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Created May 15, 2015 13:20
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Clojurebridge snippets
; ---------------------------------------------------
(defn ordinal [n]
(let [r (rem n 10)]
(if (and (> n 10) (< n 15))
(str n "th")
(if (= r 1)
(str n "st")
(if (= r 2)
(str n "nd")
(if (= r 3)
(str n "rd")
(str n "th")))))))
(ordinal 1)
(ordinal 2)
(ordinal 3)
(ordinal 4)
(ordinal 5)
(ordinal 10)
(ordinal 11)
(ordinal 12)
(ordinal 13)
(ordinal 14)
(ordinal 15)
(ordinal 21)
(ordinal 22)
(ordinal 23)
; ---------------------------------------------------
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