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Last active February 26, 2016 06:26
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Reindexing Strategy using 3 files.
#Reindexing your Elasticsearch indice with limited resource can be a painw when you have limited resources and need it running at the same time
#Hence it is advisable to size up the quantity and break it down into chunks based on time.
#Look to Kibana. The break down is already done for you even as you perform your search.
#Just pop up the request and the aggregation query is there.
#Using this, you can tally your document count according to time to verify your activities.
#I need to do this as due to resource constrains. Logstash input plugin sometimes hit into error and the plugin restart.
#When it restarts the query get executed again. With logstash plugin-input-Elasticsearch, it resume a new search.
#Any previous scroll ID is discarded. This is something you do not want happening.
#You can end up with more document in the target than the source. #Thus breaking it down to chucks limit the corruption and makes remediation easier.
#This automates the process of executing the logstash config one after another. Otherwise, manually is going be costly in terms of time.
#So the strategy is like this:
#1)create a logstash config template with ${START} and ${END} tag which we will replace using SED command with the actual time value.
#2)create a file that will have 2 value per line, START and END EPOCH time.
#3)The script will loop through the input and create the actual logstash config file and execute it.
#It is my experience that with approx 1GB of memory, you should be performing approx 30K document in one iteration.
#Dependency: Logstash (prefereably in path), Cygwin(For windows), sed. Assume everything is happening in the current directory.
#Lastly using a diff tool to compare the source and target aggregation result to verify the process.
#Start input.dat content.
#input.dat content format.
#1455174000000 1455184800000
#1455206400000 1455217200000
#1455271200000 1455282000000
#1455476400000 1455487200000
#Make sure it end with a new line.
#End input.dat content
#Start Sample Config template
#You can break up the data into segment anyway you see appropriate beside using time.
#input {
# elasticsearch {
# scan => false
# query => '
#{ "query": {
# "filtered": {
# "query": {"query_string": {"query": "*"}},
# "filter": {
# "bool": {
# "must": [
# {"range": {"@timestamp": {"gte": ${START},"lte": ${END},"format": "epoch_millis"}}}
# ],
# "must_not": []
# }
# }}
# }
# docinfo => true
# }
#filter {
# metrics {
# meter => "events"
# add_tag => "metric"
# }
#output {
# if "metric" in [tags] {
# stdout { }
# }
# End Template
#Start Script file that will read the segmentation, generate the config file and run it.
function run(){
cat reindex.preconfig|sed -e 's/\${START}/'$1'/' -e 's/\${END}/'$2'/' > $PREFIX"_"$1".conf";
logstash -f $PREFIX"_"$1".conf";
while read LINE
run $LINE;
done < input.dat;
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