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Created October 11, 2018 09:13
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philw_ [Oct 8th at 6:38 PM] I’m using to extract this data (along with colours) from our Sass, write it to a JSON file in the PL _data directory, and then read it from some Twig files in PL - seems a decent workflow for demonstrating values stored in Sass/SCSS npm sass-export Exports Sass files to Json format, able to manage sections with annotations in comments.

18 replies danny_englander [3 days ago] @philw_ That's really neat, I just tested it out

aleksip [2 days ago] @philw_ Very interesting, will have to look into this!

philw_ [1 day ago] I use annotations to make sass-export put specific variables in specific keys of a scss.json file inside _data

philw_ [1 day ago]

 * @sass-export-section="spacer"
$spacer: 8px;

$paragraph-margin-bottom: $spacer * 3;

$container-max-widths: (
  sm: 540px,
  md: 720px,
  lg: 960px,
  xl: 1140px,
  xxl: 1440px,

 * @sass-export-section="breakpoints"
$sm: 576px;
$md: 768px;
$lg: 992px;
$xl: 1200px;
$xxl: 1920px;

philw_ [1 day ago] For example

aleksip [1 day ago] Wow, nice!

salem.ghoweri [1 day ago] :+1:

We’ve doing something very similar in our design system, Bolt (basically sass-export + handling non-quoted Sass Map data + internal caching) so that anything relating to Colors, Spacing, Breakpoints, etc is always 100% in sync with the docs and demos in Pattern Lab.

For example, is powered by GitHub bolt-design-system/bolt Pega Digital’s next gen Design System, Bolt. Contribute to bolt-design-system/bolt development by creating an account on GitHub.

aleksip [1 day ago] @salem.ghoweri So you are using sass-export too! 🙂 Good to know.

philw_ [1 day ago] Looks like it’s that’s being used @aleksip npm @theme-tools/sass-export-data Export Sass as JSON data

philw_ [1 day ago] So a similar principle but expressed differently in Sass

philw_ [1 day ago] It looks good!

aleksip [1 day ago] Ah, thanks @philw_

jsheffers [1 day ago] Anyone have a good resource to output YAML files instead of JSON?

philw_ [1 day ago] @jsheffers I think Emulsify has an example of that? For picking up on colours defined in SCSS

philw_ [1 day ago] Have a look at the ‘emulsify-gulp’ repo on Github

danny_englander [1 day ago] There's a cool Emulsify function that converts sass color vars to YAML. but yes, like @philw_ said, Emulisfy is all YML based.

danny_englander [1 day ago] e.g.

- name: $lime
    value: '#cddc39'
  - name: $red
    value: '#e51c23'
  - name: $inidgo
    value: '#3f51b5'
  - name: $blue
    value: '#2196f3'
  - name: $cyan
    value: '#00bcd4'
  - name: $dark-cyan

danny_englander [1 day ago] and those come from a scss file where you've set up your colors

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