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Created January 19, 2010 21:05
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//ported to prototype from
function formatSliderLabels(form)
form = $(form);
var labelColor = '#999';
var restingPosition = 5;
var topPosition = 6;
var duration = 0.2;
var labelAdjust = 10;'.slider label').each(function(el){
// style the label with JS for progressive enhancement
'color' : labelColor,
'position' : 'absolute',
'top' : topPosition+'px',
'left' : restingPosition+'px',
'display' : 'inline',
'z-index' : '99'
// grab the input value
var input ='input');
var inputval = input.getValue();
// grab the label width, then add 5 pixels to it
var labelwidth = el.getWidth();
var labelmove = labelwidth + labelAdjust;
//onload, check if a field is filled out, if so, move the label out of the way
if(inputval !== ''){
new Effect.Move(el, { x: -labelmove, duration: duration });
// if the input is empty on focus move the label to the left
// if it's empty on blur, move it back
input.observe('focus', function(ev){
var label = $(this).previous('label');
var width = label.getWidth();
var adjust = width + labelAdjust;
var value = $(this).getValue();
if(value === ''){
new Effect.Move(label, { x: -adjust, duration: duration });
} else {
label.setStyle({ 'left': (-adjust)+'px' });
}).observe('blur', function(ev){
var label = $(this).previous('label');
var value = $(this).getValue();
if(value === ''){
new Effect.Move(label, { x: restingPosition, y: topPosition, mode: 'absolute', duration: duration });
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