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Convert transcripts exported by to a format importable by Atlas TI v8
author: Thor Galle <[email protected]>
original version: April 9, 2020
last update: April 9, 2020
A script to convert a .txt transcript exported from to a format importable in Atlas TI v8.
Based on a similar script for oTranscribe I made on April 3, 2020.
A. Export your transcript in using these settings:
- Export format: .txt
- Include speaker names: yes
- Include timestamps: yes
- Merge same-speaker segments: no
- Export as monologue: no
B. Convert the downloaded file from with this script using the CLI:
python <input_file> [output_file]
[output_file] defaults to out.txt
C. The output file should be importable in Atlas TI
Sample text before (input)
Thor Galle 0:49
Okay, that's a good point already. Like, good. Good. Good remark. Yeah, I see only four videos. That's all
Unknown Speaker 1:02
Sample text after (output)
[00:00:49]Thor Galle: Okay, that’s a good point already. Like, good. Good. Good remark. Yeah, I see only four videos. That’s all
[00:01:02]Unknown Speaker: So
See this page to understand why I made this script, and why the output looks the way it does:
- support for transcript of an hour or longer (00:00:00 format?)
- better support for double quotes (they're now converted to single quotes)
import sys, re
OUTPUT_DEFAULT = 'output.txt'
# get the input & output files
def getFileNames():
inputFile = None
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
inputFile = sys.argv[1]
if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
outputFile = sys.argv[2]
return (inputFile, outputFile)
# rules for replacing text parts
def getReplaceTuples():
singleQuoteR = (re.compile(r"'"), r'%s' % TYPOGRAPHIC_SINGLE_QUOTE)
# TODO: this should converting to double quotes, but that requires more complex logic to detect start/end of a double quotation
# and dealing with edge cases
doubleQuoteR = (re.compile(r'"'), TYPOGRAPHIC_SINGLE_QUOTE)
ampersandR = (re.compile(r"\s?&\s?"), r' and ')
regexes = [singleQuoteR, doubleQuoteR, ampersandR]
return regexes
def flattenOtterTranscript(lines):
acc = []
for index in range (len(lines)):
lineType = index % 3
if (lineType == 0): # name + timestamp
## add new element
## TODO: hour support
acc.append("[00:%s]%s: " % getTimeStampAndPrefix(lines[index]))
elif (lineType == 1): # subtitle line
## add to last element
acc[len(acc) - 1] += replaceLine(lines[index])
# else: leave out (empty line)
return acc
# pad 2:01 to 02:00
def padTime(timeStr):
oneChar = lambda x: len(x) == 1
return ":".join([ ("0" + part if oneChar(part) else part) for part in timeStr.split(":")])
# construct the time stamp and name prefix for a subtitle
def getTimeStampAndPrefix(line):
timeStampsR = re.compile(r'^([\w\s]+?\b)\s*((?:\d{1,2}:)?\d{1,2}:\d{2})', re.IGNORECASE)
match = timeStampsR.match(line)
if match:
# returns in the format ('0:49', 'Thor Galle')
return (padTime(,
print("Error: couldn't parse line")
# replaces characters that cause problems for the Atlas TI importer with valid variants
def replaceLine(line):
outLine = line
for i in getReplaceTuples():
outLine = i[0].sub(i[1], outLine)
return outLine
def main():
(inputFile, outputFile) = getFileNames()
with open(inputFile) as f:
content = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
## prune last two lines with the irregular "Transcribed by"
content = flattenOtterTranscript(content[:-2])
with open(outputFile, 'w') as fo:
fo.writelines("%s\n" % l for l in content)
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