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Created June 21, 2019 15:50
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# @ImageJ ij
# @LUTService lut
import java.text.DecimalFormat
import net.imglib2.display.ColorTable
import sc.fiji.snt.*
import sc.fiji.snt.analysis.*
import sc.fiji.snt.annotation.*
import sc.fiji.snt.viewer.*
import sc.fiji.snt.util.*
import org.scijava.util.*
/* Criteria 1. Only cells with somata in this area are considered */
motorAreas = AllenUtils.getCompartment("Somatomotor areas")
/* Criteria 2. Only cells w/ axonal BPs in this area are considered */
thalamus = AllenUtils.getCompartment("DORsm")
/* Criteria 3. Only cells w/ at least this no. of BPs are considered */
bpsCutoff = 10
class Centroid {
SNTPoint soma, bps // barycenters for soma and axonal BPs
String label // identifier
ColorRGB color // annotation color
double mValue // mapping value
def getIDs() {
// Read pre-filtered ids from file, otherwise retrieve all ids in Database
ids = []
file = new File("/groups/mousebrainmicro/home/ferreirat/code/analysis/TH_targeting_cells")
if (file.exists()) {
file.eachLine { ids << it }
} else {
df = new DecimalFormat("0000")
for (id in 1..MouseLightLoader.getNeuronCount()) {
id = "AA" + df.format(id)
ids << id
println("Will be parsing ${ids.size()} cells")
def assignUniqueColors(centroidList) {
// Assigns (random) high constrast colors to a Centroid list
colors = SNTColor.getDistinctColors(centroidList.size())
centroidList.eachWithIndex { centroid, index ->
centroid.color = colors[index]
def assignMappingValues(centroidList) {
// Assigns the mapping value for color coding
meshCenterL = thalamus.getMesh().getBarycentre("left")
meshCenterR = thalamus.getMesh().getBarycentre("right")
for (centroid in centroidList) {
meshCenter = (AllenUtils.isLeftHemisphere(centroid.bps)) ? meshCenterL : meshCenterR
centroid.mValue = ((PointInImage)centroid.bps).distanceTo((PointInImage)meshCenter)
def assignLUT(centroidList) {
// Assigns a Centroid's mapping value to a LUT entry
if (centroidList.isEmpty()) return
colorTable = lut.loadLUT(lut.findLUTs().get("Ice.lut"))
Comparator mc = { a, b -> a.mValue == b.mValue ? 0 : a.mValue < b.mValue ? -1 : 1 }
min = centroidList.min(mc).mValue
max = centroidList.max(mc).mValue
int idx
for (centroid in centroidList) {
if (centroid.mValue <= min) idx = 0
else if (centroid.mValue > max) idx = colorTable.getLength() - 1
else idx = (int) Math.round((colorTable.getLength() - 1) * (centroid.mValue - min) / (max - min))
color = new ColorRGB(colorTable.get(ColorTable.RED, idx), colorTable.get(ColorTable.GREEN, idx),
colorTable.get(ColorTable.BLUE, idx))
centroid.color = color
def getCentroids(loader) {
if (!loader.idExists()) {
println(" id not found. Skipping...")
return null
// Retrieve the 1st node of the soma and its annotated compartment
soma = loader.getNodes("soma")[0]
compartment = (AllenCompartment) soma.getAnnotation()
if (compartment && !motorAreas.contains(compartment)) {
println(" Soma not associated with " + motorAreas + ". Skipping")
return null
println(" Id matches soma location requirements!")
// Retrieve the axonal arbor as a Tree object. Instantiate a TreeAnalyzer
// so that we can conveniently access all of the axonal branch points
axonalTree = loader.getTree("axon")
analyzer = new TreeAnalyzer(axonalTree)
branchPoints = analyzer.getBranchPoints()
// Iterate through all the branch points (PointInImage objects)
// and extract those in thalamus
println(" Assessing location of ${branchPoints.size()} branch points...")
filteredBranchPoints = []
for (branchPoint in branchPoints) {
compartment = (AllenCompartment) branchPoint.getAnnotation()
if (compartment && thalamus.contains(compartment))
println(" Found ${filteredBranchPoints.size()} match(es)")
// Ignore cells with less than the specified cutoff
if (filteredBranchPoints.size() < bpsCutoff)
return null
centroid = new Centroid()
centroid.soma = soma
centroid.bps = SNTPoint.average(filteredBranchPoints)
centroid.label =
// Parse cells
centroidMap = [:].withDefault {key -> return []}
getIDs().stream().forEach {
print("Parsing $it...")
loader = new MouseLightLoader(it)
centroid = getCentroids(loader)
if (!centroid) {
println(" Not enough branch points associated with $thalamus")
} else {
if (AllenUtils.isLeftHemisphere(centroid.soma))
centroidMap."left" << centroid
centroidMap."right" << centroid
println("Filtered cells: ${centroidMap."left".size()} + ${centroidMap."right".size()}")
// Perform the color mapping on each hemisphere
for (e in centroidMap) {
println("Mapping ${e.key} hemisphere...")
// Merge centroid from both hemispheres
centroids = centroidMap."left" + centroidMap."right"
if (centroids.isEmpty()) return
// Render annotations
viewer = new Viewer3D(ij.context())
// Organize annotations by category
annotMap = [:].withDefault {key -> return []}
centroids.each { centroid ->
annot = viewer.annotatePoint(centroid.bps, centroid.label + " bps")
annot.setColor(centroid.color, 10)
annotMap."bps" << annot
annot = viewer.annotatePoint(centroid.soma, centroid.label + " soma")
annot.setColor(centroid.color, 10)
annotMap."soma" << annot
annot = viewer.annotateLine([centroid.soma, centroid.bps], centroid.label + " vector")
annot.setColor(centroid.color, 50)
annotMap."vector" << annot
viewer.mergeAnnotations(annotMap."soma", "Somas")
viewer.mergeAnnotations(annotMap."bps", "BPs centroids")
viewer.mergeAnnotations(annotMap."vector", "vectors")
// Add meshes
["Whole Brain", "Somatomotor areas", "Thalamus", "VENT", "VAL", "VM", "VP"].each {
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