPath='/icons/tools/wand.png', priority=-110.0, enabled=false, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Text', description='Text tool', iconPath='/icons/tools/text.png', priority=-115.0, enabled=false, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Zoom', description='Magnifying glass (or use "+" and "-" keys)', iconPath='/icons/tools/zoom.png', priority=-200.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Pan', description='Scrolling tool (or press space bar and drag)', iconPath='/icons/tools/pan.png', priority=-201.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Paintbrush', description='Paintbrush Tool', iconPath='/icons/tools/paintbrush.png', priority=-300.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Pencil', description='Pencil Tool', iconPath='/icons/tools/pencil.png', priority=-301.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='SprayCan', label='Spray Can', description='Spray Can Tool', iconPath='/icons/tools/spray-can.png', priority=-303.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='FloodFill', label='Flood Fill', description='Flood Fill Tool', iconPath='/icons/tools/flood-fill.png', priority=-304.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Arrow', description='Arrow Tool', iconPath='/icons/tools/arrow.png', priority=-305.0, enabled=false, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Foreground', iconPath='/icons/tools/blank.png', priority=-500.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Background', iconPath='/icons/tools/blankBlack.png', priority=-501.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
class='', name='Keyboard Shortcuts', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=Tool | |
-- 5 org.scijava.ui.UserInterface plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.ui.LegacyUI', name='legacy', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=UserInterface | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.sdi.SwingSDIUI', name='swing', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=UserInterface | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.AWTUI', name='awt', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=UserInterface | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.mdi.SwingMdiUI', name='swing-mdi', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=UserInterface | |
class='org.scijava.ui.headless.HeadlessUI', name='headless', priority=-10000.0, enabled=true, pluginType=UserInterface | |
-- 4 org.scijava.ui.dnd.DragAndDropHandler plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.ui.dnd.LUTFileDragAndDropHandler', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DragAndDropHandler | |
class='org.scijava.ui.dnd.ListDragAndDropHandler', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DragAndDropHandler | |
class='org.scijava.ui.dnd.ScriptFileDragAndDropHandler', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DragAndDropHandler | |
class='org.scijava.ui.dnd.FileDragAndDropHandler', priority=-100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DragAndDropHandler | |
-- 1 org.scijava.ui.swing.script.AutoImporter plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.LegacyAutoImporter', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=AutoImporter | |
-- 3 org.scijava.ui.swing.script.LanguageSupportPlugin plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.plugin.MacroLanguageSupportPlugin', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LanguageSupportPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.languagesupport.JavaLanguageSupportPlugin', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LanguageSupportPlugin | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.languagesupport.JavaScriptLanguageSupportPlugin', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=LanguageSupportPlugin | |
-- 4 org.scijava.ui.swing.script.SyntaxHighlighter plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.highliters.BeanshellHighlighter', name='beanshell', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SyntaxHighlighter | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.highliters.ECMAScriptHighlighter', name='ecmascript', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SyntaxHighlighter | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.highliters.IJ1MacroHighlighter', name='ij1-macro', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SyntaxHighlighter | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.script.highliters.MatlabHighlighter', name='matlab', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=SyntaxHighlighter | |
-- 8 org.scijava.ui.viewer.DisplayViewer plugins -- | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.display.LegacyImageDisplayViewer', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DisplayViewer | |
class='net.imagej.legacy.display.ImagePlusDisplayViewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DisplayViewer | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.mdi.viewer.SwingMdiImageDisplayViewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DisplayViewer | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.sdi.viewer.SwingSdiImageDisplayViewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DisplayViewer | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.viewer.plot.SwingPlotDisplayViewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DisplayViewer | |
class='org.scijava.ui.headless.HeadlessDisplayViewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DisplayViewer | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.viewer.table.SwingTableDisplayViewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DisplayViewer | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.viewer.text.SwingTextDisplayViewer', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=DisplayViewer | |
-- 27 org.scijava.widget.InputWidget plugins -- | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTMessageWidget', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingMessageWidget', priority=100.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingChoiceRadioWidget', priority=1.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.widget.SwingColorTableWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.widget.SwingDimSelectionWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.widget.SwingHistogramWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.widget.SwingMultipleChoicesWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.widget.SwingMutableChoicesWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='net.imagej.ui.swing.widget.SwingTableWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.batch.SwingScriptInfoWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTButtonWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTChoiceWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTFileWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTNumberWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTObjectWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTTextWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.awt.widget.AWTToggleWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingButtonWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingChoiceWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingColorWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingDateWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingFileListWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingFileWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingNumberWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingObjectWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingTextWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
class='org.scijava.ui.swing.widget.SwingToggleWidget', priority=0.0, enabled=true, pluginType=InputWidget | |
-- System properties -- | |
apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar = true | |
awt.toolkit = sun.lwawt.macosx.LWCToolkit | |
fiji.dir = /Applications/ | |
fiji.executable = /Applications/ | |
file.encoding = UTF-8 | |
file.encoding.pkg = | |
file.separator = / | |
ftp.nonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16 | |
gopherProxySet = false | |
http.nonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16 | |
ij.dir = /Applications/ | |
ij.executable = /Applications/ | |
imagej.dir = /Applications/ | |
imagej.splash = true | |
java.awt.graphicsenv = sun.awt.CGraphicsEnvironment | |
java.awt.printerjob = sun.lwawt.macosx.CPrinterJob | |
java.class.path = { | |
/Applications/ | |
} | |
java.class.version = 52.0 | |
java.endorsed.dirs = { | |
/Applications/ | |
} | |
java.ext.dirs = { | |
/Users/michelg/Library/Java/Extensions | |
/Applications/ | |
/Library/Java/Extensions | |
/Network/Library/Java/Extensions | |
/System/Library/Java/Extensions | |
/usr/lib/java | |
} | |
java.home = /Applications/ | | = /var/folders/4h/6bz5h2w170sc1cqhbv9jdqtmk0sgwp/T/ | |
java.library.path = { | |
/Applications/ | |
/Applications/ | |
} | | = OpenJDK Runtime Environment | |
java.runtime.version = 1.8.0_202-b08 | | = Java Platform API Specification | |
java.specification.vendor = Oracle Corporation | |
java.specification.version = 1.8 | |
java.vendor = AdoptOpenJdk | |
java.vendor.url = | |
java.vendor.url.bug = | |
java.version = 1.8.0_202 | | = mixed mode | | = OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM | | = Java Virtual Machine Specification | |
java.vm.specification.vendor = Oracle Corporation | |
java.vm.specification.version = 1.8 | |
java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation | |
java.vm.version = 25.202-b08 | |
line.separator = | |
os.arch = x86_64 | | = Mac OS X | |
os.version = 10.15.4 | |
path.separator = : | |
plugins.dir = /Applications/ | |
python.cachedir.skip = true | |
python.console.encoding = UTF-8 | |
scijava.context.strict = false | |
socksNonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16 | | = 64 | |
sun.awt.enableExtraMouseButtons = true | |
sun.boot.class.path = { | |
/Applications/ | |
/Applications/ | |
/Applications/ | |
/Applications/ | |
/Applications/ | |
/Applications/ | |
/Applications/ | |
/Applications/ | |
} | |
sun.boot.library.path = { | |
/Applications/ | |
} | |
sun.cpu.endian = little | |
sun.cpu.isalist = | |
sun.font.fontmanager = sun.font.CFontManager | | = UnicodeBig | |
sun.jnu.encoding = UTF-8 | | = HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers | |
sun.os.patch.level = unknown | | = US | |
user.dir = /Applications/ | |
user.home = /Users/michelg | |
user.language = en | | = michelg | |
user.timezone = America/New_York | |
-- Environment variables -- | |
APP_ICON_98286 = /Applications/ | |
APP_NAME_98286 = ImageJ | |
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH = /Applications/ | |
HOME = /Users/michelg | |
JAVA_HOME = /Applications/ | |
LOGNAME = michelg | |
PATH = /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin | |
SHELL = /bin/bash | |
SSH_AUTH_SOCK = /private/tmp/ | |
TMPDIR = /var/folders/4h/6bz5h2w170sc1cqhbv9jdqtmk0sgwp/T/ | |
USER = michelg | |
XPC_FLAGS = 0x0 | |
XPC_SERVICE_NAME = org.fiji.34968 | |
__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING = 0x240CBF96:0x0:0x0 | |
-- Additional miscellany -- | |
System Java compiler = [file:/Applications/] | |
System tool class loader = [file:/Applications/] |
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