jsheffers [4:15 PM] I copied the code emulsify uses for the menus, but I’m having trouble with the actual link class. It’s pulling the base class from the item instead of adding __link
Obviously that should be __link
{% embed '@atoms/lists/_list-item.twig' with {
"list_item_label": item_label,
"li_base_class": item_base_class|default(menu_class ~ '__item'),
"li_modifiers": item_modifiers,
"li_blockname": item_blockname,
} %}
{% block list_item_content %}
{% include "@atoms/links/link.twig" with {
"link_content": item.title,
"link_url": item.url,
"link_base_class": item_base_class|default(menu_class ~ '__link'),
"link_modifiers": item_modifiers,
} %}
{% if item.below %}
{{ menus.menu_links(item.below, attributes, menu_level + 1, menu_class, menu_modifiers, menu_blockname, item_base_class, item_modifiers, item_blockname) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
(edited) Any ideas?
Johnny5th [4:20 PM]
should "link_base_class": item_base_class|default(menu_class ~ '__link'),
be "link_base_class": link_base_class|default(menu_class ~ '__link'),
your default won’t trigger if item_base_class is already set
jsheffers [4:21 PM] https://github.com/fourkitchens/emulsify/blob/develop/components/_patterns/02-molecules/menus/_menu-item.twig GitHub fourkitchens/emulsify Emulsify: Pattern Lab + Drupal 8. Contribute to fourkitchens/emulsify development by creating an account on GitHub.
jsheffers [4:23 PM] Yeah, that does fix the issue, but that’s not how emulsify has it. Just wondering if I was missing something (edited)
bjlewis2 [20 hours ago] That looks like a typo to me
bjlewis2 [20 hours ago] To be honest, the whole menu files should probably be updated. I think every new project I start, I make a half-dozen (at least) tweaks to the menu macros to support the project at hand
bjlewis2 [20 hours ago] A lot of those could (should) probable be merged back into Emulsify core to make life easier for everyone
bjlewis2 [20 hours ago]
But regarding your original question, changing:
"link_base_class": item_base_class|default(menu_class ~ '__link'), "link_modifiers": item_modifiers,
" link_base_class": link_base_class|default(menu_class ~ '__link'), "link_modifiers": link_modifiers,
is probably what I’d do
bjlewis2 [20 hours ago] Actually… no it isn’t. I’d implement the bem function more thouroughly…
bjlewis2 [20 hours ago]
{% embed '@atoms/lists/_list-item.twig' with {
list_item_label: item_label,
li_base_class: item_base_class|default('item'),
li_modifiers: item_modifiers,
li_blockname: item_blockname|default(menu_class),
} %}
{% block list_item_content %}
{% include "@atoms/links/link.twig" with {
link_content: item.title,
link_url: item.url,
link_base_class: link_base_class|default('link'),
link_modifiers: item_modifiers,
link_blockname: link_blockname|default(menu_class),
} %}
{% if item.below %}
{{ menus.menu_links(item.below, attributes, menu_level + 1, menu_class, menu_modifiers, menu_blockname, item_base_class, item_modifiers, item_blockname, link_base_class, link_modifiers, link_blockname) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}