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Created January 23, 2023 04:18
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How to make PRs

How to Make PRs:

Here is a tutorial on how to make a pull request on GitHub using the command "git push origin main:BRANCH":

First, make sure you have git installed on your computer.

Clone the repository that you want to make a pull request to.

Create a new branch on your local machine by running the command "git branch BRANCH" (replace BRANCH with the name of the branch you want to create).

Switch to the new branch by running the command "git checkout BRANCH".

Make the changes you want to make to the code and then commit them to the new branch by running "git commit -am 'COMMIT MESSAGE'" (replace COMMIT MESSAGE with a message describing the changes you made).

Push the new branch to the remote repository by running the command "git push origin BRANCH".

Go to the GitHub website, navigate to the repository you just pushed to, and you should see a button to "Compare & pull request". Click on it.

Fill in the pull request form, adding more details about the changes you made and then submit the pull request.

Your pull request will now be reviewed by the repository maintainers. They may ask for additional changes, or they may merge your changes into the main branch.

Note: "main" is the default branch name but it could be different depending on the repository.

Hope this tutorial is helpful!

PRs branch naming:

A good naming system for pull request (PR) branches can help to easily identify the purpose of the branch, and the changes that have been made. Here are a few suggestions for naming conventions for PR branches:

Use a prefix to indicate the type of change. For example, "feature-" for new features, "fix-" for bug fixes, "docs-" for documentation updates, etc.

Use a clear and descriptive name that describes the changes made on the branch. For example, "feature-new-login-page" or "fix-broken-image-links"

Use a number or short code for the issue or ticket that the branch is addressing. For example, "feature-123-new-login-page" or "fix-456-broken-image-links"

Use the username as a prefix to indicate the branch creator. For example, "johndoe-feature-new-login-page"

If you are working on multiple PRs, adding timestamp or date to the branch name can be helpful to differentiate one branch from another.

Some examples of good branch names could be:


It's important to have a consistent naming system across your team so that it's easy to understand the purpose of the branch, and to find the branch you are looking for.

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