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Last active February 5, 2016 08:07
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VPC Setup
DEB7_AMI = 'ami-61e56916' # Fetched from
AZS = [:a, :b]
cidr_block_lookup = {
public: { a: '',
b: '',
c: '' },
private: { a: '',
b: '',
c: '' }
provider 'aws',
region: 'eu-west-1',
access_key: @aws_access_key_id,
secret_key: @aws_secret_access_key
aws_vpc VPC_NAME,
tags: { Name: VPC_NAME },
cidr_block: ''
aws_internet_gateway 'production',
vpc_id: id_of('aws_vpc', VPC_NAME)
aws_instance "bastion",
ami: DEB7_AMI,
availability_zone: "eu-west-1a",
instance_type: 't2.micro',
key_name: 'ops',
vpc_security_group_ids: [id_of('aws_security_group', 'all_servers'),
id_of('aws_security_group', 'allow_external_ssh'),
id_of('aws_security_group', 'bastion')],
subnet_id: id_of('aws_subnet', 'public-a'),
associate_public_ip_address: true,
source_dest_check: false,
monitoring: true,
tags: { Name: "bastion" }
aws_eip "bastion",
instance: id_of('aws_instance', "bastion"),
vpc: true
aws_security_group 'allow_external_ssh',
name: 'allow_external_ssh',
ingress: { from_port: 22,
to_port: 22,
protocol: 'tcp',
cidr_blocks: [''] },
vpc_id: id_of('aws_vpc', VPC_NAME)
aws_security_group 'bastion',
name: 'bastion',
vpc_id: id_of('aws_vpc', VPC_NAME)
aws_security_group 'allow_bastion',
name: 'allow_bastion',
ingress: { from_port: 22,
to_port: 22,
protocol: 'tcp',
security_groups: [id_of('aws_security_group', 'bastion')]
vpc_id: id_of('aws_vpc', VPC_NAME)
aws_security_group 'all_servers',
name: 'all_servers',
egress: { from_port: 0,
to_port: 0,
protocol: -1,
cidr_blocks: ['']
vpc_id: id_of('aws_vpc', VPC_NAME)
aws_route_table 'public',
tags: { Name: 'public' },
vpc_id: id_of('aws_vpc', VPC_NAME),
route: { cidr_block: '',
gateway_id: id_of('aws_internet_gateway', 'production')
AZS.each do |az|
[:private, :public].each do |type|
subnet_name = "#{type}-#{az}"
public_subnet_name = "public-#{az}"
resource 'aws_subnet', subnet_name,
tags: { Name: subnet_name },
vpc_id: id_of('aws_vpc', VPC_NAME),
cidr_block: cidr_block_lookup[type][az],
availability_zone: "eu-west-1#{az}"
case type
when :public
nat_eip = "#{subnet_name}-nat"
resource 'aws_route_table_association', subnet_name,
route_table_id: id_of('aws_route_table', 'public'),
subnet_id: id_of('aws_subnet', subnet_name)
resource 'aws_nat_gateway', subnet_name,
allocation_id: id_of('aws_eip', nat_eip),
subnet_id: id_of('aws_subnet', subnet_name)
aws_eip nat_eip,
vpc: true
when :private
aws_route_table subnet_name,
tags: { Name: subnet_name },
vpc_id: id_of('aws_vpc', VPC_NAME),
route: { cidr_block: '',
nat_gateway_id: id_of('aws_nat_gateway', public_subnet_name)
resource 'aws_route_table_association', subnet_name,
route_table_id: id_of('aws_route_table', subnet_name),
subnet_id: id_of('aws_subnet', subnet_name)
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