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Last active October 15, 2021 14:43
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supar-kanbun tokenizer
class SuParKanbunTokenizer(object):
to_disk = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: None
from_disk = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: None
to_bytes = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: None
from_bytes = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: None
def __init__(self, bert, segment, vocab) -> None:
self.bert = bert
self.vocab = vocab
self.simplify = {}
if bert.startswith("guwenbert"):
self.simplify = simplify
pos_labels_path = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_DIR, "labelPOS.txt")
tagger_model_path = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_DIR, bert + ".pos")
parser_model_path = os.path.join(tagger_model_path, bert + ".supar")
senter_model_path = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_DIR, bert + ".danku")
with open(pos_labels_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
pos_labels =
# set up the POS tagger
self.tagger = AutoModelTagger(tagger_model_path, pos_labels.strip().split("\n"))
# set up the dependency parser (SuPaR)
self.parser = Parser.load(parser_model_path)
# if requested, set up the sentence segmenter (senter)
if segment:
self.senter = AutoModelTagger(
senter_model_path, ["B", "E", "E2", "E3", "M", "S"]
self.senter = None
# set up glosses
self.gloss = MakeGloss()
def __call__(self, input) -> Doc:
text = ""
# make a first pass through the text, simplifiying chars if needed
for char in input:
if char in self.simplify:
text += self.simplify[char]
text += char
# segment the text into sentences if requested
if self.senter:
unseg_text = text.replace("\n", "")
text = ""
# work in chunks of 500 characters at a time
while len(unseg_text) > 500:
chunk = self.senter(unseg_text[0:500])
seg_chunk = ""
for char, tag in chunk:
seg_chunk += char
if tag == "S" or tag == "E": # labels for sentence boundary
seg_chunk += "\n"
# add the chunk to the text, except the final two sentences?
seg_chunk = "\n".join(seg_chunk.split("\n")[0:-2]) + "\n"
text += seg_chunk
unseg_text = unseg_text[len(seg_chunk.replace("\n", "")) :]
# final chunk: just add everything that's left
chunk = self.senter(unseg_text)
for char, tag in chunk:
text += char
if tag == "S" or tag == "E":
text += "\n"
# tag parts of speech. if the text is <500 chars, do it in one call
if len(text) < 500:
pos = self.tagger(text.replace("\n", ""))
# otherwise, do it in chunks
pos = []
untagged_text = ""
# buffer the text into untagged_text one sentence at a time; dump
# to tagger when the buffer is >400 chars
for line in text.strip().split("\n"):
untagged_text += line
if len(untagged_text) > 400:
pos += self.tagger(untagged_text)
untagged_text = ""
# final buffer: tag everything that's left
if len(untagged_text) > 0:
pos += self.tagger(untagged_text)
# dependency parse char-by-char in each sentence using SuPaR
parsed_sents = self.parser.predict(
[[char for char in sentence] for sentence in text.strip().split("\n")],
# reformat the data as a list of sentences, adding features per word
text = text.replace("\n", "")
i = 0
sentences = []
for sentence in parsed_sents.sentences:
words = []
for head, deprel in zip(sentence.values[6], sentence.values[7]):
char = text[i]
trad_char = tradify[char] if char in tradify else char
"form": char,
"lemma": trad_char,
"pos": pos[i][1],
"head": head,
"deprel": deprel,
i += 1
# walk backwards through the sentence to collapse compound words
# into single tokens. if a word has the "compound" deprel, merge
# it with its head and combine the form/lemma for the new token.
for j in reversed(range(0, len(words) - 1)):
if (
words[j]["deprel"] == "compound"
and words[j]["head"] == j + 2
and words[j]["pos"] == words[j + 1]["pos"]
part = words.pop(j)
words[j]["form"] = part["form"] + words[j]["form"]
words[j]["lemma"] = part["lemma"] + words[j]["lemma"]
# prevent accidentally pointing the head too far?
for k in range(0, len(words)):
if words[k]["head"] > j + 1:
words[k]["head"] -= 1
# finally, add the sentence (wordlist) to the list of sentences
# global containers for features
vocab_strings = self.vocab.strings
root = vocab_strings.add("ROOT")
words = []
lemmas = []
pos = [] # UPOS
tags = [] # XPOS
feats = []
heads = []
deps = []
spaces = []
norms = []
# go through token-by-token counting and adding to global containers.
# as things are added to the containers, also add their unique values
# to the global string store.
for sentence in sentences:
for i, token in enumerate(sentence):
# store the surface form
form = token["form"]
# store the lemma
# the POS predictions contains universal part-of-speech values,
# extended part-of-speech values, and features. split all of
# these up and store/track them independently
pos = token["pos"].split(",")
xpos = ",".join(pos[0:4])
# if the token was a root, store it in "heads" and count it as
# a root. otherwise store its head in "heads" and count it as
# whatever deprel it has
if token["deprel"] == "root":
heads.append(token["head"] - i - 1)
# spaces is a just a list of False since we don't use them
# fetch the gloss based on the extended POS value. if there is
# a gloss, add it to the list of normalized forms. if not, just
# use whatever form we have
gloss = self.gloss(form, xpos)
if gloss != None:
# initialize a new spaCy Doc object, then manually apply the features
doc = Doc(self.vocab, words=words, spaces=spaces)
features = numpy.array(
list(zip(lemmas, pos, tags, deps, heads, norms)), dtype="uint64"
doc.from_array([LEMMA, POS, TAG, DEP, HEAD, NORM], features)
# mark the doc as tagged and parsed. (why would this error?)
# set the predicted features on each token using set_morph.
doc.is_tagged = True
doc.is_parsed = True
for i, feat in enumerate(feats):
if feat != "_" and feat != "":
return doc
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